Forum:With the announcement of the Male Wii Fit Trainer...

Revision as of 15:52, November 2, 2013 by MHStarCraft (talk | contribs)
Forums: Index Smash 4 Talk With the announcement of the Male Wii Fit Trainer...

Anyone else see this as a sign that we might we got alt costumes, at least for some characters? Magiciandude (talk) 16:39, 2 November 2013 (EDT)

If he does get confirmed to be an alternate costume, then yes, but his role is unknown atm. Scr7Scr7 sig.png(talk · contribs) 16:43, 2 November 2013 (EDT)
Seemly, the male Wii Fit Trainer was also not announced to be a separate character when that picture of him was shown on the SSB4 website. Dots MewtwoMS.png The Marine 16:52, 2 November 2013 (EDT)