Talk:Sheik/Archive 1

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I don't see why we have a picture that says "Zelda" on it in the Sheik article. --ycz12

That was the old picture when this page was for both Zelda and Sheik. We need to get new pictures for all of the characters, but if you'd like to start, you're welcome to do so. --Kirby King 01:24, August 4, 2006 (GMT)

I was thinking about doing that myself. I'll see if I'm not as busy as I have been this weekend and try to get a decient start on it. Oddeven2002 22:04, September 5, 2006 (GMT)

I added a new pic, but it's more of a temp pic. I put it there until a better one is found. --Respawn 08:46 P.M., Oct 31, 2006 (EST)

REDRAGON is editing adjective and reversing it ex. "Sheik is the easiest character to play well," to his verson "Sheik is the HARDEST character to play well, harder than Falco." And this isnt his opinion, Ive looked over the whole article. - Marthsword 19:47, March 16, 2007 (GMT)

Confirmed For Brawl And if that's not enough, the site also includes a source itself. Magiciandude 12:49, January 11, 2008 (EST)

Oh, right. Then say something that contrary to pop belief Roy appears in FE7, even if it isn't relevant to Sheik. Maybe put it in the <!-- Hidden messages --> --RoyboyXRoyHeadSSBM.png Talk 17:55, 6 October 2011 (EDT)

A checkmark symbol, for places like yes/no columns on tables.
Done. ReiDemon 18:02, 6 October 2011 (EDT)

New Artwork of Sheik

The concept art of Sheik from Twilight Princess, which is the source of Sheik's design in Brawl, has finally been published by Nintendo. [1]

Thank you for this information. :) Unknown the Hedgehog 23:15, 3 February 2012 (EST)

Combo ability?

The page claims that Sheik has great combo ability in Brawl, but I read somewhere else (don't remember where) on this wiki that it is impossible to combo in Brawl. Which one is correct? Accoolx (talk) 16:21, 3 March 2012 (EST)

It is possible to combo in Brawl through the use of hitstun. Sheik has the neutral attack capabilities and the follow up tatics. People will say that Brawl has less combos than Melee, but that does not mean Brawl has 0 combos. MegaTron1XD:p 16:28, 3 March 2012 (EST)
Thank you. Come to think of it, I think I read it just on a talkpage, so... Accoolx (talk) 18:00, 3 March 2012 (EST)

Ocarina of Time 3D

It says that sheik only appeared in one game. Did she appear in OoT3D? I don't know. I don't own that game. But If she does than this should be fixed. ChuckNorris24.png 10:55, 11 July 2012 (EDT)

As OoT3D is an exact remake of the original game, Sheik isn't really considered to have appeared in more than one game. Literally, Sheik has been in more than one game, but in terms of game story, timeline placement and such, Sheik only has a place in one. Toast Wii U Logo Transparent.pngltimatumTransparent Swadloon.png 11:17, 11 July 2012 (EDT)

That makes sense. Thanks. ChuckNorris24.png 11:25, 11 July 2012 (EDT)

Peach the Top Tier Female

The latest tier list says Peach is top tier so the info that Sheik is the only Top Tier female is false. --TheLegendaryKRB (talk) 11:00, 20 December 2013 (EST)

Profile image

Sheik Twilight Princess.pngFile:Sheikartwork.jpg
Left Image: Twilight Princess design
Right Image: Twilight Princess design

Which do you think should be used for her profile default image? I personally think we need to go with her Twilight Princess design for her profile image as its the one that matches her current appearance in smash. Going with her OoT design just densest make sense, since her OoT appearance hasn't been in Smash Bros. since Melee. It creates inconsistency by referring too her OoT appearance as her main profile image when she doesn't even use it in the Smash Bros. games anymore. It's her most current, and most used, design in the Smash series so I feel its a better fit than her one-time OoT appearance.
Ixbran (talk) 18:17, 22 April 2014 (EDT)

Here's the thing. The "Twilight Princess" artwork was made especially for Brawl. In the main image, we always use a non-Smash image. The "Twilight Princess" image may be newer, but it was only made for Brawl. They didn't make it for Twilight Princess. ChuckNorris24.png 19:39, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
CN24, you're incorrect. The Brawl/SSB4 design was based on pre-existing concept art for Twilight Princess that wasn't used in that game; it wasn't designed explicitly for Smash. Check Hyrule Historia, or Sakurai's quote: "Sheik doesn’t appear in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but we based her model on a design that was drafted up during the development of that game." Miles (talk) 19:44, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
Yup. I dun goofed. However, I still think it would be better to use actual official artwork rather than concept artwork of a game she didn't appear in. ChuckNorris24.png 19:50, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
Exactly what Miles. Had Sheiks TP design really been made specifically for smash, the quote would have been along the lines of "Sheik doesn’t appear in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but we based her model on designs of the other Zelda characters during the development of this game.". And even if it was made just for Smash, why would that even matter in regards to her default picture? Sure we may not use smash artworks for a characters default image, but if that's all we had, why wouldn't we use it? Again, Sheik hasn't appeared in a SSB game in her OoT design since Melee, so theirs no reason to use it since it doesn't match her current appearance. It would be like using a picture of Skyward Sword Zelda for her default picture, over her TP design. Its not the version that's used in game, but still her latest (and i use that word loosely) official Zelda series design. It's just aesthetically better to go with Sheiks TP design, as it fits the theme of the default image of the main character profile matching their current SSB design, as well as matching the other Zelda characters who use their Twilight Princess looks over their others.
Ixbran (talk) 19:55, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
The OoT design isn't obsolete by any means. The TP design barely changed anything, other than making it a tad more gritty. I just think the OoT design is more aesthetically pleasing. Also, I think it makes more sense to have the main image be from a game that she actually is featured in. ChuckNorris24.png 20:03, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
Again, I reiterate, smash character profile images are meant to represent their current Smash Bros. appearance. SSB4, and Brawl, went with her unused TP design, so its best to stick with that one. And, again, her OoT design hasn't been used since Melee, so theirs no point in using the OoT design since it doesn't match her current Smash appearance.
Ixbran (talk) 20:27, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
But this wasn't a huge redesign like with Link or Zelda. The only differences, aside from a slightly darker coloring, are added bandages around her knees and a knife. That's it. No major ovehaul in her design. It's practically the same. ChuckNorris24.png 20:33, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
OoT Design: Single body blue and dark blue leotard with white striping, a single white sash over the front and back of the chest which doubled as a muffler around her face. Bandages to bind her breasts under the white fabric on her chest and some sports tape around her wrists and knuckles. bandages wrapped around her head.

TP Design: A near black blue, and dark blue patterned leather one piece. With light blue leather pads wrapped around her thigh and knees, along with darker blue pads wrapped around her biceps, forearms, and calf's. Sports tape now placed on her thighs and forearms to help keep the padding in place. A Sash placed over the front and backside of her, with clips meant to hold these in place positioned near her hips. The muffler around her face is not a separate piece of cloth, no longer part of the sash placed over her torso, and is held there via clips, two in the front and two in the back. She now wears a mask over her face in the event she tilts her head in a way that might cause her face to leave the muffler around her neck. She also now sports a braid that travels down to the mid section of her back, where as before all her hair, sans her bangs, were hidden under the muffler. She also now sports a Nodachi, or to put it simply a Ninja Sword, on her back which is held there by straps attached too the back of her uniform.

"It wasn't a huge redesign"
Ixbran (talk) 20:45, 22 April 2014 (EDT)

Zelda changing from her OoT dress to her TP dress is a huge redesign. Link's design change from OoT to TP is a huge redesign. Adding a bunch of minor details that you barely notice at first glance isn't a "huge redesign". Yes, she may have been made more realistic looking, but it's by no means as drastic as other redesigns of characters from her series. ChuckNorris24.png 20:59, 22 April 2014 (EDT)

If you say so bub, if you say so. Again, going back to my original statement. Her smash design uses her unused TP appearance, ergo her profile needs to use the artwork that matches her current Smash look. That is the way SSB Wiki does things. Theres no reason to use her OoT design for her profile picture since it isn't being used for anything.
Ixbran (talk) 21:06, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
I just feel that It would be better to use actual official artwork from a game she appeared in rather than concept artwork from a game that she had nothing to do with. Yes, her Brawl design was based off of this drawing, but when the differences are so minor, it isn't that big of a deal. ChuckNorris24.png 21:14, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
It may have been unused but it is still official artwork. Again, I reiterate, her OoT look isn't being used for anything, there's no point in using it.
Ixbran (talk) 21:19, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
Again, I reiterate, The design change isn't notable enough to warrant having it as the main image. But instead of us debating this, why don't we see what other users think? ChuckNorris24.png 21:24, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
I imagine most are fine with her TP design being there considering your the only one to make this a huge deal. Her TP picture had been set as her default for over a week before you decided to come in and change it to her OoT one due to your personal bias. I'm stating she should use her TP appearance because it follows the theme of using the official art of her current Smash appearance being based off it, you're saying to go with her OoT design simply because you like it more. Tell me, which do you think comes off as the most professional reason?
Ixbran (talk) 21:31, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
Well, the OoT artwork had been there for over 4 years before you decided to switch it, so me "coming in and changing it" is a bogus argument to use. And don't pull this "personal bias" crap. There are two artworks; One is official artwork from a game she is in, and the other is concept artwork from a game that she didn't even appear in. "The way the SSB Wiki does things", we have always used the official artwork of a character from a game they appear in. Sheik's design hasn't drastically changed over the years. There's no need to put the TP artwork as the main image. ChuckNorris24.png 21:45, 22 April 2014 (EDT)
Both artworks are official, its just one was used in a LoZ game, the other wasn't because she was removed from the story. As for her OoT design being in the profile for 4 years, I just chalk that up to it being overlooked. Again, you're the only person who came in being upset about it. Your the only person demanding to use her OoT design over her TP design, despite the fact the everyone else seemed fine change too her TP design used as the default. I wouldn't bring up the 'personal bias' argument if it weren't so blatantly obvious. Your posts stating you "just think the OoT design is more aesthetically pleasing" and that you "just feel that It would be better" make it obvious you have a personal bias for her OoT design.
Ixbran (talk) 21:58, 22 April 2014 (EDT)

You're being awfully hypocritical. You claim that something being on this Wiki for 4 years is "overlooked", yet when you changed it to the way you wanted for a week, "everyone else was fine with it". And no, I'm not "demanding" that her OoT artwork be her main image, I'm trying to have a civil discussion with you about why I think it should be. However, you resort to using minor insults ("Get your eyes checked", "Alrighty bub") and demonstrate a complete lack of understanding on what I'm trying to explain to you. And no, like I said earlier, I'm not demonstrating a "personal bias". You said stuff like, "I think it would be best" as well. Not to mention, virtually every single argument you used against me also applies to you. You act like the minor design changes of Sheik from Melee to Brawl are some huge, earth-shattering reboot of her. I've said this many times, but I'll say it again. The OoT artwork is from a game she actually appeared in. The TP artwork is concept artwork from a game that she wasn't even in. ChuckNorris24.png 22:35, 22 April 2014 (EDT)

Again when I changed it to the TP design, nobody but you has made a big deal out of it. And even then, this initial change was made 10 days ago. If you had thought the OoT design was better suited as her default image, you should have brought this up then, instead of now. That's one of the reasons why I'm being as snarky as I am. You simply come off as a die hard OoT fan boy who only wants the OoT design simply because you saying things like "I just think the OoT design is more aesthetically pleasing" and that you "just feel that It would be better", so I can't take you seriously. Again, Sheiks Twilight Princess design is an official artwork drawn up by LoZ designer when they had planned for her to appear in the game. And yes even though it went unused, Sakurai considered it official enough to use it in Brawl and in SSB4, so I don't see why you are having so much difficulty acknowledging it as official artwork when no one else seems to think the same way you do. I say this on the basis that, again, your the only person to get (seemingly) upset about the idea of Sheiks TP design being in the info box, and not her OoT design.

And yea regarding the "get your eyes checked" comment, I admit that was immature of me, hence why I took it down shortly after posting it.
Ixbran (talk) 22:52, 22 April 2014 (EDT)

Or: we continue to use both like we do on the Ganondorf page? Not that radical of an idea. Miles (talk) 23:04, 22 April 2014 (EDT)