Diddy Kong (SSBB)/Moveset

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  Move Description Segment Damage Angle Hit Frames BKB KBG WBKB Type
Neutral attack   Slaps twice, then turns around and kicks with one foot and keeps it raised, while repeatedly hitting by lashing his tail out. First hit can set-up a grab if jab-cancel or even a buffered down smash. Hit 1 Hand 3% 80 3 4 0 100 10 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Arm 60
Body *
Hit 2 Hand 2% 80 11 12 0 100 10 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Arm 60
Body *
Hit 3 Foot 2% 90 24 25 0 100 15 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Leg 85
Body 80
Infinite Tail 2% 60 2, 8, 13,
15, 20, 23
(24-frame loop)
0 100 8 Tail (type) Normal (effect)
Tip 1%
Forward tilt   Places both arms together above his head. Stands on one foot, leaning to the side and punching with both fists together above his head. Good KO move at high percentages. Fists 11% * 10 13 10 100 0 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Arms 9%
Body 8%
Up tilt   Swats in the air above him with a slap and looks similar to an uppercut. Quick and can combine with other attacks. This can be used to juggle at low damage percentages and KO at very high percentages with higher knockback than his up smash. 7% 80 6 12 28 130 0 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Down tilt   While crouching, slaps forward. Combos well into more down tilts and even a down smash. Extremely useful for racking up damage at low percentages. Has a trip chance of 40%. Hands 7% 60 4 6 15 75 0 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Arms 50
Body 40
Dash attack   Does a cartwheel spin, resembling the one from the Donkey Kong Country games. A great move due to having almost absolutely no ending lag and combines well with his up smash. Hit 1 Grounded 3% 270 9 13 70 50 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Aerial 58
Hit 2 2% 285 14 18 0 15
Hit 3 4% 68 20 23 24 70
Up smash   Hops a little and does a sort of cartwheel, hitting three times with extremely low knockback (weakest up smash in the game in terms of knockback). Fills in combos, can rack up damage easily. Hit 1 Hand 5% 95 5 7 0 30 30 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Elbow 50
Shoulder 70
Body 90
Hit 2 Foot 95 11 14 30 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Knee 50
Hip 70
Hit 3 6% 18 22 70 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Down smash   Performs a sweeping kick. It has less knockback than his forward smash, but it's still his most reliable smash attack. Hit 1 16% * 6 7 40 72 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Hit 2 12% 15 17 35
Forward smash   Spins, slapping forward twice. The first hit has no knockback, comboing into the second hit; however this can be escaped rather easily. The second hit does an extra 3 damage if shielded. When fully charged and both hits connect, it can KO at 94%. Hit 1 Hand 5% 90 12 13 0 100 28 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Elbow 60 35
Shoulder 30 42
Body 50
Hit 2 Hand 13% 40 21 23 40 90 0
Elbow 50
Arm 60
Neutral aerial   Sticks out hands and feet and spins. Only hits once with decent knockback, making it a sex kick. Looks similar to his dash attack. Arms 6% 80 6 20 60 75 0 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Legs Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Forward aerial   Kicks both feet forward. Diddy's strongest aerial, a great edgeguarding option, and a good move to use in a short hop (though a bair is quicker and better for spacing). On the edge at above 100%, edge drop -> jump -> fair is considered one of the best options available. Clean 14% * 6 9 30 80 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Late 11% 10 16
Back aerial   Sticks leg out and spins it behind him. His fastest aerial, a great option for spacing whether a short hop is used or not. A short hopped bair is useful for quickly picking up bananas; while an air dodge is usually a better option due to having no landing lag, a bair can knock nearby opponents away. 9% * 5 8 30 100 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Up aerial   An overhead flip kick. Decent knockback, fairly fast. 11% 100 3 7 30 90 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Down aerial   Punches both arms down, meteor smashing powerfully as soon as it connects, but with some start-up lag. 12% 270 13 15 30 100 0 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Pummel   Headbutts his target, angled from the side of his body. Hits almost instantly. 2% * 2 0 100 40 Head (type) Normal (effect)
Forward throw   Tosses opponent forward. Strongest throw. Based on how Diddy Kong would throw barrels in Donkey Kong Country. Best used to get opponents offstage to set up an edgeguard, can combo into an fair. 11% 42 11 69 55 0 Throwing (type) Normal (effect)
Back throw   Tosses opponent backward, very similar to his f-throw in that it is useful for getting opponents offstage. 10% 38 9 66 55 0 Throwing (type) Normal (effect)
Up throw   Throws opponent up and kicks them. Can be comboed with Rocketbarrel Boost, is a decent option for getting opponents into the air. If animation is interrupted by something like a projectile, Diddy Kong will freeze in place. Hit 1 4% 75 15 30 100 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Throw 5% 87 16 70 72 0 Throwing (type) Normal (effect)
Down throw   Performs a leapfrog-like manoeuvre and throws the opponent underneath him. Has fair backwards knockback. Has little utility and almost no followups available. 9% 130 11 85 40 0 Throwing (type) Normal (effect)
Floor (back)   Gets up and kicks to both sides. Hit 1 6% * 16 17 80 50 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Hit 2 25 26
Floor (front)   Gets up and punches on both sides. Hit 1 6% * 16 17 80 50 0 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Hit 2 26 27
Floor (trip)   Another two kicks to either side. Hit 1 5% * 19 20 60 50 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Hit 2 27 28
Edge (<100%)   Spinning tail slap. Base 8% 45 28 30 0 100 110 Tail (type) Normal (effect)
Tip 6%
Edge (100%+)     10% * 50 54 0 100 110 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Neutral special move Peanut Popgun Diddy shoots a peanut. Damage depends on either speed or charge level (unknown). Shot 1% *   10 100 0 Weapon (type) Normal (effect)
Thrown 4% 6 20 Weapon (type) Normal (effect)
Side special move Monkey Flip A sideways hop, which grabs opponents and can be kicked out of. Can be used to gain some extra recovery distance. If Diddy jumps off the opponent in the air, they will be meteor smashed weakly. If the special move button is pressed after the flip, Diddy will kick, being a great combo move that can lead into a fair if a midair jump is available. However, if the kick is used, Rocketbarrel Boost cannot be used until landing. An impractical sacrificial KO is possible with this move by using it in the air and falling to the lower blast line with the opponent (referred to as "Diddycide"). In the Subspace Emissary, does repeated damage to enemies it passes through instead of grabbing. SSE 2% 20   0 100 60 Body (type) Normal (effect)
Kick Hip 14% * 4 25 40 50 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Knee 12%
Foot 10%
Attack 5% *   40 75 0 Hand (type) Normal (effect)
Attack Release 10% * 10 80 0 Throwing (type) Normal (effect)
Jump Attack 5% *   30 40 0 Foot (type) Normal (effect)
Jump Release 5% 270 25 40 0 Throwing (type) Bury (effect)
Up special move Rocketbarrel Boost Diddy charges up his barrels and launches himself upwards. Can be angled with the Control Stick (but not if the move is uncharged). Diddy's primary recovery move, but leaves him vulnerable during the charging and can also self-stage spike on stages such as Final Destination. If Diddy is attacked out of the move, the barrels will fly around and can damage opponents (they also cannot be blocked). Ramming into opponents with the move sends them on a semi-spike trajectory. Hit 1 Grounded opponents 10% * 1 85 40 0 Weapon (type) Flame (effect)
Aerial opponents 271 30 50
Hit 2 10% 70 2 8 85 40
Hit 3 8% 60 9 31 40 80
Loose barrel Flying 8% *   40 140 0 Typeless (type) Normal (effect)
Explosion 15% 10 100 Typeless (type) Flame (effect)
Down special move Banana Peel Pops a peel into the air.   3 20  
Final Smash Rocketbarrel Barrage Diddy flies around shooting explosive peanuts. Ram 18% 30   30 100 0 Weapon (type) Flame (effect)
Peanut 18% 70 50 60 Explosive (type) Flame (effect)
Explosion 20% 70 40 90 Explosive (type) Flame (effect)