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This is SmashPeter. This page has had a security camera locked to it so only SmashPeter edits it and he can get at Americans who edit it as well. He joined on 24th July 2011.

I got Super Smash Bros. Brawl when I was 11, having wanted it when a boy who went to my school held it up in a French Lesson. Some people say the game is rubbish, but I don't agree with them. Most people in my school say that the Wii is no match for the Xbox 360 or PS3, but I don't support Nintendo rival consoles. I think those consoles are the ones that are rubbish. Sales of all Nintendo rival consoles have got to slow at some time, but the best-selling console in history must be made by Nintendo. CONSOLE MADE IN CHINA BY FOXCONN.

I would like to gain loyalty to Nintendo, which means I won't become an employee at them but will design games and consoles for them. My current video game developers are Square Enix Europe and Silverball Studios. I am the greatest Mario fan ever. I normally use Silverball Studios for my games, but I have come up with a Super Smash Bros. game for the 3DS, which will be developed by Square Enix Europe. The violence in the game is extremely strong and when an enemy is knocked off the upper screen, you have to bash them yourself until they can't take any more and either their head falls off or they get smashed to pieces. Also, an enemy character will bleed if hit with a sharp object such as a sword. If an Ultimate Chimera (one of those pink dinosaurs) bites an enemy in New Pork City, they will go shooting off with a streak of blood trailing behind them.

I am 13 years old and I live in South East England, just 16 miles south-west of London. I have a Super Mario Wiki account, in which I am called Pdjr9000 (the "d" stands for "diddy"), and also a Wikipedia account, in which I am called Pdiddyjr.

Status: Eh, YIKES!!!!!!!!!! But she did place an infinite ban against my mariowiki account, SolarDragon!


Country of Residence: United Kingdom (England)
Wiki of Origin: Super Mario Wiki
Attempted Ban Evasion on a wiki?: Yes
Longest blocked on SmashWiki: 1 week (for participating in an edit war)
Tempted to attempt Ban Evasion on SmashWiki at all?: Yes
Real Forename: Peter
Wants to reform the wiki?: Yes
Gets on with other SmashWiki users?: No
Number of new pages created: 6 (including this page)

SmashPeter's Notes

When I reach the administrator status (I'm aiming to become a bureaucrat on this wiki), I would rather you said I will be "given the keys" rather than "given the mop".

If there is a BJAODN (Bad Jokes And Other Deleted Nonsense) policy around here, I will add that kind of thing.

SmashPeter's mystery links

The link to where you must be careful
The admin-only link
The page with a link you must NEVER NEVER NOT EVER NEVER click under any circumstances

Remember, don't go to The page is a dead link and no longer exists. Cing went bankrupt on 1st March 2010. But feel free to go to


Latin what? These are the real lyrics to the theme tune to Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

I'll be the Darth
Eat a noob
So this is Yoshi's feet
If not here, has a party
I'll be the Darth
Eat a noob
He's going through a bread
You can't eat with a spoon

Why are there some videos?
Why, only throw them on Venus!

There's more people
He's porting
Huh? Are more people speaking?


Yes, more please

Oh, jeez, let me if
We only need for best
Yes-men, yeah

There is a condo
Don't expect congrats

OK (Orl Korrect), these are misheard lyrics but I think they're better.

SmashWiki Reformation: Warning System

I have realised that users can be blocked for hundreds of different offences. I know because I have been blocked twice from editing the SmashWiki for participating in an edit war. I want to stamp this out by introducing a Warning System, inspired by the warning system from the Super Mario Wiki, the wiki I originated from. If you have any questions about Warnings, please ask me, or find them on the "Your Questions Answered".

Templates to be introduced are "Userspace", "Reminder", "Sigfix", "Warning" and "Last Warning". Offences will be organised using 4 levels. The more severe the offence, the higher its level. If a user repeatedly commits an offence, it will be escalated up a level. Offences marked with an asterisk (*) are only to be warned by administrators. If you catch someone commiting a level 3 or level 4 offence, or an offence that can only be warned by administrators, notify an administrator immediately. Creating new stubs was originally a Level 1 offence, but then I had a better idea inspired by Wikipedia.

Level 1

Level 1 offences are minor and warrant a "Reminder" or "Userspace" template.

The following offences are Level 1 and warrant a "Reminder" template:

  • Failing to mark minor edits as "minor"
  • Failing to mark a flood of edits as "minor"
  • Deliberately writing with bad grammar or spelling
  • Deliberately entering coding incorrectly
  • Entering speculation into articles
  • Making too many consecutive edits to one page
  • Violating signature guidelines (can also warrant a "Sigfix" template)
  • Using mainspace talk-pages for unconstructive purposes
  • Adding unnecessary amounts of Trivia or information not covered by the wiki
  • Uploading unnecessary files
  • Deliberately formatting proposals incorrectly
  • Changing British spellings and grammar conventions to American standards (e.g. changing "plough" to "plow")
  • Failing to follow writing guidelines
  • Adding fanon content

The following Level 1 offences warrant a "Userspace" template:

  • Editing a user page too much in a short period of time (less than a day)
  • Having a large ratio of userspace edits compared to mainspace edits
  • Creating non-constructive subpages
  • Violation of the Userspace policy

Level 2

Level 2 offences are moderately serious offences and warrant a "Warning" template. They are as follows:

  • Enforcing a proposal before it has been passed
  • Deliberately entering false information into articles
  • Removing or altering other user's content, except when enforcing policy and fixing coding issues
  • Participating in an edit war
  • Abusing warning priveliges*
  • Removing a warning template (Reminder, Userspace, Warning, Last Warning) without going through an appeal first
  • Editing an archive without good reason
  • Acting discourteous towards other users on a regular basis
  • Failure to follow most policies

Level 3

Level 3 offences are serious offences that warrant a "Last Warning" template. They are as follows:

  • Minor vandalism
  • Impersonating another user
  • Falsely claiming to be an admin
  • Creating sockpuppets*
  • Undermining admin authority*
  • Flaming, spamming and trolling on talkpages, and making disruptive comments
  • Personal attacks

Level 4

Level 4 offences are extremely serious offences that warrant an automatic block or ban. They are as follows:

  • Major vandalism
  • Possesing an unnacceptable username (some leniency to non-native English-speakers, they may not have done it deliberately)
  • Creating sockpuppets during a block/ban (will extend block/ban, except if infinite)
  • Being a sockpuppet of an existing account
  • Creating an account just for advertising purposes
  • Creating an account just to make inflammatory comments
  • Repeated personal attacks
  • Repeated flaming, spamming and trolling

Your Questions Answered

Q. Does my Warning/Reminder/Userspace/Last Warning expire?
A. No. Warnings are permanent records.

Q. Can just anyone issue warnings?
A. Depending on the offence, all users can warn others.

Q. Can I be promoted even if I have had warnings?
A. Yes, definitely. Warnings are meant to keep track of your past activities, not to evaluate your current performance.

Q. What happens if someone gives me a warning for something I never did?
A. If you don't think you deserved a warning, you can appeal it. If the appeal is successful, the warning is removed. If not, it remains there permanently. Do not remove a warning template yourself, even if you appealed but was unsuccessful, as this is grounds for a Warning. Before you go straight ahead to appeal a warning, make sure to find out who gave it first, as warnings given by an administrator cannot be appealed. If the warning was given by an administrator, discuss it with them instead.

Q. How do I know if someone has appealed a warning I issued, and what do I do?
A. You know because a template is seen saying that a Warning/Last Warning/Reminder/Userspace you issued to that user is under dispute. It will contain a link to where you can comment on the matter. Do not re-add a warning that was overturned by an appeal, and do not give someone a warning for something that is no longer a problem.

Q. What happens if I see someone commiting a Level 4 offence, or an offence that can only be warned by administrators?
A. Certain offences are only to be warned by administrators, so do not issue Warnings/Last Warnings for those offences unless you are an administrator, as doing so could be seen as abusing warning priveliges. Even if a Level 3 offence you see someone commiting is warnable by common users, notify an administrator when you give them the Last Warning so they can spy on the user and block them if they break the rules the way they have been again.

Text to be seen on the templates (currently under construction)


"Please stop (insert the offence here) on the SmashWiki. This isn't a warning, and it's likely that you made a mistake without realising it, this is simply a reminder for your information. If the action continues deliberately, then a Warning will be issued. Thanks for reading and keep contributing."


"Hello, (insert username here)!

The SmashWiki is a great place to be, eh?

SmashPeter's sockpuppetry policy

Users of SmashWiki should only use one account, but sometimes, a user will need to create another account. This usually happens in events that are moderately rare, e.g. the user forgot their password. However, creating an extra account for any other reason (e.g. disrupt discussions, evade bans, win arguments etc.) is called sockpuppetry and is not allowed.

Please note that I am still working on this section of the page.

Reasons for Sockpuppetry (innappropriate uses of creating another account)

Users sockpuppet for various reasons. They are as follows:

Ban Evasion. The SmashWiki will not tolerate Ban Evasion. Ban Evasion is defined as avoiding serving the time of a block or a ban by creating sockpuppet accounts to use instead of the blocked/banned account. Administrators would expect Ban Evasion to be carried out by permanently blocked users, but suprisingly, on most wikis I've been on, most users sockpuppet to evade temporary bans. Creating another account because your original account was blocked for being created just for advertising purposes, being created just to make defamatory comments, or possesing an unnacceptable username is not considered to be Ban Evasion and is allowed as long as the account is not for advertising purposes, is not for making defamatory comments, and does not have an unnacceptable username. Ban Evasion is not allowed on the wiki because there is a chance that the user will do more damage using the sockpuppet. Sometimes, blocked users piggy-back on accounts of other users they know, rather than creating sockpuppets. This is also wrong, but it is harder to catch users doing this.

Winning Arguments. Sometimes users sockpuppet to win arguments, usually related to proposals. This is called meatpuppetry, and is also not allowed on SmashWiki.

Voting more than once in polls. When the SmashWiki holds a community poll (e.g. a browser poll), users can only vote once. However, sometimes users may sockpuppet so that the side of the poll they vote for ends up having the most votes. Even if whatever has the most votes in a poll is not what you voted for, that does not matter, because your vote has still been counted.

Circumventing Policies. Sometimes users sockpuppet because they think that they can avoid having to follow SmashWiki Policies by doing so. Each policy does not apply per account, but per PERSON.

"Good Hand" and "Bad Hand" accounts. A user might use their original account to make some good contributions, but may use a sockpuppet to do a lot of damage to the wiki through disruptiveness, vandalism and trolling without getting caught doing so. Do not think you can use a sockpuppet to damage and disrupt the wiki without being caught, the administrators WILL catch you, they WILL block the sockpuppet account, and at their discretion, they may block your original account.

Dealing with Sockpuppetry

Administrators can use CheckUser to check if a user is a sockpuppet of an existing account. CheckUser shows the IP address of the user, but occasionally it also shows the person controlling the account. However, there are some more obvious signs of sockpuppetry.

Sometimes, a user calls their sockpuppet a name that is a variation of the name of their original account or their username on another wiki. Here are some examples I've seen on Mario Wiki, with the username and the name of the sockpuppet (I am not making these up).

  • Kaptain K. Rool (called his sockpuppet "Kaptain K. Rool on the Rampage!")
  • Brandon50 (called his sockpuppets "Brandon100" and "Brandon80")
  • Admiral Bubbles (called his sockpuppet "Admiral Bubbles Strikes Back")

Sometimes users call their sockpuppets completely different names, and may even use a different IP address. In other words, some sockpuppets wear disguises that make them harder to identify. However, it is possible to compare edits made by two accounts to see if one account is a sockpuppet.

If a sockpuppet is discovered, take action. If you're an administrator, go to Special:Blockip to block the sockpuppet, which should have an expiry time of infinite. The talkpage of the sockpuppet is viable for deletion, unless it is deemed possibly useful for future reference. The IP address should be autoblocked, but a range block should be enforced if the sockpuppet was created on a different IP address. The IP Block/Range Block may affect some legitimate users and should be temporary. If the user who created the sockpuppet was blocked/banned at the time they sockpuppeted, and still are blocked, then they must have created the sockpuppet as an act of Ban Evasion. If the block is temporary, you should change the block settings so either the block has been extended, or it becomes an infinite ban. It is best to keep an eye on users that have sockpuppeted in the past to make sure that they do not sockpuppet again.

If you are not an administrator (or in other words, a common user) and you discover a sockpuppet, notify an administrator immediately, but be sure to include the sockpuppet's username so they know who to block.

External Links

Pdiddyjr's page on Wikipedia

Category:Pages which contain links that you must never click