Super Smash Bros. Melee

List of crowd cheers (SSBM)

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The following is a list of crowd cheers that appear in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

  • "-" represents a slight pause in the cheer, such as between syllables in a single word.
  • "--" represents a longer pause in the cheer, such as between words.
  • Words that are inside two asterisks (*) describe noises made by the crowd, and they are not actual words in the cheer.
  • Bill Trinen, Tim O'Leary, and Nate Bihildorff are the only people credited with doing the cheers.
Name Description Audio Clip
International Japanese International Japanese
Mario (SSBM) Mario
Ma - ri - o!
Donkey Kong (SSBM) Donkey Kong
Donkey - Kong!
Link (SSBM) Link Go - Link! *claps 3 times* Lin - k!
Samus (SSBM) Samus Sa - mus! Sa - mus! Sam - us!
Yoshi (SSBM) Yoshi Yooo - shiii...! Yo - shi!
Kirby (SSBM) Kirby Kir - by! Kir - by! Kaaaa - bii!
Fox (SSBM) Fox Gooooooo - Fox! Fox! *claps 3 times*
Pikachu (SSBM) Pikachu Pika - Pika - Pikachu! Pi - ka - chu!
Ness (SSBM) Ness
Ness -- Ness -- Ness!
Captain Falcon (SSBM) Captain Falcon Falcon! *claps 3 times* Cap - tain! Fal - con!
Peach (SSBM) Peach Go - Peach! Peeeea - chy!
Bowser (SSBM) Bowser Bow - ser! Bow - ser! Kooooo - pa!
Ice Climbers (SSBM) Ice Climbers Ice - Climber! Ice - Climber! Ice Climb - er!
Zelda (SSBM) Zelda Zelda - Zelda - Hu! Zel - da! Zel - da!
Sheik (SSBM) Sheik Gooooooooooooooooooooo Sheik! Sheik! Sheik!
Luigi (SSBM) Luigi Lu - i - gi! Lui - gi!
Jigglypuff (SSBM) Jigglypuff Jig - gly - puff! (English/Italian/Spanish) Pu - ri - n!
Go! Go! *claps 3 times* (German/French)
Dr. Mario (SSBM) Dr. Mario Gooooooo - Doc! Doc - tor! *claps 3 times*
Pichu (SSBM) Pichu Pi - chu! Piiii - chu!
Falco (SSBM) Falco Faaalll-cooo...! Fal - co!
Marth (SSBM) Marth Marth -- Marth -- Marth! Mar - usu!
Young Link (SSBM) Young Link
Young - Link! Young - Link!
Ganondorf (SSBM) Ganondorf Gaaa-non-doorff...! Ganondorf! *claps 3 times*
Mewtwo (SSBM) Mewtwo Mewwww - two! Mewwww - two!
Roy (SSBM) Roy Roy's - our - boy! Roy Roy Roy!
Mr. Game & Watch (SSBM) Mr. Game & Watch Game - and - Watch! Game - Watch!