This template is the standard infobox for all smasher pages, and is also commonly found on userpages.


This lists all the parameters. Not all of them are necessary (such as the games' "more others"), but as many as possible should be filled in. Note that while the "main" and "other" parameters require only the name of a character, the "more others" requires the entire link code.

{{Infobox Smasher
| name                =
| image               =
| caption             =
| mainssb             =
| 2ndmainssb          =
| otherssb            =
| 2ndotherssb         =
| moreotherssb        =
| retiredssb          =
| 2ndretiredssb       =
| moreretiredssb      =
| doublesmainssb      =
| 2nddoublesmainssb   =
| retiredssb          =
| 2ndretiredssb       =
| moreretiredssb      =
| mainssbm            =
| 2ndmainssbm         =
| otherssbm           =
| 2ndotherssbm        =
| moreotherssbm       =
| retiredssbm         =
| 2ndretiredssbm      =
| moreretiredssbm     =
| doublesmainssbm     =
| 2nddoublesmainssbm  =
| retiredssbm         =
| 2ndretiredssbm      =
| moreretiredssbm     =
| mainssbb            =
| 2ndmainssbb         =
| otherssbb           =
| 2ndotherssbb        =
| moreotherssbb       =
| retiredssbb         =
| 2ndretiredssbb      =
| moreretiredssbb     =
| doublesmainssbb     =
| 2nddoublesmainssbb  =
| retiredssbb         =
| 2ndretiredssbb      =
| moreretiredssbb     =
| mainssb3ds          =
| 2ndmainssb3ds       =
| otherssb3ds         =
| 2ndotherssb3ds      =
| moreotherssb3ds     =
| doublesmainssb3ds   =
| 2nddoublesmainssb3ds=
| mainssbwu           =
| 2ndmainssbwu        =
| otherssbwu          =
| 2ndotherssbwu       =
| moreotherssbwu      =
| doublesmainssbwu    =
| 2nddoublesmainssbwu =
| mainssb4            =
| 2ndmainssb4         =
| otherssb4           =
| 2ndotherssb4        =
| moreotherssb4       =
| retiredssb4         =
| 2ndretiredssb4      =
| moreretiredssb4     =
| doublesmainssb4     =
| 2nddoublesmainssb4  =
| retiredssb4         =
| 2ndretiredssb4      =
| moreretiredssb4     =
| mainpm              =
| 2ndmainpm           =
| otherpm             =
| 2ndotherpm          =
| moreotherpm         =
| retiredpm           =
| 2ndretiredpm        =
| moreretiredpm       =
| doublesmainpm       =
| 2nddoublesmainpm    =
| retiredpm          =
| 2ndretiredpm       =
| moreretiredpm      =
| mainssbu            =
| 2ndmainssbu         =
| otherssbu           =
| 2ndotherssbu        =
| moreotherssbu       =
| retiredssbu         =
| 2ndretiredssbu      =
| moreretiredssbu     =
| doublesmainssbu     =
| 2nddoublesmainssbu  =
| retiredssbu         =
| 2ndretiredssbu      =
| moreretiredssbu     =
| sponsor             =
| former sponsors     = 
| crew                =
| note crew           =
| former crews        =
| skill               =
| skillssb            =
| skillssbm           =
| skillssbb           =
| skillssb4           =
| skillssb3ds         =
| skillssbwu          =
| skillpm             =
| skillssbu           =
| ranking             =
| rankingssb          =
| rankingssbm         =
| rankingssbb         =
| rankingssb4         =
| rankingssbu         =
| winnings            =
| alias               =
| realname            =
| birthday            =
| birthmonth          =
| birthyear           =
| 3dscode             =
| nnid                =
| location            =
| country             =



{{Infobox Smasher
| name          = Jeff
| image         = JeffAssist.jpg
| mainssbm      = Ness
| 2ndmainssbm   = Fox
| otherssbm     = Yoshi
| 2ndotherssbm  = Dr. Mario
| retiredssbm     = Falco
| 2ndretiredssbm  = Mario
| moreretiredssbm   = {{SSBM|Samus}}
| mainssb4      = Ness
| 2ndmainssb4   = Rosalina
| otherssb4     = Mario
| 2ndotherssb4  = Captain Falcon
| retiredssb4      = Dr. Mario
| 2ndretiredssb4   = Lucas
| moreretiredssb4  = {{SSB4|Fox}}
| mainssbb      = Ness
| 2ndmainssbb   = Snake
| otherssbb     = Falco
| 2ndotherssbb  = Meta Knight
| retiredssbb       = Lucas
| 2ndretiredssbb    = Samus
| moreretiredssbb   = {{SSBB|Fox}}
| mainssb       = Ness
| 2ndmainssb    = Pikachu
| otherssb      = Mario
| 2ndotherssb   = Kirby
| retiredssb        = Samus
| 2ndretiredssb     = Link
| moreretiredssb    = {{SSB|Yoshi}}
| mainpm        = Ness
| 2ndmainpm     = Mewtwo
| otherpm       = Mario
| 2ndotherpm    = Roy
| retiredpm     = Lucas
| 2ndretiredpm  = Samus
| moreretiredpm = {{PM|Olimar}}
| mainssbu            = Simon
| 2ndmainssbu         = Lucas
| otherssbu           = Ness
| 2ndotherssbu        = Ridley
| moreotherssbu       = {{SSBU|Steve}}
| doublesmainssbu     = Dark Samus
| 2nddoublesmainssbu  = King K. Rool
| retiredssbu          = Snake
| 2ndretiredssbu       = Mewtwo
| moreretiredssbu      = {{SSBU|Chrom}}
| sponsor       = Ness' Dad
| former sponsors = Snow Wood Boarding House
| crew          = Back Throw Boyz
| former crews  = Saturn Smashers
| skillssb      = Pro-am
| skillssbm     = Top professional
| skillssbb     = Semi-professional
| skillssb4     = Professional
| skillpm       = Professional
| skillssbu    = Amateur
| rankingssbm   = [[SSBMRank]]: 87th
| rankingssb4   = [[SoCal Power Rankings]]: 9th
| rankingssbu   = [[Michigan Power Rankings]]: 69th
| winningsssb   = $5
| winningsssbm  = Approximately $10,000
| winningsssbb  = $250
| winningsssb4  = Approximately $2,000
| winningspm    = Approximately $500
| winningsssbu   = $3
| alias         = Sgt. Saturn
| realname      = Jeff Andonuts
| birthday      = 17
| birthmonth    = 8
| birthyear     = 1994
| brawlcode     = 0000-0000-0000
| 3dscode       = 0000-0000-0000
| nnid          = NintendoNetworkID
| location      = Chiyoda, Tokyo
| country       = japan


Jeff "Sgt. Saturn"
Jeff, with his trademark bottle rockets.
Character info
Smash 64 mains Ness, Pikachu
Other Smash 64 characters Mario, Kirby
Retired Smash 64 characters Samus, Link, Yoshi
Melee mains Ness, Fox
Other Melee characters Yoshi, Dr. Mario
Retired Melee characters Falco, Mario, Samus
Brawl mains Ness, Snake
Other Brawl characters Falco, Meta Knight
Retired Brawl characters Lucas, Samus, Fox
Smash 4 mains Ness, Rosalina
Other Smash 4 characters Mario, Captain Falcon
Retired Smash 4 characters Dr. Mario, Lucas, Fox
Ultimate mains Simon, Lucas
Ultimate doubles mains Dark Samus, King K. Rool
Other Ultimate characters Ness, Ridley, Chrom
Project M mains Ness, Mewtwo
Other Project M characters Mario, Roy
Retired Project M characters Lucas, Samus, Olimar
Team info
Sponsor(s) Ness' Dad
Former sponsor(s) Snow Wood Boarding School
Crew(s) Back Throw Boyz
Former crews Saturn Smashers
Rankings and results info
Most recent ranking Super Smash Bros. Melee SSBMRank: 87th
Super Smash Bros. 4 SoCal Power Rankings: 9th
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Michigan Power Rankings: 69th
Winnings Super Smash Bros. $5
Super Smash Bros. Melee Approximately $10,000
Super Smash Bros. Brawl $250
Super Smash Bros. 4 Approximately $2,000
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate $3
Project M Approximately $500
Personal and other info
Real name Jeff Andonuts
Birth date (age 30)
Location Chiyoda, Tokyo Japan
Miscellaneous info
Skill Super Smash Bros. Pro-am
Super Smash Bros. Melee Top professional
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Semi-professional
Super Smash Bros. 4 Professional
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Amateur
Project M Professional
NNID NintendoNetworkId
3DS code 0000-0000-0000


  • name = The smasher's primary "gamer tag", the name they would prefer to be known within the Smash community.
  • image = An image of the smasher. (Image sized to 160 pixels in width)
  • main = The smasher's current main character.
  • 2ndmain = A "second" main if the smasher has one; some people have one, most do not.
  • doublesmain = A character that the smasher only plays for doubles matches. Most people use their normal mains, but some players use different characters specifically for doubles.
  • other = Another notable character the smasher currently plays in tournament. Note that this entry should not be for any random character that the smasher ever touches, but only for those that they have actually played in competitive bracket sets to success.
  • 2ndother = As above.
  • retired = A character that the smasher used to play in tournaments in the past, but no longer plays. Note that this entry is not for every character the smasher has ever played in tournament, but only for those they achieved noteworthy success with.
  • 2ndretired - As above.
  • sponsor, sponsor2, etc. - The name of the organization that currently sponsors the player. If the sponsor has or should have a SmashWiki article, be sure to brace the name in two long brackets ("[[Sponsor Name]]")
  • former sponsors - The name of any other organizations that at one time sponsored the player in the past. If the sponsor has or should have a SmashWiki article, be sure to brace the name in two long brackets ("[[Sponsor Name]]")
  • crew, crew2, etc. = The name of their Smash crew. If the crew has a SmashWiki article or should have one, be sure to brace the name in two long brackets ("[[Crew Name]]").
  • note crew, note crew2, etc. = A note appended to the corresponding crew name in parentheses, for example, president.
  • former crews = The name of any other Smash crews they've been a part of, whether inactive or disbanded. If the crew has a Smashwiki article or should have one, don't forget to link with ("[[Crew Name]]").
  • skill = The smasher's general skill level. A separate skill listing should be listed for each Smash game the smasher plays. Anything can be put here for userpage purposes, but the following are the only acceptable skill levels on smasher articles:
    • Amateur - The smasher does not play competitively, or if they do, they rarely place well in any tournaments.
    • Pro-amateur (or Pro-am for short) - A competitive smasher that can play above an amateur level and place well in locals, though often does not place in the money in them.
    • Semi-professional - A competitive smasher that can consistently place in the money at locals, though is generally not a high placing threat at regionals and above.
    • Professional - A competitive smasher that can win locals and place in the money at regionals, making consistent money playing the game.
    • Top professional - A competitive smasher that is among the best, able to win regionals and everything below, and place in the money at nationals.
  • Ranking = If applicable, the smasher's ranking on the current largest-scale power ranking they are rated on for each game. For Melee for example, the highest power ranking would be the most recent SSBMRank list.
  • Winnings = The smasher's approximate winnings from Smash tournaments. The amount earned from each game should be listed separately.
  • alias, alias2, etc. = An ulterior alias that people may know the smasher by. This should usually be left blank as it tends to muddy up the uniformity of all the tables with everyone filling it in when it shouldn't be. This is more for people like Wobbles, who is known by many different people as Wobbles and many other people know him as Honorbound. Obviously, there's no need to add this field on Nairo's article because he's not generally known by any other name. Remember, it's the community that decides whether or not the smasher has multiple aliases, not them. This is not a personality profile.
  • realname = The smasher's actual first and last name. Or just the first name if they choose to not have their last name listed.
  • birthday, birthmonth and birthyear = Format for birthday listing; automatically calculates age. Month must be entered as a number (for example, May is 5). If one of the three bits is unknown, don't put any of them in.
  • 3dscode = The code of the smasher's Nintendo 3DS. (Generally should not be filled in for smasher articles).
  • nnid = The smasher's Nintendo Network ID. (Generally should not be filled in for smasher articles.)
  • location = The city and state/province in which the smasher currently lives.
  • country = The country the smasher currently lives in, which is displayed as a flag image.