Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Tournament:Battle Arena Melbourne 5

Battle Arena Melbourne 5
Dates May 18th, 2013
Address/City Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
Super Smash Bros. Melee winners Australia SD 1v1
Australia SD & Australia Smopup 2v2
Super Smash Bros. Brawl winners Australia Tibs 1v1
Australia Attila & Australia Tibs 2v2

Battle Arena Melbourne 5 was a fighting game tournament hosted by the CouchWarriors crew in Melbourne, Australia, having singles and doubles for Brawl and Melee.



Melee singles

(27 entrants)

Place Name Character(s) Earnings
1st   SD
2nd   Dekar
3rd   Toshi
4th   Joey
5th   Grim Tuesday
5th   Skeletom

Melee doubles

Place Name Character(s) Name Character(s) Earnings
1st   SD   Smoking Puppy
2nd   Dekar   Redact
3rd   Toshi   Joey

Brawl singles

(37 entrants)

Place Name Character(s) Earnings
1st   Tibs  
2nd   BIGBOSS   
3rd   Splice   
4th   Ledge  
5th   Sebby  
5th   Dean  
7th   ViVa   
7th   Jei  

Brawl doubles

(15 teams)

Place Name Character(s) Name Character(s) Earnings
1st   BIGBOSS   Tibs
2nd   Sebby   Splice
3rd   Ledge   Batmans
4th   Jei   Khoa

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