Help:Copying from Wikipedia

Revision as of 12:49, August 8, 2022 by Porplemontage (talk | contribs) (Protected "Help:Copying from Wikipedia" ([Edit=Allow only autoconfirmed users] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)))
An icon used in notice templates. This page is a SmashWiki help page, intended to be a guide to helping users understand SmashWiki and its functionalities. When editing this page, please ensure that your revision reflects consensus. If in doubt, consider discussing changes on the talk page.

Copying from Wikipedia to this wiki is permissible because both use the same license. However, it is necessary to include the proper acknowledgment so that readers can refer to the original and discover its authors.

Whenever you do such copying from a page in the English-language ("en") version of Wikipedia, please add the following template near the bottom of the page: "Wikipedia|" (inside double curly braces, ie {{Wikipedia|}}). Then before the final brackets paste the name of the Wikipedia article. You need to add similar attribution for other languages of Wikipedia and for other GFDL projects.

Note that SmashWiki is not intended to duplicate substantial portions of Wikipedia. You may copy all or part of an article (and its links and templates) to start off a page on the subject, but you are expected to adapt it so as to reflect this particular wiki's slant on the subject.