Project M

Squirtle (PM)

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For the unmodded version of Squirtle, see Squirtle (SSBB).
in Project M and Project+
File:SJS squirtle.png
Universe Pokémon
Base game appearance Brawl
Squirtle (SSBB)

Squirtle is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M.


Changes from Brawl to PM

Squirtle has been buffed noticeably from Brawl to PM.

  • Buff Shellshifting has been retained and Squirtle now has even more follow up options, most notably a long jump canceled grab.
  • Buff Pivot now has a hitbox that deals 3% damage and weakly launches enemies away with high base knockback, leading better into shellshift techniques, most notably the Hydroplane for a KO.
  • Buff All attacks involving Squirtle's shell have heavy armor. The stronger the attack, the heavier the armor.
  • Buff Neutral aerial now posseses gimping potential, having a better knockback scaling and a semi-spike angle.
  • Buff Down aerial is better at damaging, and on grounded opponents it acts as a locking meteor smash akin to Jigglypuff's down air.
  • Buff Forward smash has its knockback increased.
  • Buff First hit of up smash is now on Squirtle's jump, with the pumps hitting just once. This allows the first hit to link better with the second.
  • Buff Down smash hits consecutively and deals more damage, with the first hits meteoring the foe.
  • Buff Water Gun now deals consecutive damage and can clash with other projectiles. It can deal up to 6% damage if not charged, and 14% if fully charged.
  • Buff Withdraw is now immune to projectiles and can change directions. When hitting an opponent, it also makes Squirtle bounce and then cancels, leading better into aerials.
  • Buff Waterfall is now stronger and can reliably KO.
  • Buff Pokémon Change has been replaced by a new move called Bubble, which trips ground opponents and can gimp aerial ones. It has three hits of 3% damage each. Like Water Gun, Bubble can be reflected, or absorbed by PSI Magnet or Oil Panic.
  • Buff Keeps momentum upon grabbing opponents, which when combined with shellshifting causes throws to KO more easily, especially down throw.
  • Buff Down throw is stronger in terms of damage, dealing 14% with a water effect. It also keeps its powerful knockback from Brawl.
  • Nerf Water Gun can now be absorbed.
  • Change Down tilt now hits just twice.
  • Change Neutral aerial now features a vertical shell spin rather than horizontal.
  • Change Withdraw can be canceled into a fast damaging jump called Aqua Jet by using the attack button, dealing damage from 12% to 9%, though Squirtle falls helpless after this.
  • Change New on-screen appearance: Squirtle comes on using Withdraw.
  • Change More significant palette swaps, including a yellow one that gives it the color scheme of a Koopa Troopa, and a Green Team one that makes it more resemblant to a real-life turtle or a Turtwig. Squirtle now uses its default costume for the Blue Team.
  • Change Pokémon Trainer victory pose replaced: Squirtle squirts water in an arc and then poses.
  • Change Pressing attack just before Squirtle lands results in it getting black sunglasses based on the Squirtle Squad from the Pokémon anime. The glasses shatter if Squirtle is attacked.


Up to date as of version 3.0.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack
Forward tilt
Up tilt
Down tilt
Dash attack
Forward smash
Up smash
Down smash
Neutral aerial
Forward aerial
Back aerial
Up aerial
Down aerial
Glide attack
Forward throw
Back throw
Up throw
Down throw
Floor attack (front)
Floor attack (back)
Floor attack (trip)
Edge attack (fast)
Edge attack (slow)
Neutral special Water Gun
Side special Withdraw
Up special Waterfall
Down special Bubble
Final Smash None (yet)

In competitive play

Notable players

External links