Ness (SSB)/Up aerial
Ness does a quick headbutt above him while airborne, doing 15% damage and reasonably good power. The move is good for juggling. However, this move can also be feared when in use with a double jump cancel, which is important in Ness's metagame and has been once been considered broken. With it, Ness is capable of doing even shorter short hops and can potentially do zero-to-death combos on opponents, so Ness can do his uair at a very short distance from the ground and can do huge damage with it along with his other aerials, such as his dair. However, the move along with Ness's other moves have short range, so the technique has since lost recognition and known effectiveness.
The move also makes a hard "Ping!" cartoon sound when he hits an opponent with this uair in the NTSC version of the game.