Okinawa is a Smash region and prefecture comprised of the Okinawa, Daitō, and Sakishima island chains. On an administrative level, this region would be included in the Kyūshū region. However, due to the distance players infrequently play in Kyūshū. As such, Okinawa is considered a separate Smash region.
Despite the size the region is one of the most active in Japan and hosts the long-running series Churabura. The majority of the regions tournaments are organized by the regions best player J-Snake. American military personnel also frequently attend tounraments in the region.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Notable players
Nationally ranked players
These Okinawan players were ranked on the Japan Player Rankings.
National Rank | Name | Notes |
67 | J-Snake | The regions strongest player. |
68 | Miyabi |
Other top players
- Nanigashi : Ranked 1st on the Okinawa Power Rankings.
Major tournaments hosted
A list of significant regional Ultimate events hosted in Okinawa.
Name | Entrants | Date | Notes |
Churabura Ultimate | 128 | July 21st, 2019 | |
KVO Resort 2019 | 122 | September 29th, 2019 | First Ultimate tourney in Okinawa to attract significant out of region attendance |
Some notable tournament series held in Okinawa.
- Churabura located in the Fukuoka prefecture.
- Icharibachode located on the Kadena airbase.
Super Smash Bros. 4
Notable players
Nationally ranked players
These Okinawan players were ranked on the JAPAN Power Rankings.
National ranking | Name | Notes |
86 | J-Snake | Previously ranked in the top 50 of the JPR. |
92 | Ayapero | One of the best Palutena players in Japan. |
135 | Kiri | . |
188 | Walc |
Some notable tournament series held in Okinawa.
- Churabura.
- Icharibachode located on the Kadena airbase.
- Ryuku e-Sports Club (ReSC)
See also