Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Results screen

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The results screen is a screen that appears in all Smash Bros. games. The results screen follows almost every match that the player takes part in all the games.

In Super Smash Bros.

In Single-Player modes

In the 1P Game of the game, the results screen appears after every match. In most matches, the screen follows a two-screen pattern: the number of points the player has received from the Timer and from how much Damage they have inflicted, followed by any Special Bonuses attained from the match; if the player does not attain any Bonuses, the second screen is not shown.

Prior to the actual results screen, the camera would zoom in to the character during the end of the match; if the character were off-screen, the camera would stay in place.

In the 1P Game, the results screen's text would change in the last fight against Master Hand; instead of proclaiming "Stage Clear", it would instead say "Game Clear".

The Break the Targets, Board the Platforms and Race to the Finish stages of the game have their own individual results screen; these screens, however, have only one screen allotted to each. For Break the Targets and Board the Platforms, the player is shown how many targets they have broken, or how many platforms they landed on. In Race to the Finish, the player is only shown how long it took for them to make it through the stage.

In Multi-player modes

There are two types of results screens in the multiplayer modes of Super Smash Bros., due to there being only two modes in the game. In both cases, the winner of the game performs one of three Victory poses, with the other participants applauding the victor or victors in the background, with their distance from the victor varying on their position in the previous match; farther characters represent a lower place. A scoreboard is then displayed over the screen, with the contents varying on the mode. In Time matches, both the total number of KOs and Falls (referred to as "TKOs" in this game) are shown, as well as each player's final score. In Stock matches, participants are only shown how many times they KO'd other characters.

These results screens change the main colour of the checkerboard background changes depending on who won the match; Player 1 gave a red checkerboard, Player 2 gave it a blue colour, Player 3 would get a yellow backdrop, and Player 4 would cause it to become green. In the case of team matches, the resulting colour of the winning team would also give its respective colour.

If a human controlled player wins first place, a shower of confetti is also applied to the results screen.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

In Single Player modes

All three of Super Smash Bros. Melee's single player modes (Classic, Adventure, and All-Star) share a results screen. The process is considerably more streamlined than the process found in the previous game; there is only one screen, instead of a two step process. Additionally, due to the addition of a Coin system in Melee, the amount of coins won in each stage is also shown on the Results screen. Like before, the camera would zoom in on the player when the stage was completed, and they would appear in the results screen; this time, however, the screenshot was given a light sepia tone.

In Classic Mode, the Results Screen has two different variations for the Target Test and Race to the Finish, due to their different scoring methods.

The mini-games featured in the game's Stadium do not have results screens.

In multiplayer modes

The results screens for multiplayer in Melee have been made less streamlined but more informative than in the previous game, with the addition of more "screens". The overall look, however, is considerably simpler than before; this results screen lacks backgrounds, and only the victor, or victors in team battles, is shown, with all other characters only being displayed in new "panes" at the bottom of the screen, which change in size depending on their final standing of the match. As another minor cosmetic change, the confetti shower previously featured when the player wins first place in the previous game was removed.

In this game, the results screen follows a three step procedure:

  1. The victor or victors perform one of three victory poses with their fanfare playing; in the case of team battles, the one who performed the best has their victory theme, should the victors be of different universes. Unlike the previous game, no music plays after the fanfare.
  2. Various animations ease in the first page of results, collectively showing KOs, Falls, and SDs. Depending on the mode, different scores are shown on the very bottom row. In time matches, the total score of players is shown; in stock matches, the total time taken to deplete all stocks; in coin matches, the total number of coins attained is shown; and in bonus matches, the KOs, Falls, and SDs rows are not shown, with only the total number of points accumulated shown.
  3. After pressing a button, the panes on the bottom of the screen expand and the rows on top minimise; here, the player is presented with three pages of results. The first page shows how many times the player was KO'd by another player and how many KOs they got against them, as well as their total SDs. The second page shows detailed information, such as how many times they picked up a transformation item and how many attacks they performed. The last pane shows the various special bonuses the player got in the match. In bonus mode, the third pane is shown first; in all other cases, the first pane appears.

Unlike the previous game, the results screen does not immediately end when one player presses a button; instead, pressing buttons views the contents of another page in the panels. Pressing the Start button removes the panel and inform the player that they are "Ready for the Next Battle", though pressing the B button will allow them to look at the previous panels again.

If CPUs are in the match, they will automatically scroll through the results at a medium pace; plugging a controller into a slot where a CPU player is will allow the human player to investigate their panels at their own pace.

The new Tournament mode of the game also featured the results screen after each match, as well as lesser displays of results after returning to the Tournament Grid.

On the results, the second page shows the following information:

  • KOs - Total of KOs the player got.
  • Falls - Total of times the player was KO'd by opponents.
  • SDs - Total of times the player self-destructed. Also counts KOs by stage hazards.
  • Damage Given - Total damage the player dealt to opponents in the whole match.
  • Damage Taken - Total damage the player received in the whole match.
  • Damage Recovered - Total damage the player got substracted, either by special moves or healing items.
  • Peak Damage - Highest damage the player survived to in a single stock.
  • Flight Distance - Total distance (in ft.) the player was sent by attacks.
  • Ground Time - Total time (in seconds) the player was on ground.
  • Air Time - Total time (in seconds) the player was on mid-air.
  • Hit Percentage* - Percentage of attacks that hit opponents (with decimals truncated). Attacks landed on damageable items or stage features are not counted.
  • Ground Attacks - Total of ground attacks used, these being: jabs, dash attacks, floor/ledge recovery attacks tilts and special attacks used on ground.
  • Air Attacks* - Total of aerial attacks used, as well as airborne special moves.
  • Smash Attacks - Total of smash attacks used. Smash thrown items are also counted.
  • Attempted Grabs* - Total of grabs performed.
  • Throws - Total of throws used.
  • Cliffhangers - Total of times the player grabbed ledges.
  • Items Thrown - Total of items thrown. Character-specific items (such as Vegetables) are not counted, instead belonging to the Ground/Air Attacks section.
  • Items Grabbed - Total of items grabbed. Character-specific items are not counted, even when grabbed by someone else.
  • Top Speed - Maximum amount of knockback (in units) the player received.
  • Fastest Pitch - Maximum amount of knockback (in units) dealt by the player.
  • Longest Drought - Longest amount of time (in seconds) the player spent without attacking. Attacks that miss opponents are ignored.
  • Transformation Time - Total time (in seconds) the player had the effects of transformation items (such as Metal Boxes or Starmen).

* For some reason, grab aerials are not counted here.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

In Single Player modes

In Classic and All-Star modes

The results screen of Brawl changed from their incarnations in Melee, primarily due to the removal of special bonuses. Additionally, the new results screens do not have a fanfare like the previous games; instead, a continuous piece is played over the screen, though a low-key, quieter remix plays after the player has finished the mode. The screen, however, still includes the close-up of the player, and it still serves its overall purpose.

A new addition to this results screen is a stack of coins underneath the actual score; the farther and farther the player makes it in the mode, the higher and higher the stack gets.

Like in the previous games, a different results screen appears for the Target Smash!! mini-game in the Classic Mode; additionally, Stadium events still lack devoted results screens.

In the Subspace Emissary

The Subspace Emissary's results screen, unlike the one found in its predecessor of the Adventure Mode, is completely different from the others found in the single-player modes of the game.

In this mode, the results screen shows what trophies and stickers the player has got from either enemies or hidden boxes, as well as the score they got from the stage, and their cumulative score in the entire mode. This screen features a long, victorious sounding track, which is identical to the Classic Mode's.

In multiplayer modes

In comparison to Melee, Brawl returns to a results screen more similar to the first game, with all combatants appearing on the same plane and having an actual background instead of a plain black background. Despite this cosmetic change, Brawl inherits many tropes set up by the previous game, such as a two step procedure for scores; the panels from the previous game, however, have been reduced to have two pages of contents, due to the game's lack of bonuses.

Like Melee, the results screen for Brawl has the same three step procedure as before: the victory pose, the overall results, then the detailed results. The latter page shows information similar to that of Melee:

  • KOs - Total of KOs the player got.
  • Falls - Total of times the player was KO'd by opponents.
  • SDs - Total of times the player self-destructed. Also counts KOs by stage hazards.
  • Damage Given - Total damage the player dealt to opponents in the whole match.
  • Damage Taken - Total damage the player received in the whole match.
  • Damage Recovered - Total damage the player got healed.
  • Peak Damage - Highest damage the player survived to in a single stock.
  • Flight Distance - Total distance (in ft.) the player was sent by attacks.
  • Ground Time - Total time (in seconds) the player was on ground.
  • Air Time - Total time (in seconds) the player was on mid-air.
  • Swim Time - Total time (in seconds) the player was swimming.
  • Hit Percentage - Percentage of attacks that hit opponents (with decimals truncated). Attacks landed on damageable items or stage features are not counted.
  • Ground Attacks - Total of ground attacks used, these being: jabs, dash attacks, floor/ledge recovery attacks tilts and special attacks used on ground.
  • Air Attacks - Total of aerial attacks used, as well as airborne special moves.
  • Smash Attacks - Total of smash attacks used. Smash thrown items are also counted.
  • Grabs - Total of grabs performed.
  • Throws - Total of throws used.
  • Edge Grabs - Total of times the player grabbed ledges.
  • Projectiles - Total of projectile attacks used. Includes thrown items.
  • Items Grabbed - Total of items grabbed. Character-specific items are not counted.
  • Max Launch Speed - Maximum amount of knockback (in mph) the player received.
  • Max Launcher Speed - Maximum amount of knockback (in mph) dealt by the player.
  • Longest Drought - Longest amount of time (in seconds) the player spent without attacking. Attacks that miss opponents are ignored.
  • Transformation Time - Total time (in seconds) the player had the effects of transformation items.
  • Final Smashes - Total of Final Smashes used by the player.

Like in Melee, grab aerials are strangely not listed anywhere.

Tournament mode again features results screens of its own, similar to Melee; this time, however, a new screen has been added should the opponent forfeit their match. Additionally, the "Champion!" screen no longer plays music associated with the character; an entirely new piece is used for the screen instead.


In Super Smash Bros.

In Single Player modes

Four pieces were used for the results screens of the single player mode: a triumphant, blasting fanfare, which would play after ordinary battles; an actual track with an ambient tone, which played after the player defeated Master Hand; a fanfare for winning Break the Targets, Board the Platforms or Race to the Finish; and a small piece for failing either of those three stages.

In multiplayer modes

Super Smash Bros. started the results screen by playing the character's Fanfare; after the fanfare played and the results were shown, however, original music would begin to play.

In the case of Team Battles, the player that won more points in Time mode or KO'd more opponents in Stock mode would have their victory theme played; this trend continued in Melee and Brawl.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

In Single Player modes

Melee inherited the previous game's use of fanfares; one of two fanfares would randomly play in the results screens.

In multiplayer modes

Melee's results screen follows suit of the previous game, by starting with the character's victory theme; the game, however, lacks background music after the fanfare.

In the new Tournament mode, the winner of the entire bracket would have their fanfare play; should the player not leave the bracket view, music associated with the character would begin playing.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

In Single Player modes

Brawl's single player modes removed a conventional fanfare; instead, unique background music was added to the results screen for the single player modes.

The last stage of Brawl's Classic and All-Star modes, however, took a style more similar to the original game's; a slow, soft piano piece would play in the results screen for the stages, in contrast to the loud, triumphant sound of the previous stages.

In multiplayer modes

Brawl returned to the original game's set-up in music; the fanfare would play first, then original music for the results screen would play.

In the Tournament mode, the fanfare and association music of Melee did not return; instead, the end of tournaments had its own music.


  • In Super Smash Bros. Melee, the game's Stamina Mode is notable for being the only versus mode in all the game that does not have a results screen; gameplay instead moves directly from the previous fight to the character select screen.