Talk:OrionRank Pre-Quarantine

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Revision as of 11:53, December 3, 2024 by Cookies and Creme (talk | contribs)
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The wiki normally does not discontinue rankings since every ranking has their own algorithm. However, Pre-Quarantine falls under special circumstances. There have been several placements that wiki users have called into question, the most common one being Nairo, who won a supermajor and had a good runs at GENESIS and Frostbite, but was ranked outside the top 10. A few others to note include MattyG, who only had one great run at Frostbite but was ranked in the top 30, and who was ranked above players like Kurama, who had an MkLeo win at said event as well as overall strong performances at other events. Greatly contributing to these placements is the short season, which lasted approximately three months because it was cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic. The PGR v3 is similar to Pre-Quarantine in that it ranked players in an equally-short time frame; however, the PGR v3 was a regional ranking that ranked the 50 best players in each superregion, and even then the rankings were still disagreed upon by many. On the contrary, Pre-Quarantine's scope is significantly bigger for a small time frame, ranking 100 players based off 3 months-worth of data, which leads to players who did well at one or two ranked events (these events weren't always majors either) to make it onto the list. These issues meant that Pre-Quarantine isn't just a normal ranking like PGR or any of the other OrionRank rankings that came before or after, and as such its questionable placements are less due to the algorithm and more due to its circumstances.

With this in mind, after a vote on Discord, 9 players voted in support of discontinuing OrionRank Pre-Quarantine while 1 voted in opposition. As such, the rankings will no longer be used on the wiki. CookiesCnC Signature.pngCreme 11:51, December 3, 2024 (EST)