Super Smash Bros. Brawl

List of crowd cheers (SSBB)/French

< List of crowd cheers (SSBB)
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The following is a list of crowd cheers that appear in the French version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

  • "-" represents a slight pause in the cheer, such as between syllables in a single word.
  • "--" represents a longer pause in the cheer, such as between words.
  • Words inside two * describe noises made by the crowd, and are not actual words in the cheer.
Name Description Cheer
Mario (SSBB) Mario Ma - rio !
Donkey Kong (SSBB) Donkey Kong Donkey Kong !
Link (SSBB) Link Allez Link ! *clap 3 times*
Samus (SSBB) Samus Sa - mus !
Zero Suit Samus (SSBB) Zero Suit Samus Sa - mus - sans armure !
Yoshi (SSBB) Yoshi Yo - shi !
Kirby (SSBB) Kirby Kir - by !
Fox (SSBB) Fox Fox ! Fox ! *claps 3 times*
Pikachu (SSBB) Pikachu Pi - ka Pi - ka Pi - ka - chu !
Peach (SSBB) Peach Peach !
Bowser (SSBB) Bowser Bow - ser !
Ice Climbers (SSBB) Ice Climbers Na - na ! -- Po - po !
Zelda (SSBB) Zelda Zel - da !
Sheik (SSBB) Sheik Sheik !
Meta Knight (SSBB) Meta Knight Me - ta ! Knight !
Pit (SSBB) Pit Pit ! *clap*
Wario (SSBB) Wario Wa - rio ! Cha cha cha !
Ike (SSBB) Ike Tous avec Ike !
Pokémon Trainer (SSBB) Pokémon Trainer Po - ké - mon !
Diddy Kong (SSBB) Diddy Kong Di - ddy Kong !
Lucas (SSBB) Lucas Lu - cas !
King Dedede (SSBB) King Dedede Roi DaDiDou !
Olimar (SSBB) Olimar Pik - min ! Olimar !
Luigi (SSBB) Luigi Lui - gi !
Ness (SSBB) Ness Ness Ness Ness ! Ohhhhh !
Captain Falcon (SSBB) Captain Falcon Cap - tain ! Fal - con !
Jigglypuff (SSBB) Jigglypuff Rondoudou !
Falco (SSBB) Falco Fal - co !
Marth (SSBB) Marth Marth ! Marth ! Marth !
Ganondorf (SSBB) Ganondorf Ga - non - dorf !
Mr. Game & Watch (SSBB) Mr. Game & Watch Mis - ter ! Game and Watch !
Snake (SSBB) Snake Snake ! Snake ! Snaaaake !
Sonic (SSBB) Sonic Allez So - nic !
Lucario (SSBB) Lucario Lu - ca - rio !
R.O.B. (SSBB) R.O.B. R - O - B ! Rooooob !
Toon Link (SSBB) Toon Link Link Cartoon !
Wolf (SSBB) Wolf Wooolf ! - *howl* - Wooolf ! - *howling continues*