With Smasher Namespace

The goal of a wiki is to be informative and not to allow self promotion or free advertisement. This policy outlines what is allowed, not allowed, and required when a user creates a page for a smasher.

Posting a page including info about a smasher in an objective manner is fine, but we have all too many wikisquatters starting guild pages on a site meant to be mostly informative. This could even be classified as stealing our bandwidth which is illegal (at least in the U.S.)! Please, if you want a wiki for your smasher, ask around; I am sure some generous user will help you get one set up.


All Smasher articles will be required to follow these specifications.


Smasher pages should be in the Smasher namespace.

Example: [[Smasher:Brakedown]].
Note there is no space between Smasher: and the smasher name.


All smasher pages must contain:

  • Where the smasher lives. This may be as vague as "North America" or as specific as "Hillsburrito, Iowa".
  • The characters the smasher mains.


The smasher page should also be properly categorized. This means they should probably be located in:

  • [[Category:<country> smashers]]

There are also various categories more specific to each country. If you can provide a more specific category, such as Category:Oregon smashers, this is preferred, though not required.


The information here is allowed and encouraged in order to create an informative guild page:

  • A (short) list of players to contact for more information
  • A link to your guild website and/or forums
  • A list of the progress your guild has made
  • A list of periodic events that might be of interest to people outside the guild, e.g. prospective new members:
    • Guild meeting schedules, instance run schedules, PvP raid schedule
    • Note however that the intention is not to allow guilds to replace their own guild sites with WoWWiki pages. The emphasis is still on objectivity and usefulness to people outside your guild.
  • A summary of the purpose of your guild
  • Whether you are recruiting or not, and who you are recruiting
  • A brief summary of guild guidelines
  • Short stories or history of your guild

This is not necessarily a complete list. We do not mind you publishing other information that is useful or interesting to others; but it illustrates the gist of it: pages in WoWWiki are there for the visitors!

Not allowed

Posting the following types of information will result in your guild page being edited or deleted:

  • Biased information - The content on a Wiki is meant to be informative, this includes guild pages. Guild pages, like all other, should be written from a neutral point of view and must follow the Neutral Point of View Policy.
  • A complete list of guild members
  • Forums, message boards, or other forms of inter-guild communications
  • In general terms: don't put any material on the page that requires it to be updated frequently, or is only meant for members of the guild.

Disbanded guilds

Articles about disbanded or non existant guilds can and will be nominated for speedy deletion. If your guild has disbanded but you want to archive the article, please move it to the main author's User: namespace and remove {{Guild}} and any guild-specific category.

Guild stubs

Stubs for guilds can be created in preparation of expanding the article with more information. If you create a stub, use the {{Stub/Guild}} tag at the top of your article. Guild pages marked as stubs which have not been edited for 30 days will be deleted. Your guild page is a stub if it does not contain the required information.

Enforcing the policy

Note: A deleted guild page can be restored at an admin's discretion. However, this will not give you an extra 30 days to comply with policy.


Please remember that SmashWiki is a place where users go to obtain information about Super Smash Bros, not to get spammed with what can be seen as useless information, especially to casual players. Smashers are certainly a large part of SmashWiki and can be represented here, but they must follow the proper criteria and not participate in spewing said useless biased information or wikisquatting. Your target audience is not yourself or your friends, it is people interested in Smash. Your smasher page should reflect this!

See also

Temp. dislocated

  • At least three (3) sentences in English containing useful information about the guild. E.g. purpose of guild, contact information, recruiting state, rules, style of play, etc. After these sentences, the main article may be in another language if the intended audience is non-English.