Super Smash Bros. Melee

Infinite Super Scope glitch

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The infinite Super Scope glitch is a glitch in Super Smash Bros. Melee that allows players to shoot the Super Scope a seemingly infinite number of times, including charged shots.

Contrary to the name, the infinite Super Scope glitch does not give the Super Scope truly infinite ammo; rather, it gives it a ridiculously large number of shots to the Super Scope, giving the idea of infinite ammo.

How to perform

  1. Fire 15 individual shots from the Super Scope. (5 sets of 3 shots seems to be easiest, as just tapping the fire button once always results in a volley of three shots)
  2. Fire two fully charged shots from the Super Scope.
  3. Finally, charge one more shot and have someone attack the player before they fire. #If you miss up you will get nothing but air coming out the the Super Scope and have to start with a new Super Scope and repet The steps


From a programming standpoint, a coding oversight could be to blame for this glitch.

  • The 15 individual shots, plus the two fully charged shots, bring the Super Scope's ammo to nearly zero.
  • Charging a shot deducts ammo from the reserve. Overcharging drives the number below 0.
  • If the game is not properly programmed, instead of remaining below 0, the ammo count will rollover to an extremely high value (for example, 65,535).
  • The character gets attacked and the shot is never fired. The ammo remains extremely high.

Thus, if the game does not realize there has been a rollover, the Super Scope will receive far more ammo than a player can count - a seemingly infinite amount.

The infinite Super Scope glitch is most well-known as being a necessary step in completing the black hole glitch.

