Forum:Smash Arena Suggestions
This forum has the purpose of helping to select what battles will eventually take place in the Smash Arena. If you would like to make a suggestion, please feel free to leave it here. New suggestions are placed at the bottom of the page. Be sure to state your reason you suggested it and put the support, reject, and comments sections underneath it.
Like the idea? Be sure to give it your support. Note that this page is not to be used for the actual voting between fighters; that happens in the Arena itself. Remember, the combatants don't necessarily have to be able to fight each other normally in Smash Bros.
- The SA operator(s) has final say over all the fights. Suggestions and comments are merely a way for the community to influence the fights.
- Sign your suggestions/votes/comments with ~~~~ and a # in front of it (you don't necessarily have to put # in the comments sections, but you do have to sign with ~~~~).
- Don't vote for your own suggestion. You automatically vote for it if you suggest it.
- Do not post more than one suggestion at a time. Each user may post one suggestion per week.
- Post why you support/oppose. Don't just say, "Oh, this is a cool idea". Explain why you like/don't like the fight.
- You can remove your own suggestion, but it still counts as your suggestion for that week.
- Similarly to the above, you cannot edit a suggestion once people have started to vote on it. Editing the description is fine; just don't replace, add, or remove combatants.
- Place new suggestions at the bottom of the page. If you place them at the top, they may be lost.
- Do not use this page to argue with other users over their reasons and opinions. You can civilly point out an inconsistency or mistake in their description, but if you say things like, "That's stupid", that could potentially start an argument in the comments, you are breaching this rule.
- The comments section is to be used for relevant comments.
- Check this list to view the fights that have been done; currently no repeat fights are permitted.
- Suggestions are purged every time a new Smash Arena round is posted. It is at this time they are either accepted and placed into the queue, or they are rejected. Not all suggestions are purged at once.
- In the vein of the above, do not repost a suggestion of yours that has been removed, since it's either already lined up or been rejected. Reposting it after time has passed is generally a bad idea, since if it's already in the queue it's a waste of time, and if it was rejected the first time chances are it will remain that way. See the Queue section for an idea of how long it may take for your suggestion to show up.
- Only Smash Bros.-related fights are permitted. Fights don't have to be between playable characters, but the combatants must have appeared in at least one Smash Bros. game.
- Acceptance of fights is not based simply on votes. The votes are used to judge the community's opinion of the matchup; again it is solely the operator(s)'s decision on what the bouts are.
- If there are already 10 open suggestions, you should probably reconsider adding a new one. If there are 15, it is highly recommended you do not. There is no limit to the number of open suggestions, but having too many clutters the page and makes it more difficult to keep track of.
- And finally, do not make this page into the Smash Arena itself. This is for deciding what goes there, not voting on which would win.
The current queue is as such:
83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 |
Hover the cursor over a round number to see its predicted start date. Empty spots are shown in grey.
When the queue becomes full (all the grey spots are filled up), suggestions will be suspended. You may continue to vote on current suggestions, but no more may be proposed. Once the queue drains out to a size of one, suggestions will be re-opened.
The queue is not set in stone; new suggestions may appear before older ones and it may change at any time. The queue is designed to attempt to balance out fights so that participants or universes aren't used too much in a short time.
The contents of the queue are a secret to maintain mystery and intrigue.
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LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora! |
{{SA Box}}
- Smash Arena userbox; originally by Squallinoa 08, modified by Toomai. If you wish, place it on your user page. It will tell you the new fights as they happen.
To make a suggestion the easy way, copy the following code, paste it into the bottom of the editing window, and fill out the relevant parts:
==<participant 1> vs. <participant 2>== <description of fight, maybe a few reasons you think it would be a good matchup> ~~~~ ===Support=== ===Oppose=== ===Comments===
Melee Falco vs. Brawl Falco
Now before you shoot this suggestion down saying "oh it's a fight between the same character, boooriiing", consider this;
- Falco saw the most changes between Melee and Brawl, going through large changes atheistically and large changes in his moveset.
- Falco saw nerfs in some areas, saw buffs in some areas, and saw complete changes in others, changing his playstyle quite drastically.
- Falco is currently the only character who is considered top tier in both games (Marth used to be as well, until his tier demotion in the recent Melee tier list).
- Falco is the most debatable character on whether he is better or worse overall in the transition to Brawl.
So, will you deride this matchup for "involving the same character", or will you like to see which incarnation of Falco has larger fan approval? Omega Tyrant 04:19, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Greatly support, this has been debated for a while whether falco has been buffed of nerfed more, there was even a time when Falco was the same number on the melee and brawl tier lists.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
04:30, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- For players who really cares to seek and have some experiment in Melee and Brawl, this must be an important battle! So, how can people say "no" to this, even I don't play Melee! And, from your words, it looks like lots of nerf and buff happened. Well then, call me stupid because even I don't play Melee, but I care about this! Kirbythe
Amazing 08:22, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- 'K, let's just say this is like the melee vs brawl marth. WRONG! Melee marth and brawl marth=totally lookalike. melee falco and brawl falco, not so lookalike. pretty interesting duhLucasthefourth Spartan birds
09:11, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- WoT's...too...powerful...-Ivy73
09:49, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Awesome suggestion.Zero (talk) 17:13, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Mr. Anon (talk) 20:58, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Similar to the Marth battle suggested up there, I support. HavocReaper 18:01, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- Ok, maybe this will work. -- 08:40, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- k ..... 9001 Lamps
11:59, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Sorry but even with your detailed description of why they are different, I still think that fighting yourself is stupid. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 18:04, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Are you guys insane? Falco vs Falco? Mastersword (talk) 02:48, 19 April 2011 (EDT)
- I think Melee Falco is too similar to Brawl Falco.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
@Solar Dragon and Mastersword: You guys do realise the Smash Arena is a popularity contest and not actual fights? Also, technically, they are not the same character in the Smash series, but rather, different incarnations (for them to be the "same Smash character", they would have to be in the same Smash game, and have every single thing about them exactly identical). Now perhaps provide an oppose reason other than "oh it's the same character" that I already pointed out won't suffice? :p
And Mastersword, calling people insane for supporting this matchup with logical reasoning doesn't make your oppose case any stronger. Omega Tyrant 03:06, 19 April 2011 (EDT)
Everyone wants ssbm falco vs ssbb falco but not ssbm marth vs ssbb marth. Thats creepy68.197.115.28 15:05, 19 April 2011 (EDT)
Sonic vs. Luigi
Both are the runner-ups; one in the real universe, the other in his own. Who will be victorious? The lean, green machine? Or the super sonic psuedo-porcupine? Critical Hit, and... KO! 15:20, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Vote 10 gave me a idea, they are complete opposites, which gives a twist to the suggestion86.82.234.185 11:54, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- Um, the runner-ups to what?-Ivy73
15:26, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Dun get it. MegaTron1XD
16:10, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Too many opposites. Plus, I have no idea what you're talking about. -- 16:48, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- are you kidding me? they are NOT both runner ups and was a stupid suggestion68.197.115.28 16:56, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- What? Didn´t get it. Zero (talk) 17:13, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Not enough minerals or i dont get it. ..... A Golden
17:30, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- Huh? ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 17:47, 18 April 2011 (EDT)
- ............. Why not? Look at the above reasons, and below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 02:50, 19 April 2011 (EDT)
- Same us MasterswordLucasthefourth PK Chu!
07:51, 19 April 2011 (EDT)
- Uh, Tails vs Luigi maybe, but not the ego-freak cash cow Vs. the eternal second banana. HavocReaper 18:01, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- Rewording the intro would be nice, as many of us don't know what you mean with the "runner up" thing. And outside of whatever that part means, these two lack notable compare/contrasts, and all in all this seems just to be a random matchup to me. Omega Tyrant
06:21, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- ???--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
This could get taken down anytime soon. No offense to whoever created this. -- 12:24, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
Congo Jungle vs Jungle Japes
Congo Jungle utilizes the amazing graphics and sounds of classic jungle levels of Donkey Kong Country, a personal childhood favorite of mine. Plus, it's hella fun to launch your foe into a beautiful background with occasional vulture cameos. Finally, Giant Donkey Kong takes a stand here in the original SSB.
Jungle Japes' scenery more based upon everyone's favorite fourth-wall breaker, Cranky Kong in his Cabin, comes complete with another amazing sunset, water, and a super long ceiling. Not to mention, the DK Rap! Oh, and the Giant DK makes another return here. HavocReaper 18:01, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- Why not? They're both from DK, they're interesting stages, and I'd like to see who comes on top. This counts as my reason, as well as reasons below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 18:53, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- Support this battle will be epic! Not only are these stages from the Donkey Kong series but they are also the stages which he has his highest matchups on.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
19:35, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- Da epicness. MegaTron1XD
23:07, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- Seems good to me. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 04:53, 21 April 2011 (EDT)
- Both DK stages, both epic. Zero (talk) 05:09, 21 April 2011 (EDT)
16:13, 21 April 2011 (EDT)
- Extreme support! Both rivals are from DK and they're both stages! They have huge similarities. -- 17:47, 21 April 2011 (EDT)
- They are both DK stages.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- ...
- ...
Kirby vs. King Dedede
COME. ON. Brawlingbrian mains 18:10, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- It's the inflatable puffball versus the bigger, greedier inflatable penguin. Interesting. That counts as my reason, as well as below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 18:48, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- They both have a hammer! 22:24, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- Now I'm surprised because this battle just been suggested now. Kirbythe
Amazing 22:53, 20 April 2011 (EDT)
- For reason number 3. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 04:52, 21 April 2011 (EDT)
- Another rivalry, they both have gone to a Gourmet race, fighting each other, helping each other, and eat each otherLucasthefourth PK Chu!
01:04, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- Similar to the Fox vs. Wolf suggestion, I don't really find this suggestion interesting and thoughtful, but being rivals/main protagonist vs. main antagonist makes it an automatic Smash Arena matchup in my eyes. Omega Tyrant
06:21, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- Another missed perfect match-up. *sighs* -- 20:38, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- Rivals.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
Kyogre vs. Isaac
Both use the push effect to push foes off the screen Mastersword (talk) 21:29, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- Nothing else besides a push effect, and both of their ways to accomplish that are different from the other. MegaTron1XD
22:58, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- A strong stream of water versus an obnoxious hand wanting a high-five, Naaaah.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
04:00, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Kyogre moves up and down too, following you around. Isaac just shoots left and right. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 04:04, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- A Pokemon against an Assist Trophy? No way! -- 08:34, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Issac's attack does cause knockback, instead of pushing. That's the reason why characters get knocked down from it. As such, nothing really interesting here comes out at me. Omega Tyrant
09:11, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Pokémon vs. Assist Trophy = no.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Actually read this. EyeSack's Move has set knockback, not the push effect. Mastergameandwatch (talk) 14:34, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
Hammer vs Golden Hammer
Both are very powerful, they play a classic tune when picked up. However, with the small chances of getting a headless hammer or a squeaky respectively, the users may end up being the vulnerable ones. -- 21:30, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- Well, they are very similar. But I say yes.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- It's like, a very very very very rigged match. MegaTron1XD
22:58, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- RIGGED! I mean it's like saying Link vs Bunny Ears Link. This counts as my reason, as well as below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 23:20, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- Urm... This reminds me of the Ridley vs. Meta Ridley suggestion... ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 04:04, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- So, take a item and match it up with a version that is superior in every way? The Hammer may have the awesome hammer head, but since you're busy swinging the stick, you wouldn't be able to utilise it if you picked up a headless hammer anyway. Smash Arena matchups aren't actual competition, but if the matchup was to interest enough for someone to vote, why would they vote for the Hammer unless they really like the hammer head? Omega Tyrant
09:11, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- I'd like it more if it was SSB Hammer vs SSBB Golden hammer. It evens the playing field a little more.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
21:26, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- This is like DK vs. Giant DK. Mastergameandwatch (talk) 14:34, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
Ganondorf vs. Pichu
Ganondorf and Pichu are on the dead bottom of the tier list (SSBB's for Ganon and SSBM's for Pichu). While both try to play at the top of their game, they end up being tournament punching bags. Will the rodent of high voltages blast Ganon out of his mind, or will Ganondorf Warlock Punch Pichu and show his power? Mastergameandwatch (talk) 22:06, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- It doesn't matter whether Pichu is currently tied with someone or not. Both Ganon and Pichu are infamous for being the worst in Brawl and Melee respectively through many tier lists. Not to mention the fact that a fight between the toughest looking and the wimpiest looking would be cute. Mr. Anon (talk) 02:03, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Pichu may be in one of the bull shit "ties" at the bottom with Kirby, but outside that, Pichu was last on the ninth Melee tier list that lasted from 2008 up to 2010. The tier list with the "negligible tier" shouldn't be considered as that was a beta tier list. And outside of tier lists, when people think of who the worst character in Melee is, who comes to mind? No doubt that Pichu naturally comes to most people's minds. Both of these characters also have severe handicaps (Pichu hurting itself, Ganondorf having the worst mobility and lacking anyway to deal with projectiles). We had the matchup for Melee Fox vs. Meta Knight, so we should naturally have a battle of the worst. Omega Tyrant
09:11, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Although I consider Pichu to be 25th, I think this would be an interesting matchup.-Ivy73
21:40, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Pichu is equal with Kirby in the bottom of melee's tier list.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
22:15, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- ^ MegaTron1XD
22:58, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- My reason is Megatron's, which is Shaun's Wiji Dodo's reason. It is obvious that that is my reason, as well as below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 23:22, 22 April 2011 (EDT)
- There are no other similarities other than that they are at the bottom of the tiers. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 04:04, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- A very strong Ganondorf against a very weak Pichu. I automatically could see the winner in my hands. -- 08:41, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Big, strong, dark, low-jumping evil king vs. little, self-damaging weak Pokémon? (MY opinions!) No.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Think about the Pikachu vs. Pichu or Round [1]? Do you see the reason why everyone hates Pichu and why everyone likes Pikachu for being top tier on the SSB tier list? ..... 9001 Lamps
12:07, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
@Anon, how is Pichu infamous for being the worst in melee? The tier list before had five characters in a negligible tier where the melee back room didn't even rank them. Also there have been more tier revisions with bowser and mewtwo as the worst character than there has with Pichu as the worst.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk 03:44, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Read OT's post above. He sums this up quite well.Mr. Anon (talk) 13:33, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Although OT's post is well written, the tier battle of SSBM fox vs SSBB meta knight was different since they hads been top tier for a lot longer than just 2-3 years, i fact i think they were always top tier, and they're not currently and never have been tied in place of a tier spot.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
21:48, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Although OT's post is well written, the tier battle of SSBM fox vs SSBB meta knight was different since they hads been top tier for a lot longer than just 2-3 years, i fact i think they were always top tier, and they're not currently and never have been tied in place of a tier spot.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
Samus vs. Lucario
2 Smashers for different world, they have the similar special move, which is charging a ball of sphere. They also have similar final smash, which is shooting a straight energy beam from their hand (But for Samus, not DIRECTLY from hand) Lucario's Aura sphere can damage anybody when charging, but mostly have smaller damage and knockback. Samus' beam is pretty deadly but she's totally atackable when charging.Lucasthefourth PK Chu! 02:46, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Lucario's Aura Sphere can be more damaging and have more knockback when lucario is at 182% and I find these characters are way too different. Just because two moves are the same doesn't mean the characters are similar.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
03:37, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- I could go on about this topic, but I'm going to sum it up: Their moves are completely different! Samus' can only go sideways, but you can actually control Lucario's, so Lucario's would be harder to dodge. -- 08:47, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Their neutral specials aren't the same :/ And they're not that similar either. These two lack notable similarities/contrasts, and appears to be a random matchup to me. Omega Tyrant
09:11, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Their neutral specials are different :/ MegaTron1XD
09:31, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- No.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- NO! NO! NO! So they've got one move that is the same! SO WHAT? The rest of they're movesets are completely different, and there's no point in saying their final smashes are similar because they're not! This counts as my reason, as well as the ones above and below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 18:33, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
@Shauns wi dojo, i say MOSTLY, not always! i know lucario's aura sphere can have bigger damage and knockback, but i said MOSTLY it isn't! Lucasthefourth PK Chu! 04:06, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- How can you say "mostly" anyway, you can't determine that a lucario will be winning or losing in stocks and in damage most of the time, by the way it's Shaun's Wiji Dodo not Shauns wi dojo.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
04:13, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- It's just a small mistake --" no need to be so madLucasthefourth PK Chu!
05:47, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- It's just a small mistake --" no need to be so madLucasthefourth PK Chu!
Ho-oh vs Dyna Blade
it would be epic and theyre very similar Supershuckle (talk) 10:48, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Similar? Not even close. MegaTron1XD
10:52, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Dyna Blade doesn't even have a function in the game, besides being a trophy. Ho-oh sometimes appears to destroy your opponent. But I do think they look somewhat similar.--Wolf rulez!
Playtime's over! 11:29, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- They do look similar, but Dyna Blade only appears in Brawl as a trophy/sticker, which really hurts this suggestion. And when you factor in their in universe selves, they lack similarities/contrasts outside appearance. Omega Tyrant
11:57, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- I don't know who dyna blade is. ..... 9001 Lamps
12:08, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Dyna Blade is a trophy, and Ho-oh is a pokemon from a poke ball. The idea is a wonderful one, but since they lack significance, this counts as my reason. It would be good to see one as a boss though. My reason also includes the ones before me as well as below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 18:36, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- What do you mean "very similar"? -- 19:03, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Nope, sorry. Dyna Blade doesn't do anything in the smash universe, so he can't really be counted as a contestant... Fuddlebob (talk) 19:55, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- If Dyna-Blade was an assist trophy and did something similar to Ho-Oh then yes. This is not a case so no. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 04:09, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- Same as vote num 2Lucasthefourth PK Chu!
05:53, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Dyna Blade was based on Ho-oh. Mastersword (talk) 18:37, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Dyna Blade comes before Ho-oh. Dyna Blade first appeared in Kirby Super Star, which came out in 1996, predating the Pokemon franchise. Omega Tyrant
18:50, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
Maybe Ho-oh was based on Dyna Blade. Mastersword (talk) 00:38, 25 April 2011 (EDT)
Ness vs Mewtwo
I'm not sure if this has been suggested yet or not, but I'm surprised this fight has never been done. Both Ness and Mewtwo are pschics for starters. Both have unique double-jumps (thus benefiting from DJC) that are among the largest in Melee. Both characters have extremely powerful throws. Both characters posses a chargable neutral special. Both characters are the most powerful in their own game. Both characters rank quite low on the Melee tier list.
And my favorite reason is this: Mewtwo resembles Giegue, the original form of Giygas, the main villain of Earthbound.
Mr. Anon (talk) 13:40, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Anon described the matchup well. Omega Tyrant
14:18, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- It just proves that if you describe a matchup well enough, you could see it being battled out in the arena. When I first looked at the match up I'm like nah, no way, but when I read the statement I realised that they're very similar. This counts as my reason as well as below this vote if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 18:40, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- per 1st vote. -- 18:58, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- This would be an interesting match, could end up being very close... Fuddlebob (talk) 19:54, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Nice. MegaTron1XD
20:01, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Nice match. I also saw the resemblance between Mewtwo and Giegue awhile back. Unknown the Hedgehog 21:19, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- A character that looks like Giegue before he became an entity of evil versus the chosen boy who stops the entity. WIN.--Shaun's Wiji Dodo talk
21:22, 23 April 2011 (EDT)
- Seems to work for me. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 04:09, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- Reason? Number 2. Just like me and just like that Kirbythe
Amazing 09:34, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- PK......Psychic(that would make a nice move.)! Mastergameandwatch (talk) 14:34, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- ...
Volt Tackle vs. Super Sonic
They are deadly, spedy, have awful handling, cause problem when ended under the main platform, have a connection to lightning (well, not really), and both are Final Smash too! Which one will gain victory? The lightning speed hedgehog, or the lightning covered Pokemon? Kirbythe Amazing 09:51, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- I think that they are both similar. ☆The Solar Dragon☆ 11:26, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- My reason is Solar Dragon's, as well as below if more are added. Mastersword (talk) 00:40, 25 April 2011 (EDT)
- You can easily slow down Super Sonic while experienced people can control Volt Tackle with ease. In addition, Super Sonic can easily ko while the other is meant for damage racking. MegaTron1XD
09:56, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
- I avoided Volt Tackle completely with Pokemon Change. Which means Volt Tackle isn't deadly. Mastergameandwatch (talk) 14:34, 24 April 2011 (EDT)