Hyper-Drive/Nemesis (formerly named RiskN) is an Oregonian Smash Bros. player, considered to be one of the best in the state. Debuting as a top Sonic player in Brawl, he has made his way into various other Smash titles, notably Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, where he is once again a top smasher in his state. He was the creator and No. 1 of the Freedom From Tiers' crew before the team dissolved, and has recently been signed on by Big Blues, a former rival crew, where he once again is their best player.
Nemesis is currently ranked #1 on the Big Blues Super Smash Bros. for Wii U rankings, and was ranked 27th on the Google + Competitive Smash Bros. Community’s global rankings before resigning from the group. He participated in the 32-man community tournament, and ended up getting 5th place(?). In the FFT standings, he was ranked #1 in the crew as well, being the only player to have taken two OF tourneys.