Project M

Charizard (PM)

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in Project M and Project+
Universe Pokémon
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration Charizard (SSBB)
Charizard (SSBB)

Charizard is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M. It has been separated from the Pokémon Trainer and so fights alone. It was also heavily buffed.


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Changes from Brawl to PM

Charizard edge-guarding with its new side special, Heat Wave.

Charizard has been noticeably buffed from Brawl to PM, while also receiving many new moves and changes.

  • Buff Forward tilt is now a powerful bite that can be angled, with longer range and acting as a better launcher than the previous forward tilt.
  • Buff Neutral aerial has a tighter animation, and the hitboxes have slightly more reach and knockback.
  • Buff Forward aerial has been replaced with a flaming claw move, which deals higher damage with powerful diagonal knockback, making it good KO move
  • Buff Back aerial now consists of a single strong hit, allowing Charizard to effectively attack from a distance while still inflicting a strong hit with decent KO capacities.
  • Buff Up aerial now has a sweetspot at Charizard's teeth, which possesses better KO potential and damage.
  • Buff Forward smash consists of a single hit, like the back aerial, and also possesses a more horizontal angle along with a flaming sweetspot at Charizard's mouth with increased knockback, making it much better for KOing.
  • Buff Up smash is now faster and is almost as strong as brawl and connects better.
  • Buff Down smash is now a meteor smash, allowing Charizard to follow up better into other attacks when used on grounded opponents.
  • Buff Back throw has much less knockback allowing for better follow-ups.
  • Buff Dash attack sends foes horizontally knocking foes offstage better, increasing overall utility.
  • Buff Fly is renamed as the Fire Spin, having an actual flame effect, and it now deals a single blow of strong damage with good KO/gimping potential.
  • Buff Pokémon Change has been replaced with a different version of Fly. It causes Charizard to crouch and then leap into the air higher than any jump, and it can be charged to fly higher. When used in the air, Charizard instantly glides, and can use a glide attack afterwards.
  • Buff Glide attack is stronger, dealing consecutive hits that sum up to 17% damage (5% more), with strong knockback and a flame effect. It also propels Charizard forward, allowing to efficiently land most (if not all) of the hits by attacking from a distance.
  • Buff New up throw: Seismic Toss from the Pokémon anime, where it flies with its opponent upwards and then slams down, creating a huge explosion. Deals strong damage for a throw, with very powerful knockback.
  • Nerf Up tilt has less knockback growth.
  • Nerf Up special no longer has super armor.
  • Nerf Down smash does less damage.
  • Nerf Heat Wave has less damage potential than his old Rock Smash.
  • Nerf Glide attack can no longer be used effectively from a very close range, as it's in general easier to escape from it with DI, and also because of the forward momentum that can cause Charizard to cross-up the foe and miss the final hit.
  • Change Neutral attack is now a single swing of its wing, acting more as a launcher.
  • Change Down tilt is now his previous forward tilt.
  • Change Down throw is now a meteor smash that knocks foes down on the floor, akin to Fox and Falco's down throws. It can be teched instantly, though, but still acts as a tech-chase.
  • Change Rock Smash has been replaced with a new move called Heat Wave, using a similar animation to its old forward aerial. It provides backwards momentum when used in the air. Like the Brawl forward aerial, it is stronger up close.
  • Change Gliding can no longer be performed by holding the jump button; Charizard must use its down special to do so.
  • Change New on-screen appearance: Charizard quickly comes flying from above and lands stomping the ground.
  • Change "Pokémon Trainer petting" victory pose is replaced with another one, where Charizard lazily yawns and takes a nap on the floor in a burly manner; reminiscent of Ash's Charizard in the Pokémon anime, who tended to cease fighting and take naps on serious battles, disobeying all orders (which can also happen in the actual Pokémon games).

Like Squirtle and Ivysaur, Charizard is now a separate character from the Pokémon Trainer, no longer using a Stamina system nor having different resistances against grass and water based moves. Pokémon Trainer is completely absent, no longer appearing during battles nor victory poses. In terms of cosmetic changes, Charizard now also has more significant, independent palette swaps, in addition to a sixth one.



  • Buff Down smash received some hitbox adjustments and is non-clankable.
  • Nerf Charizard can no longer cancel its shield break animation with a down special.
  • Change Flamethrower no longer falls off ledges.
  • Change Jab was reanimated to be more polished.
  • Change Forward tilt received some animation, sound effects, and hitbox adjustments.
  • Change Up air received some animation and sound effects adjustments.
  • Change Back air received some frame data adjustments to look better aesthetically when autocanceled.


  • Buff Charizard manually cancelling a glide with a jump or by falling down no longer puts it into helpless state.
  • Buff Dash attack has less startup and the strong hit sends foes at a more outward angle.
  • Buff Up tilt does a bit more damage on initial hit, and has less knockback growth. It additionally matches Charizard's wings more accurately.
  • Buff Down tilt hit duration is slightly longer.
  • Buff Forward smash hitbox is now active earlier, and the attack's sourspot now lasts for slightly longer. The flaming sweetspot was also repositioned to be easier to land.
  • Buff Neutral air hitboxes are now active for a bit longer.
  • Buff Forward air has been adjusted to give it better poking and offensive properties, while its weak hit now has a lower angle and has improved aesthetics.
  • Buff Back air's sourspot does more damage, is interruptible sooner, possesses a slightly larger sweetspot, and late hit no longer has set knockback.
  • Buff Up air's SDI multiplier and freeze frames reduced to more common levels.
  • Buff Down air has more knockback growth on grounded opponents.
  • Buff Forward throw releases slightly faster (giving the foe less time to DI), and its angle along with its base knockback were increased.
  • Buff Back throw angle, knockback, and ending lag adjusted to have more combo utility.
  • Buff Up throw is significantly stronger.
  • Buff Grounded up special hits earlier and before intangibility ends.
  • Buff Down special's bug that didn't allow interrupting to and from other moves was fixed. It additionally charges up faster.
  • Nerf Charizard can only glide once per airtime.
  • Nerf Glide attack damage reduced.
  • Nerf Down throw frame advantage has been reduced.
  • Change Hitboxes cleaned up on various moves.
  • Change Hurtboxes better match its body.
  • Change Glide is slightly better at retaining momentum, but drops a bit faster.
  • Change Jab deals slightly less damage on the weak hit, and has a larger SDI multiplier.
  • Change Up smash now has slightly more base knockback but less knockback growth.
  • Change Forward smash sound effects were improved.
  • Change Down smash's hitboxes are slightly smaller in size, but are centered around Charizard better.
  • Change Neutral air's sweetspot trajectory gets lower throughout the animation.
  • Change Up air's body hit has a lower angle, and the late hit lasts for shorter.
  • Change Pummel's sound effects are more denoted.
  • Change Forward throw has decreased knockback growth, hindering its KOing ability but following up better into other attacks.
  • Change Down taunt is now properly taunt cancelable.
  • Change Aerial up special has more startup, but is stronger and more damaging near the start, and weaker later on.


  • Buff Forward tilt can be interrupted sooner and no longer gets weaker over time.
  • Buff Neutral special's max angle is slightly more vertical, and it can be additionally angled quicker. The move's hitboxes are also less SDIable and its knockback was increased slightly.
  • Nerf Down smash's interruptibility frames occur slightly slower than before.
  • Nerf Glide uses up all of Charizard's jumps once used.
  • Change Down tilt's sweetspot angle is slightly more vertical.
  • Change Down smash's hitboxes now vary in angles, and its inner hitboxes have priority over the outer hitboxes.


  • Buff Up special has less hangtime at the apex.
  • Nerf Forward aerial bone invincibility reduced to the duration of the active frames of the hitbox.
  • Change Forward throw animation tweaked.


Up to date as of version 3.0.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack Wing Attack 7%, 9% (tip) Swings one wing in front of it. Strong for a jab; has high base knockback with a diagonal angle. Last for about 30 frames, and sweetspot can KO at 200%. Propels Charizard forward if used repeatedly.
Forward tilt Hyper Fang 12% Stretches its neck and bites. Good reach and power. Hitting with the neck produces less knockback. Can be angled, but doing so does not alter the damage.
Up tilt Pyramid Poke 10% Charizard forms a triangle with its wings and stabs upward. Can easily lead into aerial attacks.
Down tilt Flame Sweep 8%, 11% (flame) A tail sweep. Hard to sweetspot with. Sourspot has weaker knockback scaling that leads into aerials, while the flame has trascendent priority and is a strong horizontal finisher.
Dash attack Low Kick 11%, 9% (late) Charizard kicks with a foot forward. Diagonal trajectory, has little lag compared to most dash attacks.
Forward smash Flare Blitz 17%, 22% (sweetspot) Lunges its head forward while spitting small flames. Slow start-up, but is a strong horizontal finisher. Sweetspot is located at Charizard's mouth and has a flame effect.
Up smash Brave Bird 5% then 11% Slashes upward twice with its two respective wings. Similar to Captain Falcon's up smash, but has faster startup and covers a wider area above Charizard.
Down smash Bulldoze 12% (center), 14% (edges) Violently stomps the ground. The center of the attack deals less damage but has stronger knockback. Both hits have a meteor smash angle, which pops out grounded foes for combos, and can also punish ledge-hanging ones for a KO.
Neutral aerial Flame Wheel 9%, 12% (flame) Spins vertically whilst swinging its tail. Compared to other spinning aerials, this attack only covers Charizard's tail. Not used very often due to the odd placement of the sweetspot, and because of Charizard's other superior aerial attacks, though it's the only aerial to completely surround it, which sometimes makes it effective for repelling foes.
Forward aerial Slash & Burn 16%, 11% (upper part) Swipes with a flaming claw. Possibly Charizard's strongest vertical finisher, and also its second most damaging aerial.
Back aerial Aerial Flame Sweep 12%, 15% (flame) Swing its tail backwards. Good power and damage; can be used for walls of pain at low percentages.
Up aerial Crunch 13% (teeth), 11% (neck), 7% (late hit) Stretches its neck upwards. Can juggle opponents at low percentages, then KO them at high percents.
Down aerial Stomp 17% Stomps with both feet. A meteor smash with high KO potential; also a great combo starter on grounded opponents.
Grab Gnaw Stretches its mouth.
Pummel Bite 3% Bites the opponent, groaning every time it does so.
Forward throw Strength F 10% Spins enemy once with its mouth, then throws forward. Decent diagonal knockback.
Back throw Strength B 10% Throws enemy backwards. Similar to the forward throw, but with weaker knockback and a more vertical angle.
Up throw Seismic Toss 15% Charizard flies upwards holding the enemy, flips twice, then plummets down, creating an explosion upon landing. One of the strongest throws in the game, at both racking up damage and KOing, and also one of Charizard's best moves. The move deals 1% damage consecutively upon falling, then the explosion deals 11%, for a total of 15% damage under normal conditions. Lands on soft platforms, akin to Kirby and Meta Knight's up throws. If used out of a moving platform, it's possible to perform a "Lizardcide" with it.
Down throw Incinerate 7% total Breathes fire against foe on the ground, hitting up to 6 times, then leaves them there similar to Fox and Falco's down throws. It can be instantly teched, but still acts as a powerful tech-chasing move, and can occasionally meteor smash and KO foes if used near an edge.
Floor attack (front) Flame or Head 6% Swings tail backwards, then headbutts forward.
Floor attack (back) Scratch & Stand 6% Gets up performing a half-circle claw swipe.
Floor attack (trip) Claw Clear 6% Similar to the back floor attack.
Edge attack (fast) Rock Climb 8% Gets up and headbutts.
Edge attack (slow) Floor Burn 8% Gets up and flicks its tail.
Neutral special Flamethrower 2% close, 1% far Spits repeated flames that gradually weaken if the attack is held. Similar to Bowser's Fire Breath, except it cannot be flame canceled and doesn't possess an ending bite. Lasts for longer than in Brawl, and can be angled when used on the ground. It can stop some characters' recoveries to then follow-up with an aerial or tilt.
Side special Heat Wave 25% total Charizard shoots a flurry of flames with its wings. First deals a strong hit of 19% damage, then hits 3 more times with no knockback. Slow start-up, but has a strong horizontal knockback than can easily gimp characters' recoveries. Propels Charizard a bit backwards when used in midair.
Up special Fire Spin 11% (leap), 12%-9% (rise) Charizard spins upwards with its wings engulfed in flames. Hitbox before rising contains a strong horizontal hit that can punish opponents attempting to edge-guard. The rest of the attack is a single vertical hit that decays on damage depending on when it hits. Unlike in Brawl, it has a flame effect but doesn't possess launch resistance.
Down special Fly/Air Burner 17% total Charizard crouches, then leaps from the ground. It can be charged for about 30 frames, allowing to jump higher, and can be angled sideways. The jump doesn't possess any hitboxes, but can be canceled at any time and allows for any aerial to be used while keeping momentum. Using the move in midair causes Charizard to glide, which works like in Brawl. Glide attack now propels it faster and hits up to 5 times; the strong hit is very powerful, though it's hard to connect with all of them. Charizard will only fall helpless if a glide attack is used, though still, it will lose its midair jumps.
Final Smash None Charizard currently doesn't have a Final Smash, along with Ivysaur and Squirtle. If it breaks a Smash Ball, it will just vanish and Charizard will get nothing at all. This won't freeze the game and can still prevent opponents from getting it, though.

In competitive play

Notable players

Palette swaps

Charizard's palette swaps in PM

Each of Charizard's alternate costumes are based on different Pokémon:

Coincidentally, all of these Pokémon in the main games have dragon-like properties (except Golbat), like Charizard, by either being capable of learning a variety of Dragon-type moves, or being commonly owned by notable Dragon-type specialized trainers.


  • Other than regular VS. battles, while Pokémon Trainer won't appear alongside Charizard in Classic or Stadium modes, he will in Event Matches and the Subspace Emissary. Charizard will still have its usual modded moves, and when using down special, the trainer will shout "Get back!" but it will still perform Fly. Using Charizard for too long in this state will cause the game to freeze. A similar thing happens to Squirtle and Ivysaur.
    • Additionally, during the Pokémon battle in All-Star mode, two more Charizards will appear in place of Squirtle and Ivysaur.
  • Records with Charizard in Project M cannot be viewed anywhere.

External links