Spring Jump

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Revision as of 03:19, May 20, 2009 by PenguinofDeath (talk | contribs) ("than" was misspelled and line was put in wrong place. also, is this actually true?)
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For the item in the Super Smash Bros. series, see Spring.

Spring Jump is Sonic's Up Special Move in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which acts as a personalized spring, causing a spring from the Sonic series to immediately appear underneath him, shooting Sonic up a great vertical distance. When used on the ground, the spring remains in place for a while, allowing other characters to use it, too. If this move is used in the air, the spring falls downwards, acting as a projectile, making it effective for edge guarding. After using this move, Sonic still retains the ability to use normal aerial attacks and air dodges, but will be unable to use Special Attacks until he touches the ground. Additionally, this move does not allow Sonic to grab any ledges onstage (I.E. auto-sweetspot) until he is finished gaining vertical distance, making it dangerous for recovery if Sonic goes above a ledge and exposed to an edge-guarder. Barring any outside influence, the spring will remain on the ground long enough for Sonic to do three jumps off of, disappearing just as he makes his third jump. Unlike the Spring item, it will always face straight up, even on a steep slope. Sonic's Dair seems to be a counter of this; it sends you downward at about the same height.

If Sonic bounces off a previously set Spring, even his own, it doesn't count as his third jump as long as he doesn't land on it immediately from his Up Special, so he can use Spring Jump immediately afterward, gaining a great deal of height, essentially two back-to-back Up Specials.


  • If Sonic is grabbed after using his spring(and not thrown or pummeled), Sonic will be unable to use the spring again until he lands or gets attacked.
  • If Sonic goes into a Barrel Cannon via this move, when he jumps after he lands, he will go into his helpless pose.
  • The spring left behind by the attack is one of the few items that can't be eaten.
  • Sonic's Spring Jump used from the ground actually goes higher up than a short-hop and aerial Spring Jump. Essentially, an aerial Spring Jump does not go as high as a grounded Spring Jump.

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