Forum:Plusle & Minun "Partially Programed"
Why are Plusle & Minun only partially programed instead of fully playable.Time constraints or they don't want a Ice climbers/Pichu???
They weren't. Pra + Mai don't have ANYTHING TO DO WITH PLUSLE AND MINUN. Just because the names start with the same letter... geez. Max2
Several characters were only partially programmed. These are all of them: Dixie (Kong), Dr. Mario, Roy, Toon Zelda. Toon Sheik, Pra Mai (Plusle/Minum?), and Mewtwo. These characters were found after people dumped Brawl onto a computer to see all the files. Thats how you can download the OST. Anyway I suppose time constraints forced them to stop finishing more charaters. It is evident they wanted to make all these characters but they all appear to be clone-ish to me. Except Pra-Mia, who we can assume to be Plusle and Minum, I'm talkin to you Max2! Plusle and Minum would probably have been a unique mix but maybe we'll see them next time around :) Bonko24 04:40, 6 March 2008 (UTC)
plusle and minun woulde just be pichu all over again. a ANNOYANCE! anyway, with plusle and minun in brawl, there would be a massive overload of pokemon in the game. there already is one, if you haven't noticed!