
From SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki
Revision as of 17:30, April 2, 2012 by Megatron1 (talk | contribs)
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Decepticons... mobolize. It is time...-Soundwave from Transformers: ROTF

MvC3 Taskmaster

Join the Jungle Jamboree

BayonettaSymbol.svg LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora! KingdomHeartsSymbol.svg
Nero-Animation-4.gif This user can burn vandalism by using da phire
Character info
Brawl main Ike
Personal and other info
Real name Daniel Nguyen
Location Decepticon HQ, Cybertron
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Brawl - To be a San...

SSBB is the first game I got for the Wii and the one I play the most. I am a Californian smasher (I don't go to tournaments so...). I beated the whole game and unlocked everything but the stickers and trophies in about 4hrs. Also, don't talk about Mario in a good way to me that often. I like to make fun of Mario. You can contact me on Gamsurge or e-mail me on I am on AllisBrawl as a random nick and Youtube and Devian Art as Megatronxd1, or MegatronXD1 (I log in with the latter but ma page says the first choice). Feel free to help write the book of jokes. Any joke is welcome. Feel free to call me Mega, my nick. Look for camouflaged stuff too. :p

Got nothing to do? Look at this.


Just to let you know, this section's content is left entirely to luck. This means it will be randomly chosen. What content will you get? User:Megatron1/Random User:Megatron1/Lists User:Megatron1/Game Gallery


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Joke Book

If you need help on the wiki or your user page, you can ask me.