VGDistrict (previously known as first Brawl Central, then Nintendo Hub, also abbreviated as VGD) started off as an unofficial Super Smash Bros Brawl fansite. It acted like the Smash Bros. DOJO!! by providing information related to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but it also has legitimate sources from Japanese forums (translated). Brawl Central ceased to exist in 2008, becoming Nintendo Hub. Many of the Brawl-related features were kept, such as character boards and competitive Brawl forums. However, the site has expanded to encompass many more series, with over 20 forums related to game series. Most are first-party Nintendo franchises, while others are not. Examples of this include the Guitar Hero / Rock Band forum, and the Gears of War and Halo forums. The site has since undergone yet another change, switching its main focus to all video games in general, rather than focusing on only Nintendo. The new site is VGDistrict, which stands for Video Game District.
VGDistrict was started (as Brawl Central) and run by Smash Bros. players and SWF members, Chris and the Buzz Saw. Since then, 3 other admins(T3h Kaiser, Pumpkins and NGW) have been added, with Buzz retiring. The main Website features many different pieces of information and news of Nintendo and other video game related news, constantly being updated by news editors. The forum's section is where all the members gather and discuss topics ranging from video games, questions, forum games, etc. The administrators and moderators keep the site clean, although members do (sometimes) get to "vote" whether or not something should be deleted.
On November 2009, T3h Kaiser and other admins, moderators, and forum members were tired with the way that the admin Chris ran VGDistrict and thus left to make Xugo Gaming. VGD was set to close down later that month, but on November 24th, Chris decided to keep the site open and used cheaper hosting to help try to secure the site's financial stability.
On Friday,December 11th, 2009 VGDistrict was revamped and all previous members and posts were deleted. The new site features less boards that any of its predecessors.
Current Staff
- Chris
- SonicTHP
- OvrChkn
- LoKuS
- Kagato