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As an avid SmashWikidian, I dislike fragmented discussions. If you leave a comment for me, I will most likely respond to it in here, in this same page, on my talk page, as an effort to keep the entire conversation in one place. By the same token, if I leave a comment on your talk page, please feel free to respond to it there, on your talk page. Remember, we can use our watchlist to keep track of when responses are made. At the same time, feel free to send an alert to me on this page about a comment you have left elsewhere.
Thank you!
Welcome Back
Nice to see you back. In your absence, we've cleaned up the smasher pages and are getting ready to get rid of the smasher namespace. Pointless crews are and will be deleted. Again, welcome back. Clarinet Hawk (talk · contributions) 22:49, 5 April 2009 (UTC)
Since you've been gone...
... we've updated the Smasherbeta template - there are now parameters for birthday, birthmonth and birthyear, and the smasher's age is automatically calculated using those numbers - for example. Just thought, given your recent edits, that you'd like to know. PenguinofDeath 10:57, January 8, 2010 (UTC)