Pikmin Throw

Revision as of 09:39, June 28, 2008 by Pikamander2 (talk | contribs) (If his Pikmin are busy with the opponent, then of course he couldn't use them for other purposes.)

Pikmin Throw is Pikmin & Olimar's Side Special Move. Captain Olimar throws a Pikmin at an enemy, then the Pikmin latches onto the enemy and slowly racks up damage, similar to the effects of Lip's Stick. Different Pikmin have different effects when thrown, such as additional throwing damage from a blue Pikmin, a curved trajectory from a yellow Pikmin, and knockback and damage instead of damage over a long period only from Purple Pikmin.

The Pikmin Throw is Olimar's most-often used attack (other than Pikmin Pluck, obviously). However, the fact that only Purple Pikmin have any knockback makes this move difficult to master. It should be used to repel incoming opponents that are charging at Olimar while he is throwing Pikmin (latched-on Pikmin do not cause an enemy to flinch, and so they can continue attacking normally. Purple Pikmin are the exception, knocking the enemy away and interrupting any attacks currently winding up.) Olimar's attacks require lots of training to be made effective. However, it may make opponents have to take time to knock the Pikmin off.

Pikmin can be reflected back at Olimar, in which case, they will stick to him. Simply use Pikmin Order to get them off if this happens.

The less damage the opponent have, the longer time the Pikmin will latch on. Also, Pikmin are unable to latch onto Subspace Emissary enemies. A strong attack is usually enough to not only shake off the Pikmin, but usually also kill them.


In Pikmin, if Olimar wasn't able to direct the Pikmin to something, he could alternatively throw them to what he wanted them to interact with. Thrown at enemies, the Pikmin would cling to them and attack. Not very strong by themselves, the key to the Pikmin's power was to overwhelm enemies with large numbers of them.

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