Mr. Game & Watch's appearance in Brawl

Mr. Game & Watch is definitely returning to Brawl. If you want to know how, just click here. It's a list of all the Icons appearing in SSBB. The numbers outlined in red indicate icons that first appeared in SSB. The ones outlined in Blue indicate icons introduced in Melee. The ones outlined in green indicate icons appearing in Brawl. Now, for the blue ones, there are 3 of them, right? 2 of them are shown, the Fire Emblem logo and the Ice Climbers logo. There is one more sandwiched between them. Since they appear to be sorted by game appearance, that means the one in the middle must be the Game & Watch Icon. This leaves Mr. Game & Watch all but confirmed. DevonS 00:19, 18 November 2007 (UTC)

Well sure, i mean that could mean it, but we cant just jump to conclusions here. Id have to say myself that everyone is returning at some form, like some might be replaced. MGAW is probably coming back, but we cant say just yet that hes all but confirmed. (talk) 16:18, 17 January 2008 (UTC)
While this pretty much proves it, it wouldn't be wise to post in the article that he's in Brawl, because he hasn't been confirmed yet. Bentendo (talk) 18:40, 17 January 2008 (UTC)


"&" seems to screw this article name up. Should we find an alternative, or will this article be perpetually redirected from Mr. Game? --MaskedMarth 20:49, December 1, 2006 (UTC)

A disgusting meme

I'm suprised no one has written in the trivia section about one of Mr.G&W attacks that is mocked for looking like maturbation and ejaculation. Zordon123456789mlw7 (talk) 02:43, December 5, 2009 (UTC)

Tbh, two words: common sense. Use it. RAN1 03:05, December 5, 2009 (UTC)
Maturbation lol. What RAN said. Cheezperson {talk}stuff 04:27, December 5, 2009 (UTC)
How Freudian of you... *ahem* I mean, how exactly does it resemble "masturbation and ejaculation"? PenguinofDeath 15:32, December 5, 2009 (UTC)
We really, really shouldn't go there. I have half a mind to blank this section. Smash Bros. is T at worst, keep this wiki that way. Toomai Glittershine   The Stats Guy 20:39, December 5, 2009 (UTC)

Suitability of infobox image

If I'm not mistaken, the infobox image is just a cutout of G&W's Melee artwork. The general character pages generally do not use such artworks for their infoboxes, but for G&W it's difficult to get anything else (though I'm sure there's...something out there). Discuss. Toomai Glittershine   The Brass 20:42, 12 August 2012 (EDT)

Would an image of the character from a Game & Watch game unit work? --- ReiDemon, Author Extraordinaire, 20:47, 12 August 2012 (EDT)