Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

OrionRank 2022

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Revision as of 14:33, April 18, 2022 by Barnard's Loop (talk | contribs)
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Current.png This page documents information about a current event.
Information may change rapidly as the event progresses.

The OrionRank 2022 is an ongoing power ranking that will list the world's top Super Smash Bros. Ultimate smashers for 2022.


The largest change to the methodology was the decrease in importance for regional tournaments, which was a point of criticism for the OrionRank Ultimate: Eclipse. The point threshold for Category 4 and 5 tournaments have also been increased.


Category Tournament Point Threshold
Category 6 Supermajor+ 9,600
Category 5+ Supermajor 6,400
Category 5 4,800
Category 4+ Major 3,600
Category 4 2,400
Category 3+ National 1,500
Category 3 Super Regional 1,000
Category 2 Regional 500
Category 1 Local 50

Tournaments evaluated

Only tournaments that are regional and above (Category 2 and above) are listed.
List with full stats

Tournament Date Category
WANTED PREDAT8RS - Offline December 22nd-23rd, 2021 Category 2
Sumabato SP 22 December 25th-26th, 2021 Category 2
HST SP Extend 2021 December 26th, 2021 Category 2
Ñeroliebers Fest 4 January 2nd Category 2
Invasion: January 2022 January 8th Category 2
Kagaribi 6 January 8th-9th Category 4+
Blastoff 2022 January 22nd Category 2
Frosty Faustings XIV 2022 January 28th-29th Category 2
Rise of Guildhouse 3 January 29th Category 2
Let's Make Big Moves 2022 January 8th-9th Category 4+
LOSC ESPORT FIGHTERS 1 February 5th Category 3
The Peabnut Formal February 5th Category 3
Festival of Fights 2022 February 6th Category 2
Ultimate Gaiden 22 February 6th Category 2
cardd's basement February 12th Category 3
Ascension: Stroder Beloved February 12th Category 2
WANTED S4 C3 - Saint Valentin Edition February 13th Category 3+
Atlas Chapalita Invitacional February 13th Category 2
KRBanger 02 February 19th Category 3
Glitch - Infinite February 18th-20th Category 4+
Abierto Ciudad Victoria February 20th Category 2
DOSE2SEL x Revival of Lyon February 26th Category 3
Maesuma Offline February 26th Category 2
Super SmashPoint 4 February 26th Category 2
CWQLD February Ranbat 2022 February 26th Category 2
LVL UP EXPO 2022 February 25th-27th Category 3
CTRL February 27th Category 2
Back in Blood 3 March 5th Category 3
Tea Party 1: The Grand Introduction March 5th Category 2
Smash Ultimate Summit 4 March 4th-6th Category 4+
Lagn't 2 March 6th Category 2
G4 Smash Ultimate Invitational March 7th Category 3
Glory 2.0 March 12th Category 3+
The Zou 3 March 12th Category 2
Collision 2022 March 12th-13th Category 5
Smash OPEN in Akihabara March 2022 March 13th Category 2
Namis @ Mr Brown 8 March 13th Category 2
GrandSlam 3 March 13th Category 2
Sumabato SP 23 March 18th Category 3
Virtuocity Smash Open 2022 March 17th-19th Category 3
DOSE2SEL 2022.02 March 18th-19th Category 2
Sumabato SP 24 March 19th Category 3
Winter Clash 2022 March 19th Category 2
LEVELUP Arena 4 March 19th-20th Category 3+
CT Gamercon 5 March 20th Category 2
Gourmet Bash March 20th Category 2
Ultimate Gaiden 24 March 20th Category 2
Chubu Smash Chronicle 1 March 21st Category 2
WANTED S4 C4 - Free Agent Edition March 26th Category 3+
SOS 7 March 26th Category 2
Neo Era March 26th Category 2
Arts'Cade Open Cup 1 March 26th-27th Category 2
Abierto Atlas Chapalita III March 27th Category 2
Mairch March 27th Category 2
Board The Platforms! March 27th Category 2
Ultimate Gaiden 25 March 27th Category 2
Delfino Maza RETA 2022 April 1st-3rd Category 4
Sumabato SP 25 April 2nd Category 3+
Slam Basket 2 April 2nd Category 3
bae100 April 2nd Category 2
HABBY Belated April 2nd Category 2
Heartland Showdown 2022 April 2nd Category 2
Ultra Hard April 2nd-3rd Category 3+
Tijuana At War 2022 April 8th-10th Category 3+
Keep it REAL: Collegiate April 9th Category 2
Mash Harder 3 April 9th Category 2
WINNER! -Next Gen- April 9th Category 3+
Clip It II April 10th Category 2