Names are a feature in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Brawl, it allows a player to input a one-five letter word as a name to use in gameplay. Names can also be used to store data and records under them, a name will have the records for KO's, SD's, Damage taken, Pratfalls, etc. Names are also used to set Rumble on a controller and save a control preference for a player that uses different controls to the default setting, this effectively makes techniques like B-Sticking and T-Sticking available to use. In Brawl names can be transferred to the Wiimote which can then be transferred to another Wii.
Name Entry
The Name Entry is a console where names are put in and managed, found under "Options", although new names can be typed in at the Character Select screen.
In Melee one of the random names is "Ike" who is a character that appears in Melee's sequel, Brawl.