Talk:List of major tournaments (SSBU)

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European tournaments and majors

Why is almost every big event in Europe getting lowered in value on this site? Temple: Hermes Edition, e-Caribana, 95 Kings of Fields 2 and COLOSSEL 2022 are notably either dropping from supermajor to major, or from major to superregional, and Europe is doing well in the post-online landscape.--Hydreigonfan01 (talk) 18:38, February 13, 2024 (EST)

Well for one, 95 Kings of Fields 2 was never considered a major on the wiki to begin with. Second, it's not just Europe. The wiki is currently in the process of retiering old events for Ultimate (and Brawl too). Basically, Stuart, the guy behind the LumiRank algorithm, has been assisting us with retiering past events using the current LumiRank algorithm over the past PGR/OrionRank algorithms, both of which have some glaring flaws to it. For example, in judging 2019 tournaments we used the top 150 that the LumiRank algorithm generated instead of PGR's top 50 or OrionRank's top 100. All of this is documented on our Discord, but the changes were only done if a supermajority agreed to it.
Due to this, a lot of tournaments that should have been majors but were not recognized as such were promoted (eg Suplex City Smash and a few 2019 Sumabatos), however on the other hand there were also several events that had overinflated scores due to entrants count and its multipliers or the ranking's overreliance on depth rather than top 100 talent, and it just so happened that a lot of European events got caught up in the fire since a lot ended up falling for the latter.
An example of this is VCA 2022. It had a lot of European talent, including all of Europe's top 10 at the time, which was why OrionRank recognized it as a major. However when it came to players in the LumiRank algorithm's top 150 it falls short compared to other major events. Specifically, VCA 2022 had 1 top 10 (Glutonny), 4 top 50 (Bloom, Sisqui, Fatality, Abadango), and 5 top 100 (Mr.R, Raflow, quiK, Space, Leon). With that in mind, how different is VCA 2022 than an event like Sumabato SP 24, which has more top players especially in the top 50 (1 top 5 - acola; 2 top 25 - Yoshidora and Asimo; 5 top 50 - Abadango, HIKARU, Kome, Shirayuki, and Rizeasu; and 4 top 100) but is not considered a major. Entrants count yes, but I think most global rankings have established that entrants count isn't necessarily always a factor as to whether a tournament is a major or not (or else Riptide 2022 and 2023 would be considered one). When VCA 2022 was put up to a vote, 7 users agreed to demote while only 3 voted no, which was a supermajority, and thus VCA 2022 was demoted. CookiesCnC Signature.pngCreme 20:19, February 13, 2024 (EST)

Thanks for the explanation. I understand now.--Hydreigonfan01 (talk) 20:21, February 13, 2024 (EST)

Major reclassification results

While the wiki had previously used the PGRU and OrionRank as a baseline for tournaments to be considered "majors" and "supermajors", there have been many cases where events on either one of the rankings were classified as "majors" but their status was heavily disputed, while on the other hand there have been tournaments that clearly met the standards to be a major but were not classified as such by the rankings due to the rankings' flaws. While the wiki had attempted to address some of these problems in the past, most notably with raising the OrionRank major threshold from 2,400 to 3,000; major consistency remained an issue for past events.

As such, starting in January 28th, 2024, efforts were made to reclassify majors on the wiki with the help of Stuart98, the one behind the LumiRank algorithm. Tournaments up for consideration were taken from Stuart's OmegaRank algorithm, and each tournament was voted on to decide whether to promote, demote, or maintain its current status, with a supermajority (2/3 voters in support) and at least 5 votes for a change to occur. References were provided, however due to the severe issues with PGRU and OrionRank outlined here, the top 150 for 2019 and 2022 used LumiRank's output rather than the rankings present at that time (which were given the nicknames "LumiRank 2019" and "LumiRank 2022", respectively), while the 2021 rankings used OmegaRank's output for the OrionRank Ultimate: Eclipse timeframe. Although the results are still present on Discord, they are also being posted on the wiki for future reference, as well as an explanation as to why some tournaments previously considered majors, or considered majors by other sources, are no longer considered majors/not considered majors on the wiki.

Tournament Date of vote Entrants Top 5/10/25/50/100/150 attendance Suggested change Yes votes No votes Result
Ranking used: LumiRank 2019
Syndicate 2019 1/28/2024 640 0/1/0/2/3/9 Demote from major 9 2 Demoted
Ultimate Fighting Arena 2019 1/28/2024 490 1/1/1/2/2/5 Demote from major 0 8 Unchanged
NYXL Pop-Up! 1/28/2024 96 1/2/1/2/4/3 Promote to major 2 8 Unchanged
Smash Conference United 1/28/2024 361 2/1/1/4/2/1 Promote to major 0 9 Unchanged
Sumabato SP 1/28/2024 306 1/1/1/4/8/9 Promote to major 0 9 Unchanged
Suplex City Smash 1/28/2024 220 1/2/2/3/7/6 Promote to major 8 0 Promoted
Sumabato SP 4 1/28/2024 320 0/2/1/3/7/11 Promote to major 1 6 Unchanged
Sumabato SP 5 1/28/2024 320 1/2/1/5/10/7 Promote to major 9 0 Promoted
Heart of Battle 1/28/2024 401 2/0/2/2/1/3 Promote to major 1 8 Unchanged
EGS Cup 1/28/2024 95 2/0/1/5/4/1 Promote to major 2 6 Unchanged
Defend the North 2019 1/28/2024 437 2/1/2/1/4/5 Promote to major 9 0 Promoted
Sumabato SP 6 1/28/2024 320 1/2/1/6/7/11 Promote to major 7 0 Promoted
Tri-state Showdown: Fall 2019 1/28/2024 229 1/2/1/3/6/2 Promote to major 5 5 Unchanged
EGS Cup 2 1/28/2024 128 1/1/2/7/8/2 Promote to major 8 0 Promoted
Sumabato SP 9 1/28/2024 313 1/1/2/2/8/10 Promote to major 5 5 Unchanged
Smash Ultimate Summit 2 1/28/2024 16 5/3/4/3/0/0 Promote to supermajor 8 1 Promoted
Glitch 6 1/28/2024 551 2/2/4/6/8/6 Promote to supermajor 0 8 Unchanged
Let's Make Moves 1/28/2024 448 3/3/3/6/10/5 Promote to supermajor 3 6 Unchanged
Umebura SP 5 1/28/2024 512 1/2/7/8/13/7 Promote to supermajor 7 1 Promoted
Umebura SP 6 1/28/2024 772 0/1/7/9/11/7 Promote to supermajor 1 7 Unchanged
Umebura SP 7 1/28/2024 758 1/2/7/9/10/10 Promote to supermajor 8 0 Promoted
Sumabato SP 11 1/28/2024 312 1/2/1/2/6/11 Promote to major 9 0 Promoted
Maesuma TOP 2 1/28/2024 318 1/0/3/3/8/8 Promote to major 4 7 Unchanged
Umebura SP 2/4/2024 745 1/1/4/8/10/4 Promote to supermajor 2 6 Unchanged
Ranking used: ΩRank 2021 "but it includes peri quarantine shit"
Temple: Hermes Edition 1/28/2024 863 0/1/3/2/4/8 Demote from supermajor 9 3 Demoted
Kagaribi 1 1/28/2024 133 1/0/2/3/5/5 Promote to major 1 12 Unchanged
Maesuma TOP 4 1/28/2024 128 0/1/2/6/7/9 Promote to major 2 10 Unchanged
Seibugeki 8 1/28/2024 192 1/1/1/7/8/6 Promote to major 8 3 Promoted
Seibugeki 9 1/28/2024 192 0/1/1/4/6/7 Promote to major 0 9 Unchanged
Eastern Powerhouse Invitational 2 1/28/2024 32 2/2/3/7/9/4 Promote to major 8 3 Promoted
Ranking used: LumiRank 2022
e-Caribana 1/29/2024 32 1/1/0/2/7/5 Demote from major 8 3 Demoted
VCA 2022 1/29/2024 403 0/1/0/4/5/4 Demote from major 7 3 Demoted
Wave 2 1/29/2024 200 1/1/3/2/8/9 Promote to major 9 0 Promoted
WINNER! -Next 1- 1/29/2024 89 1/1/2/6/8/5 Promote to major 5 5 Unchanged
Sumabato SP 24 1/29/2024 128 1/0/2/5/4/8 Promote to major 1 7 Unchanged
Sumabato SP 25 1/29/2024 192 1/0/2/5/7/8 Promote to major 2 6 Unchanged
Sumabato SP 26 1/29/2024 248 1/0/2/2/6/10 Promote to major 0 7 Unchanged
Sumabato SP 28 1/29/2024 160 1/0/2/2/5/8 Promote to major 0 9 Unchanged
Sumabato SP 31 1/29/2024 207 0/0/2/4/4/9 Promote to major 0 10 Unchanged
Crown 2 1/29/2024 416 1/1/4/1/4/2 Promote to major 7 2 Promoted
Seibugeki 10 1/29/2024 192 1/0/1/2/8/10 Promote to major 1 7 Unchanged
Seibugeki 11 1/29/2024 192 0/1/1/3/10/9 Promote to major 0 8 Unchanged
95 Kings of Fields 2 1/29/2024 256 1/1/1/2/3/5 Promote to major 1 8 Unchanged
Apex 2022 1/29/2024 607 0/0/4/1/5/4 Promote to major 0 9 Unchanged
WINNER! -Next Gen- 1/29/2024 96 1/0/3/4/5/4 Promote to major 1 9 Unchanged
Kamisuma 13 1/29/2024 248 1/0/2/2/3/5 Promote to major 1 8 Unchanged
COLOSSEL 2022 1/29/2024 1,024 1/1/1/3/6/7 Demote from supermajor 7 3 Demoted
Smash Factor 9 1/29/2024 719 1/1/4/3/6/6 Demote from supermajor 7 3 Demoted
Let's Make Moves Miami 1/29/2024 467 1/2/4/6/6/7 Demote from supermajor 9 2 Demoted
Kagaribi 6 1/29/2024 768 1/1/6/7/13/8 Promote to supermajor 2 6 Unchanged
Maesuma TOP 7 1/29/2024 512 2/2/6/6/13/13 Promote to supermajor 10 0 Promoted
Maesuma TOP 8 1/29/2024 590 0/1/6/10/14/20 Promote to supermajor 2 7 Unchanged
Scuffed World Tour 1/29/2024 16 5/3/5/1/0/0 Promote to supermajor 6 4 Unchanged
Glitch - Infinite 1/29/2024 616 1/2/6/4/13/6 Promote to supermajor 0 10 Unchanged
Smash Ultimate Summit 5 1/29/2024 16 4/3/4/2/2/1 Promote to supermajor 4 5 Unchanged
Let's Make Big Moves 2022 1/29/2024 687 (with 336 DQs) 0/1/3/3/10/1 Demote from major 7 7 Unchanged
"By popular demand"
Riptide 2022 1/29/2024 776 0/0/2/3/7/3 Promote to major 0 11 (more?) Unchanged

CookiesCnC Signature.pngCreme 23:47, March 23, 2024 (EDT)