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Revision as of 04:21, July 22, 2014 by Stride (talk | contribs) (Updated crew and main)
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Character info
Melee mains Fox, Falco
Other Melee character Yoshi, Dr. Mario
Team info
Crew(s) Rare Candy
Former crews Wings of Corruption, Smash Yakuza
Personal and other info
Real name Ben Symons
Birth date (age 38)
Location Southampton England

BulletBill is an English smasher from Southampton and is a member of Rare Candy.

Tournaments Attended

  • Edster - April 21st 2007
  • TNJ2 - June 2007
  • Anarchy Rules 2 - August 11th 2007
  • Smash GT - October 27th 2007