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This template is for displaying the head icon of a character.
|c = Name of character, spelled how it is for their character pages. |cl = Colour, in order to use palette-swapped icons. Must be same colour word used in filename. If left out, uses default. |s = Size. Default is image's regular size. |l = Link. If left out, image links to the character's page. If set to something, image links there. If set to blank, image links nowhere. |fpm = "force PM". Set to "y" if the colour selected is PM-exclusive.
This is a pared-down version of {{Head}} specific to PM-related things. If "c" is "Mewtwo" or "Roy", or "fpm" is "y", it points to NameHeadPM.png; otherwise it points to NameHeadSSBB.png. In any case, the image links to [[Character (PM)]].