Super Smash Bros. 4
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Character customization

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The character customization interface on an amiibo

Character customization, officially character creation (キャラ作り, character creation), referred to as Custom Move Sets (カスタマイズ必殺ワザ, Customize Special Techniques) in the Smash Direct, is a feature in Super Smash Bros. 4. It appears to allow players to alter several fundamental properties of characters' special moves. All characters have 1 standard and 2 variations of each special move to choose from, with the exception of Palutena and the Mii Fighters, who instead have a selection of completely different specials. Certain characters, such as Mega Man, have moves that appear to function significantly differently as well.

Before the Super Smash Bros. Direct where the feature was officially announced, in June 2013, Masahiro Sakurai had stated that players will be able to customize characters in the 3DS game and transfer those customizations to the Wii U game. He had also stated that the customizations will not be alternate costumes (Mii Fighters are, apparently, an exception), and that they would not have to be unlocked through repeated tasks.[1]

It is possible to save multiple custom versions of each character, though the exact maximum has yet to be determined. From the Character Select Screen, upon selecting a character, all customized versions of that character will show up, and the player can choose which version to play as or against. The same goes for Mii Fighters, with which every Mii Fighter ever created by the player will appear in a list, for the player to choose from. Character customization will be available when playing locally or when playing online with friends, but not when playing online with anyone.


The options for customizing movesets appear in the form of "Custom parts", which come in multiple types[2]:

  • Equipment: Collected through the games' numerous game modes, these items can be equipped to characters as to boost three potential stats: speed, attack, and defense. Some of these items may be identical in appearance in menus, but offer different stat boosts. They do not affect the appearance of fighters in-game. Equipment appears to correlate with items that each fighter is known for; for example, Mario uses gloves, shoes, and overalls. Currently, only a few pieces of equipment are known:
    • Max-Power Gloves: Boost attack power, and according to the name, are assumed to be the most powerful power-increasing item.
    • High-Power Gloves: Boost attack power by a lot, but still lose to the above item.
    • Air Pinata Gloves
    • High-Speed Dash Shoes: Boost walking/running speed.
    • Ultra-Lightweight Shoes: Same as above, but difference in stat boost is currently unknown.
    • Easy Split-Second Shield Overalls: Increases defense, making characters who equip it harder to launch and lowers the damage they take.
    • Rare Agility Badge
    • Hard Breaker Agility Badge
    • Quick Batter Protection Badge
    • Unknown equipment with negative (red) effect of removing respawn invincibility.
    • Unknown equipment with effect of increasing attack in a crisis.
  • Specials: Lets players change the special attacks of various characters. Details are shown in a later section.
  • Headgear: Head accessories for Miis that behave similar to outfits. The available headgear shown so far are:
    • A top hat.
    • A hibiscus barrette.
    • A sun hat.
    • A helmet from Mii Force.
    • Samus's helmet
    • Meta Knight's mask
    • Mario's Hat
    • A Slippy Toad based Hat
    • Peach's hair, earrings, and crown
    • An American football helmet.
  • Outfits: Can be used to customize the outfits and accessories of Mii Fighters. It is currently unknown how they will be unlocked, or whether the user can change the colors of these outfits. However, it has been shown that certain outfits will alter the appearance of a Mii's weapons, depending on its type (such as a leather bodysuit changing a Swordfighter's sword into a beam sword, or a tuxedo giving a Gunner's arm-cannon a smaller, sleeker appearance). The available outfits shown so far are:
    • Standard Outfit: The default clothing worn by Miis.
    • A suit and tie.
    • An American football outfit.
    • A leather bodysuit with glowing accents on it, (including one that resembles the Smash logo).
    • An Old-English style outfit.
    • A bulky armor suit that also has glowing accents on it.
    • A tight shirt and black leather pants covered in bling.
    • A cowboy costume. There is a female variant of this that includes a skirt.
    • Fighter Uniform: An outfit resembling a martial arts uniform.
  • Powers: Assorted powers implied to only take effect in Smash Run. A similar system was earlier used in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Most if not all powers have multiple levels; higher levels grant a greater number and\or more effective uses, but take up more of the total weight limit [3]. The total weight limit is determined by a character's speed, including equipment affecting their speed; the faster the speed, the lower the weight limit:
    • Shocking Taunt
    • Rage
    • Auto Recovery
    • Dual Cyclone
    • Devil Pact
    • Healing Shield
    • Heavenly Light
    • High Jump
    • Homing Missiles
    • Brief Invincibility
    • Back Shield
    • Beam Sword
    • Bob-omb
    • Boomerang
    • Ore Club
    • Hammer
    • Ray Gun
    • Rocket Belt
    • Smart Bomb
    • Super Leaf
    • Super Scope
    • Extra Jump
    • Homing Foe
    • Instant Drop
    • Meteor Shower
    • Evershield
    • Smash Extend
    • Power Bomb
    • Random
    • Reflector
    • Payback
    • Spinning Blades
    • Shinespark
    • Shuffle
    • Horizon Beam
    • Launch Ring
    • Strong Body
    • Strong Head
    • Strong Kick
    • Strong Throw
    • Super Armor
    • Warp

List of Custom Specials

Character Custom neutral specials Custom side specials Custom up specials Custom down specials Unknown
Mario Fast Fireball: Travels much faster and moves straight, but causes minimal knockback. Fire Orb: A larger Fireball with a vortex-like appearance which moves significantly slower and hits multiple times. Shocking Cape: Added electric effect. No other information is known about it. Gust Cape: Added wind effect. No other information is known about it. Super Jump: Leaves a trail behind Mario, sacrificing damage for recovery distance. No other information is known about it. Explosive Punch: Produces fire and explosive damage. Scalding F.L.U.D.D.: Appears to deal rapid fire damage and keep enemies held in place. High-Pressure F.L.U.D.D: A more powerful and thicker spray of water. No other information is known about it.
Luigi Bouncing Fireball: Bounces identically to Mario's standard Fireball. Ice Ball: Slower and travels a further distance. Freezes opponents at higher percentages. Straight Missile: Green Missile variant that travels perfectly horizontally, neither rising nor falling. High-speed Missile: Increased speed and range. Easy Fire Jump Punch: Reduces the vertical recovery of Luigi's Super Jump Punch but makes it easier to sweet-spot the move. Burying Head Attack: Removes Super Jump Punch's sweet spot, but Luigi quickly plummets downwards during his descent, burying grounded opponents. Blowout Mach Tornado: Luigi Cyclone does no damage until the end, where it has high knockback and pops Luigi into the air. Reduced horizontal movement. Cyclone Lariat: Cyclone does not trap opponents, instead causing increased knockback.
Dr. Mario ???: Removes the stalling effect from the standard cape. Lowers the damage from 10% to 5% and keeps the reversal effect. However it also has a giant wind-box just past the cape. ???: Adds fire to the jump punch. Two hitboxes. 16% for the end hit, 27% if you get both hits. Kills at 90%+ ???: Sacrifices all damage for massive vertical recovery and a giant wind-box.
Peach Grumpy Toad: Toad automatically shoots spores instead of countering an attack. Rising Peach Bomber: Peach Bomber causes Peach to go farther forward as well as upwards, and is stronger if it connects. Super Parasol Jump: Peach Parasol causes the initial jump to be much higher, though Peach immediately closes her parasol and is helpless afterwards. Heavy Vegetable: Vegetables take much longer to pull, but do much more damage.
Bowser Fireball: A large fireball with noticeable startup lag that appears to go through enemies. Flash Fire: Stronger than Bowser's Fire Breath but loses range quickly. Dash Slam: Dash forward and slam someone with less vertical distance. Koopa Klaw: Same as Melee counterpart without the grab. Rocket Fortress: Increased vertical distance at cost of horizontal. Fast Fortress: Increased horizontal distance. Vortex Slam: Pushes away anyone next to Bowser's landing spot. Quake Slam: Makes those standing near Bowser slip when he lands.
Bowser Jr. ???: Buries opponents Bowser Jr. runs over. ???: Launches Bowser Jr. up very high.
Rosalina Luma Warp: Luma does little damage but teleports out faster. Strong Shot: Luma moves slower but deals multiple strong hits. Drifting Star Bit: A large projectile that moves slow and deals multiple hits. Speedy Star Bit: Projectiles fly faster. High Star Jump: More vertical recovery. Jump Star Attack: Deal damage at the end of Rosalina's jump. Catch & Release: Similar to Gravitational Pull, but fighters are drawn in instead of items. Guardian Luma: Luma grows huge and acts as a shield.
Yoshi Lick: Yoshi jumps forward and attacks with its tongue. Egg Launch: Launches the egg farther behind Yoshi, but makes it easier to break. Heavy Egg Roll: Slower but deals more damage. Egg Fireworks: Eggs have an explosion effect. Crushing Bomb: More powerful, but no stars appear on impact.
Wario Hyper Suction: Behaves like Wario's regular bite but with a suction effect. It might do less damage. Garlic Breath: Long startup, but Wario exhales bad breath at his opponent. If they are next to Wario, they will be stunned as if their shield was broken. Farther opponents get knocked away and tripped. Speedy Bike: Wario's bike is super fast, but it cannot turn around. Does more damage head on than wheelieing. Heavy Bike: Wario's bike moves slowly but does increased damage and buries opponents. Has a special animation if Wario performs a wheelie. Angled Twister: Wario can control the angle of Wario's up special. It can go nearly horizontally. It goes a lot less farther than the default, though. High Jump: Wario jumps extremely high. This deals no damage. Floral Waft: Wario's waft puts a flower on his opponent. Has little knockback, but the flower racks up damage fast. Rising Waft: Wario's fart charges faster and he does damage as he rises into the air. Less damage and knockback than the regular waft.
Donkey Kong Storm Punch: Creates a large gust of wind. ???: A quick charging, electric punch. Strong Kong: A Headbutt with significant startup lag, but knockback resistance. ???: A quick headbutt that also gives downward momentum when used in the air. ???: A more vertical recovery than the normal move. ???: Seems to grant more power, but worsens recovery utility. ???: A Hand Slap that deals electric damage. ???: A Hand Slap that deals fire damage.
Diddy Kong Shocking Banana Peel: Paralyzes those who step on it.
Link Silver Arrows: Uncharged it falls STRAIGHT to the ground. Does 3% damage uncharged. Fully charged, however, is where this arrow shines. Does roughly 20% damage but actually has knockback. Can KO at about 100%. ESPECIALLY if using it once the opponent is off the stage. Can not be used to edge guard as it disappears as soon as it gets to below link's feet. Piercing Arrows: Covers less distance and has magical sound effects, but the arrow always flies straight and disappears at the end of its path rather than hitting the ground. It also has a piercing effect! Fully charged arrow goes roughly twice as far. Does 2% uncharged, 8% fully charged. No Knockback at all. ???: Removes the gale effect and deals more damage, akin to the pre-Brawl Boomerang. Magic Boomerang: Doesn't go as far (roughly half the distance of the other two boomerangs) and goes half as fast, BUT it has a piercing effect and can hit multiple times (going away AND coming back). Does 4% up close, then 2% going out, then 1% each hit on the way back. Seemingly no knockback. Flying Spin Attack: Allows you to cover more horizontal (and seemingly the same vertical distance) at the cost of doing no damage. It also covers the distance much quicker. If used on the ground, it forces you to go upwards and has no ground-only variation. Magic Spin Attack: Similar to the other spin attack, but it has the same 'black lightning' effect that robin's levin sword has when he hits with it (sound effects and all). Does more damage and knockback at the cost of vertical distance with the recovery. Really strong on the ground. 14% uncharged, 23% fully charged, can actually be used as a kill move. Super Bomb: Physically a larger Bomb with a greatly improved blast radius and increased damage. Does not explode or cause knockback when it hits a player, but will detonate after 5 seconds. Takes slightly longer to pull out. Meteor Bomb: Quicker to pull out and travels faster, but does less damage. Bombs have a meteor effect.
Toon Link Fire Bow: Identical to Young Link's special. Piercing Arrow: Arrows fly straight and go through enemies and projectiles, at cost of distance. Slow Boomerang: Flies slower with more control. Easier to return to Toon Link. Fast Boomerang: Flies faster but only returns to the spot where it was thrown. Hurricane Spin: More charge time but can move horizontally when spinning on the ground. Deals more damage than usual. Rising Slash: More vertical distance on last slash. Sturdy Bomb: Bomb explodes later but has increased weight. Deals less damage than usual. Short-Fuse Bomb: Bombs explode quickly with bigger blast radius. Deals more damage than usual.
Zelda Nayru's Pulse: Less duration, damage and knockback, but adds a "flip" effect akin to Mario's Cape. Nayru's Explosion: Draws in opponents before creating an explosion around Zelda. Fast Din's Fire: A faster Din's Fire with no vertical movement. Heavy Din's Fire: Much more vertical movement and a delayed explosion that grows based on distance travelled. Farore's Vortex: Less damage but more range, pushes enemies away at the beginning and end, and carries them along with Zelda. Farore's Meteor: Can only teleport straight up, but deals meteor damage on reappearance. Phantom Push: Changes hitbox locations and pushes players away. Phantom CQC: The Phantom appears next to Zelda regardless of charge, rather than flying forward.
Sheik Penetrating Needle: Needle goes through multiple opponents, but can only charge up to three. Electric effect. Drugged Needle: Longer hitstun. Can only hold one and attack animation is much longer, leaving Sheik vulnerable. Inviting Grenade: No draw in effect before explosion, but enemies hit by the blast are knocked towards Sheik. Rolling Grenade: Grenade bounces on the ground away from Sheik with a controllable timed delay before exploding. Instant Warp: Larger movement range but no explosion or damage potential. Abyss: Explosion knocks upward with a meteor effect. Possible to hit enemies again after initial explosion. Jellyfish: Arcs much more vertically; easier to follow-up attack after initial hit. The Fish: Arcs much closer to the ground and faster, but will not attack unless the button is pressed again; harder to time.
Ganondorf ???: Ganondorf pulls out his sword and plunges it forward in a stabbing motion, adding range at the cost of power. ???: Ganondorf spins upward, but does not grab his opponent.
Samus Slow Beam: Takes longer to charge and deals less knockback, but fires a larger, much slower-moving projectile. Shotgun Beam: Releases a short-range "shotgun blast" of energy rather than a projectile ball. Slow Missile: Missiles move much slower, granting homing Missiles more control. Delayed Missile: Missiles move faster, but "stall" for a moment before flying forward. Boost Ball: Deals more damage and moves more diagonally/horizontally. Shinespark: A purely vertical leap that only damages at the beginning and end. Slippy Bomb: Bombs cause opponents to trip but deal very little damage. Power Bomb: Explodes in a much larger blast after several seconds, limited to one on the stage at a time.
Zero Suit Samus Blaster Shot: Range and speed increase, but power decreases and loses paralyzing effect Spreading Paralyzer: Shot explodes in front of ZSS like a flare, travels a short distance, but hits a wide range Snare Whip: Ensnares opponent and draws them in, does not connect if she is too close to the opponent Impact Kick: Launches opponents skyward with a jump kick, spinning finisher is extremely powerful Slide Booster: Lowers the boost on her heels and performs a low jump kick, uses extra strength to boost forward Comet Kick: Press the button while airborne to deliver a sharp falling kick, does not drive opponents into the ground while flipping
Kirby Ice Breath: Ice Kirby's basic attack, disables Kirby's copy abilities. Jump Inhale: Kirby jumps and moves a significant distance forwards as he inhales. Launching Hammer: No other information is known about it. Giant Hammer: No other information is known about it. Ground Wave: Does not appear to give Kirby the recovery that Final Cutter does. Rising Cutter: No other information is known about it. Heavy Stone: Buries grounded foes that it hits. Appears larger than normal. Meteor Stone: No other information is known about it. A custom Down Special called Hammer Bash was reported to be in the game; however, all of Kirby's customizable specials have been confirmed since. It is unknown if its name was changed, if it was removed entirely, or if something else happened to it.
Meta Knight Speed Drill: A longer ranged Drill Rush that cannot be controlled. Breaker Drill: Less range and power, but deals high shield damage.
King Dedede
Fox Hyper Laser: Shots that sacrifice fire rate for damage. Charge Blaster: Takes longer to fire but is larger with more damage and hitstun. Fox Explosion: Move less distance but explodes on contact. Fox Flash: Works just like the Wolf Flash. Jet Boots: Move can be used faster but deals no damage. Barrel Roll: Replaces the flames of Fire Fox with a drill-shaped wind pattern. Nothing else is known about it. Large Reflector: Increased Reflector size. Pulse Reflector: Reflected projectiles deal more damage.
Falco Exploding Blaster: The blaster "bullet" turns into a sphere that goes forward a bit slower than the regular blaster. The sphere explodes on impact, not in a bomb type manner but more like Robin's Arc Thunder (in the X shape). Quick Blaster: Blaster shots become rapid fire like Fox's, but don't stagger targets anymore and are weaker. Vision Through: Very little start up time. Increased distance and grants invincibility frames through the whole attack, but no longer causes damage. Falco Charge: Has high power, but the distance is lowered by a lot. Might be useful for a finisher at high percents. Quick Fire Bird: Slightly faster start up than the vanilla version, but slightly shorter reach. Falco doesn't light on fire, but instead explodes and is launched upwards. It does little damage. Long Fire Bird: The start up is slower, but he is launched farther. Also the tail-end of his attack is a multi-hit, doing around 16% in total, if you get all the hits in. ???: The reflector is a purple-red color and does a decent amount of damage with sizable knockback. Slightly slower than the vanilla version. Useful for ledge guarding or KO'ing at 100%+. Accel Reflector: The reflector is lime green in color and speeds up reflected projectiles, but only reflects as it travels forward. (It turns off when it boomerangs back to Falco)
Pikachu ???': Pikachu's Thunder Jolt will stun opponents like a fully charged shot from Zero Suit Samus, however it travels a far shorter distance. Self-Generation: Unleashes an electric attack originating from Pikachu itself. Great Thunder: Extended reach, as well as a sweet spot where it begins and a sour spot where it ends.
Jigglypuff Continuous Roll: Rollout passes through foes rather than bouncing off. Raging Roll: A much longer charge time, but high damage and hits shields hard. Sideways Pound: Cancels Jigglypuff's momentum, deals less damage and knocks enemies horizontally. Multi-Pound: Pounds multiple times, dealing more damage and moving Jigglypuff further forward. Hyper Voice: Damages rather than putting foes to sleep. Back-Turning Song: Flips opponents around rather than putting them to sleep. Jumping Rest: Launches Jigglypuff upwards before falling asleep, knocking away foes. Awakening Attack: Sleeps for less time and explodes on wake, dealing 5% damage to Jigglypuff itself.
Charizard ???: Shoots three quick bursts of fire. Each burst momentarily stuns those hit. ???: Reduced horizontal recovery in exchange for damage. (Upwards of 23%) ???: Reduced damage for greater horizontal recovery. No fire. ???: Reduced vertical recovery in exchange for damage. (Upwards of 20%) ???: Charizard attacks the opponent with just its head and no rock. No other information is known. ???: When the rock is smashed, the shards do extra damage.
Lucario Draw-in Aura Sphere: Aura Sphere travels slowly and draws in opponents. Piercing Aura Sphere: A low power, fast-moving piercing Aura Sphere that can be fired rapidly. Full Body Force Palm: Advances a large distance and released Aura. The Aura itself only travels a short distance. Long Range Force Palm: Increased range at the cost of power. Pushes the opponent away. Ride the Wind: Increases distance but removes damage. Extreme Speed Attack: Increases knockback, but also startup. Glancing Counter: Lucario parries and drives his fist into the opponent. Paralyzing Double Team: Counter-attack that causes paralysis.
Greninja Stagnant Shuriken: No other information is known about it. Intense Shadow Sneak: Shadow moves slower through the ground, Shadow can move farther away, attack deals more knockback Speedy Shadow Sneak: Teleport is instant, no moving Shadow. It teleports a specific distance equal to about 75% of Shadow Sneak's max range. Attack deals less knockback. Single Pump: Greninja only throws one pump instead of two so it can only go one direction (like Fox's Up-B). It gains about 30% more distance. Greninja Explosion: Greninja dissapears for a brief moment and then reappears with an explosion around itself. This move does not counter.
Captain Falcon ???: Increases the height of the fiery wing in Falcon Punch which "squishes" the rest of the bird. Captain Falcon also slides forward slightly when throwing the punch. ???: Greatly increases the horizontal distance traveled, but deals less damage. ???:Raptor Boost with less distance, but more damage. Falcon does a fakeout, followed by the usual uppercut. ???: Captain Falcons fist ignites as he uses the move, then there is a brief delay before charging forward. No other information is known. ???: Sacrifices vertical recovery for damage. Looks to be chargeable and useful for KOing. ???: A move that sacrifices all damage at the cost of vastly improved vertical recovery. ???: A faster, electric Falcon Kick that sends opponents upward at a slight angle. Characters hit with this move are automatically sent upwards with Captain Falcon passing through them. ???: Turns Falcon Kick into a multi hit move.
Ness Rising PK Flash: PK Flash mostly goes straight up with minimal control. Less damage, but larger hitbox. PK Freeze: Operates as Lucas' did, freezing opponents at the cost of damage. PK Flame Pillar: PK Fire has a significantly reduced range, but the result flame is larger, lasts longer, and does more damage on contact. Flying PK Fire: Increased range, but only hits once on contact, similar to Lucas. Piercing PK Thunder: Functions identically to Lucas' counterpart, with tighter turning and both the projectile and Ness piercing enemies. Big PK Thunder: Slower, larger PK Thunder. Both the projectile and Ness do more damage and knockback. Attraction PSI Attack: Pulls opponents towards Ness, exploding when the button is released. Lacks absorption capabilities. Frontal PSI Magnet: Ness holds PSI Magnet in front of him, also doing damage when the button is released, similarly to Lucas. Longer ending lag.
Storm Thrust: Shield Breaker produces a gust of wind that pushes opponents back. The longer the charge, the larger the gust. Assault Dash: Propels Marth/Lucina forward a significant distance on use. Easy Combination: Will perform the entire Dancing Blade combo no matter what speed the special button is pressed, but is weaker and will do the same attack type every time Heavy Combination: The spacing between all four hits is wider and has reduced knockback, but deals greater damage. Crescent Slash: Performs Dolphin Slash at a diagonal angle, doing more damage on the way up. Dolphin High Jump: Increased height, but does no damage. Easy Counter: The "ready" time for the counter is longer, but has reduced damage. Iai Counter: Upon countering, Marth/Lucina will slide past the opponent while slashing, sending the opponent flying behind him/her.
Ike ???: Ike throws his sword at approximately a 45 degree angle upwards, then rushes forward to catch it. Much better horizontal recovery.
Robin Concentrated Thunder: The tome can charge up to 5 seconds with increased damage and knockback, but has less uses before being discarded. Speed-Reading Thunder: The tome charges much more quickly, but does less damage and knockback. ???: Longer range and hits once with a powerful explosion. Fire Wall: Shorter range, hits twice with heavy knockback. Staggered Elwind: Short delay between Elwind pulses. Slant Elwind: First Elwind pulse fired 45 degrees behind Robin, adding horizontal recovery. Long-Range Nosferatu: Fires at about the range of regular Arcfire. Goetia: Draws enemies in but does not heal.
Mr. Game & Watch
Pit ???: Arrows move slower and deal less damage, but are more controllable. ???: Arrows can not be controlled, but pierce opponents. ???: Slides Pit farther forward.
Dark Pit Great Silver Bow: Bigger shot at cost of charge time. Control Arrow: Arrows move slower and deal less damage, but are more controllable. Electroshock Uppercut: No dash, but lots of knockback on upwards swing. Electroshock Dash: Farther dash but easier for enemies to avoid. Explosive Flight: Deals damage on takeoff. Tornado Flight: Push enemies away on takeoff. Explosive Guardian Orbitars: Knocks enemies away instead of projectiles. Fragile Guardian Orbitars: Increase damage from reflected projectiles but Orbitars shatter when hit physically. They will not be usable again till a few seconds pass.
Olimar Strong Pikmin: Pikmin take longer to pull but can soak more damage. Exploding Pluck: Pikmin create an explosion when plucked. Speedy Pikmin: Thrown Pikmin deal less damage but attack faster. Butterfinger Pikmin: Pikmin don't latch on targets but deal stronger damage. Weak Flying Pikmin: Flying Pikmin carry Olimar farther for less air time. Hard-Working Pikmin: Not much is known about this move. Crash Whistle: Pikmin deal one final hit before jumping back to Olimar. Shrill Whistle: While whistling, Olimar shoots a small projectile that deals minor damage.
R.O.B. Piercing Robo Beam: Laser breaks through defenses. No other information is known about it. Quickshot Robo Beam: Recharge time is drastically lowered at cost of range. Power Spin: A stronger attack that hits once. Quick Spin: No other information is known about it. Robo Blastoff: Cannot use aerials during the move but recover great vertical distance. Robo Flight: Easier horizontal movement. No other information is known about it. Burning Gyro: Deals fire damage on contact. Greasy Gyro: Makes enemies slip on contact.
Little Mac Fire Spin Lunge: A flaming Straight Lunge with less charge time but less damage. Shock Lunge: Travels further and Paralyzes opponents, but deals less damage and lacks knockback resistance. Bury Blow: A Jolt Haymaker variant that buries opponents but removes Mac's projectile immunity. Guard Break: Both the speed and range of the attack is reduced, but has knockback resistance and ignores shields, damaging the opponent directly. Tornado Blow: Increased recovery height at the cost of reduced damage. Rising Smash: Further sacrifices Mac's vertical recovery in exchange for greatly increased power and knockback. Compact Counter: Very low knockback but greatly reduces startup and increases speed, allowing for better follow-ups. Dash Counter: Mac lunges very far forward when counter-attacking, but can't hit opponents directly next to him. Can be used as a recovery when countered against gimping.
Duck Hunt One Shot Burst: Can is only kicked once upon initial activation. Greater distance and speed. Pressing B again at any time will make it explode immediately. Zig-Zag Shot: The can alternates direction in the air for each press. Getting hit by the explosion sends the opponent straight upwards. Rising Clay Pigeon: Dog throws a clay pigeon that rises into the air slowly. No additional effects. Clay Pigeon Smash: The pigeon can be shot at up to three times with varying accuracy, but the third shot definitely hits. Each shot is much stronger than the default move. Biting Duck Jump: Dog bites repeatedly as the duck carries him upward. Covers about the same vertical distance as the default up-special. Duck High Jump: Short lag, then the duck and dog go up very quickly. Covers more vertical distance than the default up-special. Fast-Firing Gunman: Start-up lag before firing is reduced, but both power and shot distance is decreased. Tough Gunman: Large gunman acts as a shield. Fires after considerable delay if nothing hits it.
Villager Bloom Pocket: If the opponent gets hit by the vortex, it puts a flower in their head. No damage multiplying for the projectiles reflected and the vortex is smaller. Flower falls almost immediately Wide Pocket: Bigger vortex. Damage multiplication for projectiles is less than regular Pocket Climb Rocket: The rocket goes in a bell curve trajectory. Giant Rocket: Rocket is bigger, causes more damage, but is slower. Explosive Balloon Trip: Slower than the original. Press A to explode the balloons one by one. If Villager lands, both balloons go to the sides and explode. Balloon High Jump: A really big jump, but no flight. Counter Seed: All phases are faster. Sapling makes enemies trip when they step on it. Watering can has a smaller windbox Tree reflects projectiles and counters damage. More slow to wither, but is the weakest and cannot withstand lots of damage. Damages less when timbered Big Timber: All phases are slower. Watering can has a longer range. Tree is significantly bigger and causes a lot of damage when timbered.
Wii Fit Trainer ???: Projectiles move slower, but push opponents. ???: Shots are more "concentrated".
Shulk Decisive Monado Arts: The ability's time is extended, but it is impossible to change. Extreme Monado Arts: The abilities' benefits and drawbacks are both amplified. The abilities' time is also decreased. Jumping Back Slash: Shulk jumps high in the air to slice the opponent. Enduring Back Slash: Shulk leaps lower and longer and will not receive knockback while in the air. However, the attack deals less damage. Forward Air Slash: Shulk goes upward in the first slash, then sideways in the second one. Strong Air Slash: Shulk strikes the enemy with a powerful slash. However, the reach is short and the move is hard to control when falling down. Dash Vision: Shulk takes a big step forward and the counter's range is extended. The counter is faster, but lacks power. Powerful Vision: Shulk foresees the future for a longer time and counters with greater power. However, if used too much, the counter will become less and less effective.
Sonic ???: The height of Spin Dash's initial "hop" is increased. Players that are hit on the hop's descent are buried. ???: Sonic's Spring Jump doesn't send him as high, but can be performed twice before landing. ???: Spin Charge variant, opponents are pulled towards Sonic as his charges
Mega Man Hyper Bomb: Bomb Man's weapon. Explodes upon contact with the ground, walls, or opponents. Shadow Blade: Shadow Man's weapon. Returns to Mega Man like a boomerang, but vanishes on hitting the stage. Ice Slasher: Ice Man's weapon. Freezes opponents at high enough percents. Danger Wrap: Burst Man's weapon. A bubble-encased bomb that floats upwards and explodes on contact. Tornado Hold: Tengu Man's weapon. Drops an upwards-facing fan that creates an uplifting cyclone. Beat: Carries Mega Man, granting more horizontal control but moving slower than Rush Coil's bounce. Skull Barrier: Skull Man's weapon. Does no damage when circling Mega Man, but reflects projectiles and pushes away close enemies. Plant Barrier: Plant Man's weapon. Petals don't disappear when hit, but moves slower and has less range when thrown.
Pac-Man Crazy Fruit: Gives all fruits different functions; cherries bounce and strawberries hit enemies towards Pac-Man. Lazy Fruit: Fruits take slower to cycle. ???: The pellet trail takes a longer time to deploy, but can extend to much farther lengths. ???: Adds a pulling effect as the move starts up. ???: The trampoline meteor smashes players when red, rather than putting them into helpless. Erupting Plug: The hydrant spews short-ranged fire, causing damage to anyone including Pac-Man himself. Exploding Plug: The hydrant explodes after hitting the ground, or a certain amount of time.


  • Taking the first letter of each category of custom parts available to Miis (Equipment, Specials, Headgear, Outfit, Powers) yields the word "eShop".
  • When copying a character, Kirby will always copy that character's default neutral special, even if that character has it set to a custom move.[4]


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