Forum:Sonic help
This might sound weird, but I'm having problems beating a certain Sonic player. Basically all he does is use his neutral-B (Homing Attack). My problem is this (and I swear on Roy's grave he can do this): he can somehow change the speed at which the move charges. Sorry for not having a video or something, but most of you know how annoying a player like this is. We've both won two matches against each other, and there is NO WAY I am admitting that a guy who plays like this is equal to me (sorry, I know I'm overreacting). Someone, please give me suggestions on how to beat him. Cheezperson (speak to the big cheese)
i am also a sonic player and his homing attack is faster when he jumps so try to avoid it once then hit him while u have a chance either use a fast attack or a really strong attack even sonic's homing isnt strong inuf for some really strong attacks. sonic is really good in the ground so try to get him up in the air.he is really fast so try not to use slow characters they tend to miss alot i should now.