Super Smash Bros. 4

Dark Pit

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Dark Pit

Official artwork of Dark Pit from Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Universe Kid Icarus
Debut Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Smash Bros. appearances SSB4
Most recent non-Smash appearance Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Console/platform of origin Nintendo 3DS
Species Angel
Gender Male
Place of origin Unknown
Created by Masahiro Sakurai
Designed by Masahiro Sakurai
Voice actor Antony Del Rio
Japanese voice actor Minami Takayama
Article on Icaruspedia Dark Pit

Dark Pit (ブラックピット, Burakku Pitto) is a character from the Kid Icarus series. He is Pit's rival who was created after he destroyed the Mirror of Truth. He is almost physically identical to Pit, but wears a black outfit, has black hair and red eyes. He also has a more serious and aggressive personality.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

One of Pit's palette swap in this game is a black colored Pit described on Smash Bros. DOJO as a "fallen angel".[1] However, since Brawl predates the first apparition of Dark Pit in Kid Icarus: Uprising, it is possible this design inspired the development of Uprising, especially since both games are directed by Masahiro Sakurai (who redesigned Pit and Palutena in Brawl).

In Super Smash Bros. 4

Dark Pit briefly appears at the end of Palutena's reveal trailer. It is currently unkown if he will appear in the game in some capacity.


See Also


  1. ^ Color Changes Super Smash Bros. DOJO!!