Team:Melee Hell

Revision as of 02:39, May 16, 2015 by Brookman (talk | contribs) (more accurate)

Melee Hell is a movement, designed as a safe haven for freedom of speech in a community that has become increasingly more political correct. While centered around the facebook group, Melee Hell transcends common knowledge and preconceived notions that spectators and concerned on-lookers may adapt from here-say or gossip while never participating actively.

"...this group is designed to be as radical as possible while simultaneously having no meaning..."~ Melee Hell Disclaimer . Brookman created the group and active posting members include Hungrybox, Mew2King and Hax, among many other Smashers.

Posters on Melee Hell often reference in-jokes, such as 20XX (with Hax being their lord and savior and with everyone in the group saying they main Fox), farcical posts about Melee's perceived quality compared to other games in the series, and satirical statements about other smashers.

Melee Hell| Tag

Multiple smashers, such as Bones, have used "Melee Hell" as a clan name in tournaments. A large number of smashers also entered with the tag at Apex 2015, though this was mostly done as a joke, as well as serving as a practical way to organize a crew battle with members of Melee Social. Owing to the controversy over the group's existence, some tournament organizers have banned the use of the Melee Hell tag, though some organizations, such as CLASH Tournaments and VGBootCamp, do not ban the tag.


"Melee Hell is innocuous, individuals are not" ~ Melee Hell disclaimer

Melee Hell has been controversial to some members of the community, with criticism being focused at the often vulgar and obscene content of the page; some of the content has also been criticized for being racist or sexist, as well as promoting trolling. Some followers of Melee Hell have also sent threats to smashers outside of the group; however, admins for Melee Hell prohibit such threats, and many members do not approve of such threats.

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