Super Smash Bros. Melee

Event 33: Lethal Marathon

Event 33
Lethal Marathon
Official description Avoid the F-Zero machines and race for the finish.
Character(s) used Captain Falcon
Stage(s) F-Zero Grand Prix
Music Big Blue
Availability Unlockable

Event 33: Lethal Marathon is one of the 51 event matches in Super Smash Bros. Melee.


This event is similar to the F-Zero stage in Adventure Mode where the player has to get from point A to point B. However, it's at least twice as fast as normal, making it tricky. Captain Falcon is a fast faller, and a fast runner, so control is needed. Also, the F-ZERO machines are merciless, and the player can get around 734-999% damage and an instant KO if they all come thundering down upon the player.

There are certain points on the field where the player is safe from the cars if they duck, most notably the platforms and bends in the road.