Super Smash Bros.

The Nintendo All-Stars Free-For-All! Smash Brothers

Revision as of 15:47, September 3, 2021 by The Other Jared (talk | contribs) (reworded trivia, still need to work on the plot summary)
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The cover of the manga.

The Nintendo All-Stars Free-For-All! Smash Brothers (ニンテンドウオールスター大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ) is a one-shot manga chapter loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Originally released on January 15, 1999 by CoroCoro Comics and both written and illustrated by mangaka Hirokazu Hikawa, the manga has never been officially translated or rereleased since.

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The editor who added this tag believes this page should be cleaned up for the following reason: Plot and Trivia taken directly from bulbagarden (hidden in source). Rewording is necessary.
You can discuss this issue on the talk page or edit this page to improve it.


  • The names of Pikachu's Tackle and Kirby's Wheel attack seen in the manga are puns. Pikachu's attack is tai-atari (たいあたり), literally "to hit someone with your body." Kirby's attack is the similar sounding taiya-atari (タイヤあたり), literally "to hit someone with a tire." Taiya is also the name of Kirby's "Wheel" Copy Ability in the Japanese version.
  • When Phantom X first appears, he says "You'd have to be a genius to defeat me zona~" (わたしを倒せたら天才ぞな~). Mario replies with "Who are you supposed to be, Phantom Zona!?" (怪人ゾナーかー!?). Phantom Zona is the name of a character who used to appear on popular kids' variety show Oha Suta from 1998 to 2004.
    • Additionally, Phantom Zona received a video game adaptation released for the Game Boy Color, which is listed on the Chronicle in the Japanese version of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

