
Revision as of 16:50, January 3, 2015 by Miles of SmashWiki (talk | contribs) (don't need any Japanese knowledge to correct English spelling. although it looks like this page has leftover copypaste from Mario's.)
Japanese.png This page is part of SW:1226. The original page is located here.
Hover over a piece of text to see the original Japanese. If you think you can improve a translation, do so.
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Updated January 8th, 2002

It's not ミューツー. (Just to be clear)

Well known as the strongest Pokémon, it employs various ESP abilities.
It's also highly intelligent, or so they say.

Explanation of these terms:

The appearance, shape, and structure of a character's body

Jumps and punches, and other such character animations

How the character runs and operates in the game

Voice and sound effects

Graphic effects such as smoke, spray, and light

Running speed and falling speed, and other attack configurations

Since Mario is the most basic character, to an extent, this determines the nature of the game.
So, everything is somewhat based off Mario.

Mewtwo SSBM.jpg

SW:1226 Note
Descriptions from images in this gallery are written here instead of on individual pages.
Mewtwo Pose SSBM.jpg Confusion.jpg Mewtwo's Shadow Ball.jpg
Mewtwo. Finally it appears. Confusion mysteriously reflects projectiles using ki. Shadow Ball flies in a strange way that makes it a bit difficult to reflect via powershielding.
Mewtwo Nair SSBM.jpg Disable.jpg Mewtwo Yoshi Crates.jpg
Electricity and purple fire are at Mewtwo's command. Disable, when it lines up with your opponents eyes, steals their freedom, making it quite dangerous. Carrying items are not held directly.

Table of Mewtwo's special moves
Normal special move Shadow Ball
Side special move Confusion
Up special move Teleport
Down special move Disable
