User:Jarie Suicune

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Revision as of 17:28, October 1, 2014 by Jarie Suicune (talk | contribs)
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I'm Jarie スイクン (aka: Jarie Suicune), a Smasher since Super Smash Bros. 64, playing all versions, though mostly active in Smash 4 (or whatever the newest one is, if more time has passed...).

I usually rant and state my opinions with my first time around, so please don't stick around if you aren't open-minded enough to accept my closed-mindedness.

  • I may make this more Userpage-ish at some later time, if I feel like it. And remember it exists.


My favorite Smash game is all of them.

  • But it would be "whatever the newest one is", if I were forced to choose.

My favorite characters are all female (including female forms).

  • My best characters are all of the females, plus a couple others.
    • Typcially, my BEST character is Samus/Zero Suit Samus (Together or both, depending on if it's Brawl or not)

I'm a Casual-Hardcore gamer.

  • That's a type that seems generally hated by the Smash Community. And I don't care about reasons why that's not true.
    • "All [insert 'best' character's name for the game here], Final Destination, no items!"
      • BORING. Also, shows lack of skill for the game in it's entirety. These players have small, specialized skill-sets which they force on everyone else in the name of "Balance/Fairness".
        • Naturally, this gets misinterpreted as "I NEVER play that way, you people are such losers". Of course I do, sometimes it's fun to have a basic one-on-one with no possible obstacles. I just play ALL styles competitively.
  • ie: Casual-Hardcore = Plays for fun, but has the hardcore skillset of upper-tier players.
    • We use all items, we use all characters, we fight on every stage without worry.


I'm male. I use female avatars/characters/etc.

I hate most official translations (Japanese->English) for game/anime/book/etc., so I import my consoles and games. Hence I don't use the English names for characters, items, and such, which sometimes leaves me confused for a bit when someone uses the English name I don't recognize (I use the English names when editing wiki pages, of course, to save someone else the trouble).

  • I know Japanese as well (far from a top translator though), big shock.
  • And it's nice to get a game as soon as it comes out, rather than waiting however long!


  • A random and spontaneously-made friend and I took 2nd at a doubles tournament in Brawl with the final round against a duo of state champions, making it to the 3rd of 5 rounds.
    • Not bad for someone who never did a tourney before with a random buddy. And I get worse in crowds and with strong nervous tension... Doubt we would have won anyways, as at least I had never trained for doubles, let alone played together previously.
  • I don't much like my experiences with the Smash community, especially just here on the wiki.
    • The wiki itself is amazing, and I love it!
  • I don't play online much, but when I do, I enjoy it! Especially now that there is more control over who you play with online in Smash 4!

Games I Play

Listed by series' title, or the game's title if just one in a series. If there are specific ones rather than the full series, they will be sub-listed. Otherwise, yes, I play THE WHOLE SERIES. In Japanese, whenever possible.

Nintendo games

  • 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ (you're currently on it's wiki, if you don't recognize the title)
  • Wii Fit
  • Pokémon
  • Bravely Default
  • Shining Force
  • Sonic the Hedgehog (Including the Sega games, of course!)
  • Golden Sun
  • Okami (and Okamiden)
  • Super Mario
    • Super Mario Bros.
    • Super Mario Bros. for Super Players (Super Mario Bros. 2, aka "The Lost Levels")
    • New Super Mario Bros.
    • Super Mario 3D World
  • Mario Kart series
    • Mario Kart Wii
    • Mario Kart 7
    • Mario Kart 8
  • Metroid
  • 無双 series (Musou series, aka "Warriors series")
    • 戦国無双3 猛将伝 (Sengoku Musou 3)
    • 無双OROCHI2Hyper (Musou Orochi 2 Hyper)
    • Zelda 無双 (Zelda Musou)
  • Bayonetta (2)
  • Luminous Arc
  • PangYa!
  • Naruto 激闘忍者大戦 (NOT the non-Japanese "Clash of Ninja" games. I treat them quite separately.)
  • Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
  • Tekken

Card games

  • Pokémon (I collect Japanese only)
  • 遊☆戯☆王 (I collect Japanese only)
  • Magic the Gathering (I collect either English or Japanese)

Other video games

  • Jill of the Jungle
  • Xargon
  • Jazz Jackrabbit
  • Worms (ONLY the 2D-style ones... Worms Armageddon is still my favorite)
  • Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
  • Fable (only played Fable III, looking forward to the next one!)