Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

List of spirits (Kid Icarus series)

The following is the list of the spirits from the Kid Icarus series in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Primary Spirits

No. Image Name Type Class Slot Base   Max   Base   Max   Base   Max   Ability Origin Game Acquisition
706 Pit (Original)
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 3,078 9,281 1,362 4,105 1,598 4,819 Jump ↓ Kid Icarus Summon with cores from Centurion, Cupid, and any two   cores
708 Three Sacred Treasures
★★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 2,709 8,131 1,292 3,877 1,217 3,652 Shooting Items Power ↑ Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
•Battle via World of Light (The Dark Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
710 Medusa
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,790 7,185 716 2,874 1,074 4,311 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Kid Icarus •Battle via World of Light (Mysterious Dimension)
•Battle via Spirit Board (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
711 Medusa (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
★★★★ ⬡⬡ 4,984 12,462 2,426 6,066 1,985 4,963 Giant Kid Icarus: Uprising •Enhance the Medusa spirit
713 Hewdraw
★★ ⬡⬡⬡ 1,440 5,830 707 2,860 652 2,640 Jump ↑ Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Summon with cores from Arbok, Inspired, and Valoo
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
714 Pandora
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,546 6,205 912 3,661 634 2,544 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
•Battle via World of Light (The Dark Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
715 Amazon Pandora
★★★ ⬡⬡ 3,497 10,519 1,846 5,552 1,392 4,188 Easier Dodging Kid Icarus: Uprising •Enhance the Pandora spirit
716 Thanatos
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,712 6,872 762 3,058 950 3,814 No Effect Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
•Battle via World of Light (The Final Battle - Dark)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G
717 Hades
★★★ ⬡⬡ 2,981 8,986 1,789 5,392 1,192 3,594 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99 Kid Icarus: Uprising •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G
718 Hades (Final Form)
★★★★ ⬡⬡ 4,908 12,274 2,802 7,006 1,829 4,574 Trade-Off Attacks ↑ Kid Icarus: Uprising •Enhance the Hades spirit
719 Specknose
⬡⬡ 810 4,053 401 2,006 409 2,047 No Effect Kid Icarus •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
725 Lurchthorn
906 4,535 408 2,041 498 2,494 No Effect Kid Icarus: Uprising •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
726 Magnus
★★ ⬡⬡ 1,741 6,970 950 3,802 633 2,535 Sword Attack ↑ Kid Icarus: Uprising •Battle via World of Light (The Final Battle - Light)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G

Support Spirits

No. Image Name Class Cost Ability Origin Game Acquisition
707 Centurion Staff Equipped Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
709 Daybreak ★★ Shooting Items ↑ Kid Icarus: Uprising •Complete Challenge (Classic Mode): As Palutena, clear Classic Mode.
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
712 Twinbellows ★★ ⬢⬢ Mouthful of Curry Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Summon with cores from Inuji Darumeshi, Rusty Slugger, and Hothead
•Battle via World of Light (Molten Fortress)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 1000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
720 Reaper & Reapette ★★★ Side Special ↑ Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Summon with cores from Death and Grim Leecher
•Battle via World of Light (Dracula's Castle)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
721 Eggplant Wizard ★★★ ⬢⬢ KOs Heal Damage Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Summon with cores from Goligan and Eggplant
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 6000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
722 Pseudo-Palutena Transformation Duration ↑ Kid Icarus: Uprising •Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G
723 Viridi ★★★★ Metal Killer Kid Icarus: Uprising Summon with cores from Xerneas, Alraune, any   core, and any   core
•Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm)
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 15,000G (unlocked after obtaining spirit once)
724 Phosphora ★★★ ⬢⬢ Zap-Floor Immunity Kid Icarus: Uprising Summon with cores from Elec Man and Rotom
728 Mimicutie Foot Attack ↑ Kid Icarus: Uprising •Battle via World of Light (Temple of Light)
•Battle via Spirit Board
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 500G

Master Spirit

No. Image Name Facility Origin Game Acquisition Music
727 Dyntos Dojo (Equipment Style) Kid Icarus: Uprising •Battle via World of Light (The Light Realm) Lightning Chariot Base

Fighter Spirits

No. Image Alternate Artwork Name Origin Game Acquisition
703 Pit Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
•Complete Classic Mode with Pit
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Pit)
704 Dark Pit Kid Icarus: Uprising •Complete Classic Mode with Dark Pit
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Dark Pit)
705 Palutena Kid Icarus
(Artwork: Kid Icarus: Uprising)
•Complete Classic Mode with Palutena
•Purchase from the Vault Shop for 300G (after unlocking Palutena)

Spirit Battles

Spirit Battle parameters Inspiration
No. Image Name Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power Stage Rules Conditions Music
707 Centurion •Tiny Pit Team  ×8
1,700 Skyworld N/A •The enemy favors neutral specials in the air
•Defeat an army of fighters
Underworld Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The Tiny Pit Team represents the Centurions, a army of angelic soldiers who serve Palutena's Army.
  • The stage and music track represent the Centurio's debut in Kid Icarus.
  • Pit's favored Palutena Bow in the air references the Centurions' ability to use archery attacks while flying in midair.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references the Centurions' loyalty to Palutena and Pit.
  • This spirit's Staff Equipped ability references the Centurion's ability to shoot from their bows and arrows.
  • In World of Light, the Centurion spirit is located in the eastern cloud area in the Light Realm, similar to the stage's cloudy setting.
708 Three Sacred Treasures •Reflect Pit  
9,600 Palutena's Temple (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy reflects projectiles
•The enemy's special moves have increased power
In the Space-Pirate Ship Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Pit's yellow costume references the golden armor worn by Pit while using the Three Sacred Treasures in the Kid Icarus series.
  • The stage represents Palutena's Temple, the location of Medusa's final boss battle in Kid Icarus where Pit battles her while using the Three Sacred Treasures.
  • The music track represents the musical theme of the eighth chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising, where the Three Sacred Treasures are stolen by Space Pirates and must be retrieved.
  • The battle conditions reference the abilities of the Three Sacred Treasures used as Pit's special moves in the Super Smash Bros. series, with the Reflect Pit's frequent Guardian Orbitars referencing the reflective and defensive properties of the Mirror Shield, and his frequent Palutena Bow representing the Arrow of Light.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Neutral type references the balanced stats of each of the Three Sacred Treasures.
  • This spirit's Shooting Items Power ↑ ability references how the Arrows of Light are the strongest form of Pit's bow attacks in Kid Icarus.
710 Medusa •Giant Palutena   (140 HP)
4,600 Find Mii (Ω form) •Hazard: High Gravity •The enemy has super armor but moves slower
Stamina battle
•Your jumping power decreases after a little while
Boss Fight 1 - Kid Icarus: Uprising
  • The pink Giant Palutena represents Medusa, the large Goddess of Darkness who wears a pink dress in Kid Icarus.
  • The stage and music track represents the Underworld Castle, the location of Medusa's final boss battle in Kid Icarus: Uprising which features a castle-like setting and dark storm clouds.
  • The High Gravity hazard is used as a countermeasure against characters specializing in airborne attacks, referencing the countermeasures used during Medusa's boss battle in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
  • The Slow Super Armor battle condition references how Medusa is often stationary and remains immobile during her boss battles.
712 Twinbellows •Giant Duck Hunt  
4,100 Find Mii (Ω form) •Curry-Filled •The enemy breathes fire
•The enemy is giant
Boss Fight 1 - Kid Icarus: Uprising Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The tan Giant Dog of Duck Hunt and Curry-Filled rule represents Twinbellows, a giant two-headed canine who uses fire-based attacks, including the ability to breathe fire.
  • The stage and music track represent the coliseum, the location of Twinbellows' boss battle in the first chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising which features a dark, cloudy background.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Mouthful of Curry ability references Twinbellows' usage of fire-based attacks, including his fire-breathing attack.
  • In World of Light, the Twinbellows spirit is located in the Molten Fortress map in the Light Realm, which is occupied by fire-themed spirits, referencing Twinbellows' association with fire.
713 Hewdraw Ridley    
3,500 Skyworld N/A •The enemy favors neutral specials Boss Fight 1 - Kid Icarus: Uprising Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The red, blue, and purple Ridleys' favored Plasma Breath each represent the red, blue, and purple heads of Hewdraw, a draconian enemy who attacks by breathing fireballs.
  • The stage and music track represents Skyworld, the main setting of the third chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising which features Hewdraw's first boss battle.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Jump ↑ ability references Hewdraw's ability to fly.
  • In World of Light, the Hewdraw spirit is located in the eastern cloud area in the Light Realm, similar to the stage's cloudy setting.
714 Pandora Wendy  
•Ally: Dark Pit  
3,500 Kalos Pokémon League (Ω form) Bob-omb Festival •Join forces with a CPU ally
•Bob-ombs will rain from the sky after a little while
•Explosion attacks aren't as effective against the enemy
Dark Pit's Theme
  • Wendy's Koopa Clown Car represents Pandora, a bubble-like spirit with a vague design of a face, while Wendy herself represents Amazon Pandora, a female antagonist who is obsessed with glamour.
  • The Dark Pit ally references the fifth chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising where Pandora creates Dark Pit by tricking Pit into attacking the Mirror of Truth, only for Dark Pit to turn against her by teaming up with Pit and defeating her in her first boss battle.
  • The stage represents the Rewind Spring, the location of Pandora's second boss battle in the twenty-second chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising which features a circular stage with a blue color scheme.
  • The Bob-omb Festival rule references the bombs summoned by Pandora to attack the player during her boss battles in Kid Icarus: Uprising, which can be countered by throwing the bombs back at her.
716 Thanatos King K. Rool  
3,800 Kalos Pokémon League (Battlefield form) •Tiny
•The enemy is giant
•The enemy is tiny after a little while
In the Space-Pirate Ship Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The brown King K. Rool represents Thanatos, a big-bellied villain with a pale brown color scheme.
  • The stage represents the throne room of the Seafloor Palace, the location of Thanatos' boss battle in the seventh chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising which features a circular stage with a blue color scheme.
  • The Giant and Tiny rules reference Thanatos's shapeshifting abilities during his boss battle where he can transform into a giant foot, or appear tiny after popping out of a Thanatos nesting doll.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Shield type references Thanatos' high resilience, which prevents him from being destroyed under normal circumstances.
  • In World of Light, the Thanatos spirit is located on Dharkon's side of The Final Battle map while the Magnus spirit is featured across from him on Galeem's side, referencing how both characters are affiliated with Pit with opposing roles, with Thanatos serving as Pit's enemy.
717 Hades •Giant Ganondorf  
9,700 Final Destination •Attack Power ↑
•Item: X Bomb
•The enemy's punches and elbow strikes have increased power
•The enemy's smash attacks have increased power
•The enemy has increased attack power after a little while
Hades's Infernal Theme
  • The purple Giant Ganondorf represents Hades, the large cape-wearing main antagonist of Kid Icarus: Uprising with a purple color scheme.
  • The stage's background features sequences of the background traveling from light to darkness, referencing the boss battle against Hades in Kid Icarus: Uprising which features a moving background while traveling from the dark Underworld to the lighter Overworld.
  • The music represents Hades' musical theme in Kid Icarus: Uprising which first plays during his first appearance at the end of the ninth chapter during false credits after defeating Medusa, and once again during his final boss battle.
  • Ganondorf starting off with 30% damage, the X Bomb items, and Attack Power ↑ rule reference the later phases of Hades' boss battle where he becomes injured by Pit's Great Sacred Treasure, but transforms into his final form, which uses powerful physical attacks and face-like lasers on his body to shoot lasers at Pit.
719 Specknose Wario  ×3
1,800 Reset Bomb Forest N/A •Take your strongest team into this no-frills battle Kid Icarus Retro Medley
  • Wario's nose and mustache represents Specknose, a common enemy in Kid Icarus which takes the appearance of a big nose and a crooked mustache.
  • The stage represents the Specknose's appearance as an enemy in Kid Icarus: Uprising, while the music track represents Specknose's debut as an enemy in Kid Icarus.
720 Reaper & Reapette Ganondorf  
•Tiny Ganondorf  ×8
8,900 Spear Pillar (Ω form) N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy can deal damage by dashing into you
•Reinforcements will appear after an enemy is KO'd
Underworld Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The purple Ganondorf represents the purple robe-wearing Reaper, while the green Tiny Ganondorfs represent the smaller, green robe-wearing Reapettes.
  • The stage and music track represents the Reaper's Fortress, the ravine-like fortress setting of the sixth chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising which serves as a gateway to the Underworld.
  • The battle conditions reference the Reaper's abilities in the Kid Icarus series, which include spawning Reapettes and quickly chasing after Pit after being caught in the Reaper's "line of sight".
  • The Ganondorfs starting off with a Death's Scythe reference the Reaper and Reapettes' scythes, fitting their standard "Grim Reaper" stereotypical design.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Side Special ↑ ability further references the Reaper's dashing and bladed weapon attacks, both of which serve as a player's side special in the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • In World of Light, the Reaper & Reapette spirit is located in the Dracula's Castle map in the Dark Realm, referencing Death, a recurring enemy based on the Grim Reaper in the Castlevania series similar to the Reaper & Reapette. Coincidentally, the Death spirit is one of the required cores needed to summon Reaper & Reapette.
721 Eggplant Wizard Dark Pit  
9,300 Reset Bomb Forest •Defense ↓
•Attack Power ↓
•Item: Food
•You have reduced defense after a little while
•You have reduced attack power after a little while
Overworld Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Dark Pit's purple costume is based on the Eggplant Wizard, a purple enemy in the Kid Icarus series.
  • The stage references the Eggplant Wizard's appearance as an enemy in Kid Icarus: Uprising, while the music track represents the Eggplant Wizard's debut as an enemy in Kid Icarus.
  • The Food item and the Attack Power ↓ and Defense ↓ rules reference the Eggplant Wizard's ability to transform Pit into an eggplant, which prevents him from attacking and renders him helpless.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's KOs Heal Damage ability further references the Eggplant Wizard's ability to transform Pit into an eggplant, which can be removed by visiting the fortress hospital in Kid Icarus.
722 Pseudo-Palutena Palutena  
1,900 Dracula's Castle N/A •Only certain Pokémon will emerge from Poké Balls (Ditto) Destroyed Skyworld Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The purple Palutena and the Ditto Poké Ball Pokémon's transformation represents Pseudo-Palutena, the false doppelganger of Palutena with a purple color scheme.
  • The stage and music track represents the castle room in the twenty-fourth chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising whose moveset is similar to Palutena's during her boss battle in the twentieth chapter.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Transformation Duration ↑ ability references how Pseudo-Palutena takes Palutena's form during her boss battle until her true appearance is revealed during the second phase.
723 Viridi Mii Swordfighter   (Moveset 1232, Viridi Wig, Viridi Outfit, High Voice Type 6)
•Giant Kirby  
13,700 Reset Bomb Forest N/A •Defeat the main fighter to win
•The enemy's special moves have increased power
•Timed battle (0:55)
Wrath of the Reset Bomb Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The Mii Swordfighter's costume represents Viridi, the Goddess of Nature, who is featured as a background character.
  • The white Giant Kirby's favored Stone represents Cragalanche, Viridi's giant rock minion who uses ground slam attacks during its boss battle.
  • The stage, music track, and timed battle condition represent Viridi's first appearance in the eleventh chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising where, after the first fifty-five seconds of starting the chapter, she drops a Reset Bomb on the clashing human armies.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Support type references Viridi's role in Kid Icarus: Uprising by aiding Pit and Dark Pit in their quest to defeat the Underworld Army.
  • This spirit's Attack type and Metal Killer ability reference Viridi's attack on humanity for destroying nature.
  • In World of Light, the Viridi spirit is located in the shrouded forest area in the Light Realm, referencing Viridi's association with nature.
  • Viridi, Kirby, and the Mii Swordfighter's Voice Type 6 all share the same Japanese voice actress, Makiko Ōmoto.
725 Lurchthorn Pac-Man Team  ×6
1,800 Reset Bomb Forest (forest) •Item: Super Scope •The enemy is easily distracted by items
•The enemy starts the battle with a Super Scope
•Defeat an army of fighters
Wrath of the Reset Bomb
  • The Pac-Man Team starting off with a Super Scope represent the six spherical sections on Lurchthirn's body, which can launch energy sphere projectiles at Pit.
  • The stage's layout and music track represent the Lurchthorns' appearance as an enemy in the eleventh chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising, which features Lurchthorns as a stage hazard.
726 Magnus Ike  
4,300 Coliseum (Ω form) N/A •The enemy has super armor but moves slower
•The enemy's smash attacks have increased power
•The enemy has increased attack power
Magnus's Theme Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • The black Ike represents Magnus, a muscular mercenary wearing a black outfit who uses a large blade.
  • The stage and music track represents the town in the eighteenth chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising which features Magnus as a playable character.
  • The battle conditions reference Magnus' slow mobility, which is made up for by his raw power in his swordplay, which can defeat multiple enemies with minimal effort.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Attack type and Sword Attack ↑ ability further references Magnus' strength in his swordplay, which can easily defeat multiple enemies with minimal effort.
  • In World of Light, the Magnus spirit is located on Galeem's side of The Final Battle map while the Thanatos spirit is featured across from him on Dharkon's side, referencing how both characters are affiliated with Pit with opposing roles, with Magnus serving as Pit's ally.
727 Dyntos King Dedede  
7,500 Palutena's Temple (Battlefield form) N/A •The enemy is easily distracted by items Lightning Chariot Base
  • The grey King Dedede represents Dyntos, a monochromatic character who wields a large hammer.
  • The stage and music track represent Dyntos' debut in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
  • The battle condition references Dyntos' status the God of Forge, who can create and wield weapons, which includes blades, clubs, and explosive cannons.
728 Mimicutie Zero Suit Samus  
1,700 Skyworld •Item Tidal Wave •The enemy's kicks and knee strikes have increased power
•The enemy favors side smash attacks
•Certain items will appear in large numbers after a little while
In the Space-Pirate Ship Spirit Battle inspiration:
  • Zero Suit Samus's blue shorts costume reveal Samus's legs, referencing the Mimicutie's feminine bare legs.
  • The music track represents the musical theme of the eight chapter of Kid Icarus: Uprising, which features Mimicuties appear as an enemy.
  • The Item Tidal Wave rule references the items the Mimicutie spawns after they're defeated.
  • Zero Suit Samus' favored side smash attacks and battle conditions reference the Mimicutie's usage of swift kicking attacks.

Other trivia:
  • This spirit's Foot Attack ↑ ability further references Mimicutie's usage of swift kick attacks.
  • In World of Light, the Mimicutie spirit battle is located in the Treasure Chest in the Temple of Light map in the Light Realm, referencing how the Mimicutie is based on a mimic, an enemy monster that takes on the form of a treasure chest in fantasy role-playing games.

Series Order

Number Name Series
703 Pit Kid Icarus Series
704 Dark Pit
705 Palutena
706 Pit (Original)
707 Centurion
708 Three Sacred Treasures
709 Daybreak
710 Medusa
711 Medusa (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
712 Twinbellows
713 Hewdraw
714 Pandora
715 Amazon Pandora
716 Thanatos
717 Hades
718 Hades (Final Form)
719 Specknose
720 Reaper & Reapette
721 Eggplant Wizard
722 Pseudo-Palutena
723 Viridi
724 Phosphora
725 Lurchthorn
726 Magnus
727 Dyntos
728 Mimicutie


  • The Daybreak spirit is the only spirit obtained through a challenge to lack a Spirit Battle.