Smash Taunt

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Revision as of 01:00, September 12, 2010 by Megatron1 (talk | contribs) (flinch ain't capitalized on the flinch page. and besides, the page is called flinching)
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A Smash Taunt is a special taunt that can be done only by certain characters, on certain stages, more specifically the Star Fox Characters on the Star Fox Stages (see: Star Fox Smash Taunt), and Snake on Shadow Moses Island (see: Snake's Codec Messages). In Melee, the Smash Taunt could only be done by Fox and Falco on the Corneria Stage or the Venom Stage. However, in Brawl, Wolf, Fox, Falco, and Snake can do it.

Once one of the characters successfully initiates the taunt, he will do a pose lasting several seconds. During this time, the character can't move, and if he's hit the taunt will be cancelled. However, if the pose is completed without flinching, the radio conversations will begin. If the character who did the Smash Taunt is KO'd during the conversation, it will abruptly come to a halt, and, in Snake's case, include a humorous conclusion based on the Game Over from the Metal Gear Solid series. In Melee, however, being KO'd is not even necessary; the characters only need to flinch to end it.

  • Smash Taunts are used by tapping the down taunt button just once, for about one frame.
  • Smash Taunts can only be used once per match for all characters, regardless of whom initiates it. If the initial pose is for any reason broken, all players must wait until the match is over to make another attempt.
  • Smash Taunts cannot be activated if the character has a Smash Ball.

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