Talk:Marth (SSBU)

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About how much Marth has been buffed

Omega Tyrant are you sure he has only slightly been buffed? His buffs seem fault notable, decent at worst. MetaKnightX6 (talk) 18:24, July 6, 2021 (EDT)

While the tipper buffs have helped, saying "significantly buffed" is definitely sugarcoating Marth's changes as his sweetspots are still somewhat inconsistent. CookiesCnC Signature.pngCreme 18:37, July 6, 2021 (EDT)
The changes are few and really minimalistic, especially compared to other buffed characters in patches. If you actually want a significantly buffed Marth, look at his list of patch changes in Smash 4. 034.png DrakRoar the game design dragon 19:17, July 6, 2021 (EDT)
Signifficantly would mean it's enough to shoot him up several tier placements (if Ultimate had a tier list that is). His changes were only a few minimal to decent buffs to only a few moves, which is no where near "signifficant". For my signature. Omega Toad, the Toad Warrior. (I'm the best!) 02:35, July 7, 2021 (EDT)

About up tilt and dash attack

Are you sure up tilt is only capable of killing at ‘rather high percents’ as it kills around 130%, and that, frankly, should be enough to make it one of the strongest up tilts in the game. Also are you sure the tipper of dash attack is hard to hit, I find it fairly easy to get a tipper, unless you are talking about on a moving opponent (where it is definitely harder but still not super hard).

MetaKnightX6 (talk) 11:50, July 7, 2021 (EDT)

Omega Tyrant explain yourself right now

Please explain what you mean by ‘no’, I AM STARTING TO GET SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE REMOVING SEEMINGLY LEGITIMATE EDITS FOR NO REASON. Like, it’s PURE FACTS that marths aireals are surprisingly average, fair kills at 180. Average is 160. Bair kills at 125-130. Average is only a few %s away. Nair and up air are fine tho. But dairs grounded spike kills of the top at 200. Average. I hate to put bad stuff about Marth, BUT THIS IS TRUE. And you know what I hate? People REMOVING WHAT SPENT TIME TO ADD WITH NO SAID REASON. If you explain yourself, I might be ok then. MetaKnightX6 (talk) 10:43, September 10, 2021 (EDT)

Well we're pretty tired of you making bad misinformed edits and us having to clean up your shit, you haven't shown anything remotely close to the knowledge you try acting like you have. The last thing the wiki needs is to babysit an uninformed 12 year old that "mains" a ton of characters and never played in a tournament before insisting they know more than the pros.
"Like, it’s PURE FACTS that marths aireals are surprisingly average"
And this is why I wrote just "no" for the summary, because it is blatantly wrong.
" Average is 160."
What is this figure, what context, how did you find this "average"?
"fair kills at 180"
This seems true at just center with no rage, where it kills Mario at 183% with proper DI, but then at max rage it kills at 159%, and on ledge it kills at 135% with no rage and 115% with max rage. I do not know where you get the "160% is average" from, because I can ensure most fairs do not kill earlier than that, doing a quick eyeball over the roster I can say more than half of the cast do not have fairs that can never kill earlier in any of those situations.
"Bair kills at 125-130. Average is only a few %s away."
Again where is this "average" from? And from center of FD on Mario with DI and no rage, it kills at 139%, 120% with max rage, then on ledge with no rage and other conditions same it kills at 101%, 85% at max rage. This is not only a very strong move in general (killing most characters under 150% from center without rage and good DI is very good for any non-Smash move), it is certainly well above "average" for a bair. Like no one would call Sonic's bair "averagish" in kill power, you know how early that move kills? 140% from center with good DI/no rage, 122% with max rage, 103% on ledge with no rage, 89% with max rage, you're not going to be telling us a bair like Marth's that is stronger than Sonic's bair in all contexts is "averagish".
"But dairs grounded spike kills of the top at 200."
First this isn't even right, it kills grounded Mario with good DI and no rage at 173%, 152% at max rage. Second, do you know how few meteors kill grounded opponents at good percents? Now lets take at look at where meteors are supposed to kill; offstage. At the height of FD's main platform, around where most meteors are landed, Marth's dair outright kills Mario at 47% with no rage, 38% with max rage. How does this compare to others? Falcon dair kills at 44% with no rage and 37% with max rage, killing only 1-3% later than a classic stud spike like Falcon's is certainly pretty damn good. How about K. Rool dair, that seems pretty decent for a spike right? That kills at 64% with no rage, 55% with max rage, Marth's is resoundingly stronger. What about Ivysaur's dair when sweetspotted, a move that gave a ton of people such grief? That kills at 68% with no rage, 56% with max rage, Marth's dair is again quite a bit stronger than such an infamous meteor. You should get the picture by now.
Considering your immature response here, your age, and how long you have been a persistent problem, I'll make a final warning here; make such a clearly misinformed edit again and you'll be blocked for quite the while. We don't have the time to deal with your edits on such a frequent basis. Omega Tyrant TyranitarMS.png 15:51, September 10, 2021 (EDT)