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![]() Click to join the SmashWiki IRC channel! |
IRC details
- IRC is a method to communicate with other users in a real-time format that doesn't cause edit conflicts or Recent Changes-plugging.
- If you have an IRC client (such as Chatzilla), simply click on the above image/link to access the channel. If you don't have a client, you can use Special:WebChat.
Here are the guidelines on how the chatroom is shit.
- The tone of the IRC is less formal than SmashWiki itself. Discussion is free to wander to non-Smash Bros. topics, does not adhere to SmashWiki's posting rules, and is the primary place to talk with others about online brawling.
- Many users idle on the IRC - that is, while they are connected, they aren't actively paying attention. Do not expect an immediate reply to a query.
- In the same vein, many users lurk on the IRC - that is, they listen, but don't say anything. There is no requirement to respond to another user, and often a line of "Hello everyone" will be ignored simply because no one feels it is necessary to respond to such a post.
- If you wish to claim "voice", you must register with GameSurge and ask an admin to add you to the channel's userlist. Voice is a feature of IRC that allows users to talk when a channel is muted, a feature that is essentially never used here.
Here are rules that all users on the chatroom must follow.
- Do not use the SmashWiki's IRC channel to personally attack or harass another user. Remember however, being called out for less than stellar behavior (such as someone calling your behavior idiotic after displaying behavior deserving of such), or being argued with for an argument you're a clear part of, do not constitute as being personally attacked or harassed. For what constitutes as a personal attack, read this.
- Likewise to the above, do not provoke or "bait" another user to PA, harass, or troll you.
- While imitating other users can be allowed, you are expected to drop an imitation act if told to by a moderator, and continuing imitating a user in the chatroom after they asked you to stop will be considered harassment.
- Do not spam the channel. Rather than post reams of text into the channel, use a site like Pastebin and link to your post.
- Do not intentionally post links to shock/porn sites, or "screamer videos".
- Do not excessively ping other users. If someone asks you not to ping them, and their IRC username has a clear shorthand name you can use to get their attention without pinging, you are expected to respect their wishes.
- Avoid overt and excessive sexuality, profanity, and violence on the channel. What is considered excessive is up to a moderator's discretion.
- If you have a problem with a specific user, and if what they did is not enough to warrant a ban from the channel, you are expected to use the ignore command on them (or if you lack the ignore command with the client you use, you are expected to manually ignore the user). Failure to do so, while continuing making a complaint about the user and/or causing/provoking problems with them, can result in disciplinary action being done to you. "I want to see if they're saying anything about me!" is not a valid excuse to not ignore them.
- Do not be disruptive to the channel. Being disruptive is defined here as behaving in a way that prevents conversation on the channel from happening. Two users arguing logically isn't considered disruptive, but a user insistently arguing an argument they lost in an illogical manner against the other users on the channel can be considered disruptive.
- If you try to bring up a topic to talk about, and other users show no interest in talking about it or even tell you that they're not interested, you are expected to drop it. If you keep bringing the topic back up, especially to other users who came on after the initial turn down of the topic, you will be kicked from the channel, with continued insistence being met with further punishment.
- The above also applies to issues on Wiki. If other users wish to keep something on Wiki, you are expected to respect their wishes.
- There is no limit on what topics can be allowed. However, a moderator may at any time end a discussion if it gets out of hand, or ban a topic from future discussion if it is heavily prone to causing disruptive and non productive arguments.
- While you may use the channel to ask an admin to use their tools to help with something on the Wiki, do not bug them over issues that are not urgent. Such as, if a redirect has to be deleted so a page title can be moved to a lowercase title, do not expect immediate help. Likewise, if an admin does not help right away with something that is not urgent, do not say something derogatory about it.
- Also per the above, when asking an admin to do something, be polite about it, and do not demand it.
- If brawling someone 1 on 1, keep discussion about the brawls in private chat. Talking about the brawls after they're finished with other users in the chatroom can be acceptable, but never use the chatroom to trash talk, brag, etc.
- While you may discuss a ban or other action of an admin with them on the IRC, you must be civil and rational about it. Harassing and/or insistently arguing illogically with them about it will be met with disciplinary action.
- If a user clearly violates any of the above, and a moderator is not on at the time or is afk, you must save a log of the incident to present when reporting. Otherwise, a moderator cannot take any action based on word of mouth alone. If you wish however, a log may be submitted to a channel mod in private.
Additional notes
Here are some addition notes regarding the rules.
- The SmashWiki IRC channel, while an extension of SmashWiki, is not considered to be SmashWiki itself. Misbehavior on the IRC channel will not be held against you on SmashWiki, and vice versa, as long as the incident surrounding the misbehavior does not spill over to the other or are not connected. As such, being banned from the IRC channel will not necessarily get you banned from the SmashWiki, and vice versa. However, getting banned from the IRC channel, then bringing that drama to the SmashWiki, will result in a ban from the latter as well.
- Being emotionally troubled or irritated is not a valid excuse to break any of the rules above.
- Users may not use private messages with the explicit intent of evading the channel. For example, continuing to harass a user once banned from the channel is likely to result in punitive action.
- All action and enforcement done is at moderator's discretion.
Moderator ruleset
Here are additional rules moderators must follow.
- While the chatroom topic can be something nonsensical and unrelated to SmashWiki or Smash Bros., do not use the topic to advertise/promote something of yours or a friend's that is unrelated to SmashWiki.
- Also do not use the topic to insult, poke fun at, or highlight a blunder from another user on the Wiki, regardless of if they frequent the chatroom or not.
- While joke kicks are acceptable if not excessive, do not joke ban users. This prevents users from being able to enter the chatroom despite lack of wrong doing, regardless of how minimal the ban length is.
- When doing any moderating action, or lack of, make use of your best judgment, and use powers responsibly.