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Revision as of 01:22, April 28, 2012 by ShupaRoeh (talk | contribs)
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Matchup Icon Description
+4 I win 85% or more of the time.
+3 I win 74% to 84% of the time.
+2 I win 62% to 73% of the time
+1 I win 51% to 61% of the time.
±0 I win 50% of the time.
-1 I win 39% to 49% of the time.
-2 I win 27% to 38% of the time.
-3 I win 16% to 26% of the time.
-4 I win 15% or less of the time.
P1 FoxIcon(SSB).png Alvin Carlos Angel Ruben
FoxIcon(SSB).png Mirror match ±0 ±0 +4 +4
Alvin ±0 Mirror match Undocumented Undocumented Undocumented


±0 Undocumented Mirror match Undocumented Undocumented
Angel -4 Undocumented Undocumented Mirror match Undocumented
Ruben -4 Undocumented Undocumented Undocumented Mirror match


MarioIcon(SSBB).png This user has rescued a princess.
LuigiIcon(SSBB).png This user is overshadowed.
DrMarioIcon(SSBM).png This user is also a doctor.
PeachIcon(SSBB).png This user has been kidnapped, but won't back down.
BowserIcon(SSBB).png This user is a king who kidnaps and transforms the simple into minions.
YoshiIcon(SSBB).png This user hatches out of an egg.
WarioIcon(SSBB).png This user is disgusting.
DonkeyKongIcon(SSBB).png This user was abused as a pet.
DiddyKongIcon(SSBB).png This user rescued someone whom he might look like.
LinkIcon(SSBB).png This user is a Hero in different eras.
YoungLinkIcon(SSBM).png This user is a young verson of another fighter.
ToonLinkIcon(SSBB).png This user is cel-shaded.
ZeldaIcon(SSBB).png This user transforms to hide.
SheikIcon(SSBB).png This user gives advice as a cover.
GanondorfIcon(SSBB).png This user is the only male of his species.
SamusIcon(SSBB).png This user wears a heavy yet gravity reducing suit.
ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSBB).png This user's suit accidentally broke.
KirbyIcon(SSBB).png This user swallows.
MetaKnightIcon(SSBB).png This user wields a sword and a mask.
KingDededeIcon(SSBB).png This user calls his minions and throws them.
FoxIcon(SSBB).png This user's father died.
FalcoIcon(SSBB).png This user prefers the air.
WolfIcon(SSBB).png This user can't let you do that, but fails.
PikachuIcon(SSBB).png This user shoots thunder.
JigglypuffIcon(SSBB).png This user is a ball shaped singer.
PichuIcon(SSBM).png This user has yet to evolve into another fighter.
MewtwoIcon(SSBM).png This user can control things without touching them.
PokémonTrainerIcon(SSBB).png This user commands Pokémon.
SquirtleIcon(SSBB).png This user is a water shooting turtle.
IvysaurIcon(SSBB).png This user has a plant on his back.
CharizardIcon(SSBB).png This user breathes fire.
LucarioIcon(SSBB).png This user can tell your aura.
CaptainFalconIcon(SSBB).png This user is a racer that hunts bounties.
NessIcon(SSBB).png This user has learned techniques.
LucasIcon(SSBB).png This user had losses.
IceClimbersIcon(SSBB).png This user co-operates.
MarthIcon(SSBB).png This user was betrayed.
RoyIcon(SSBM).png This user is a Lord at start.
IkeIcon(SSBB).png This user wields a heavy sword.
MrGame&WatchIcon(SSBB).png This user is 2D.
PitIcon(SSBB).png This user is an angel that defeats a monster in the sky.
OlimarIcon(SSBB).png This user needs to get back.
ROBIcon(SSBB).png This user was used when needed only.
SonicIcon(SSBB).png This user is impatient.
SnakeIcon(SSBB).png This user is heavily geared.