Washington Power Rankings
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The Washington Power Rankings is a power ranking system weighing the skill and progression of active smashers in Washington state alone. The list was compiled by six panelists from the region and is updated usually on a monthly base.
These lists are current as of Augest 25th, 2009.
1 Weruop
2 Chip
3 Valdens
4 Felix
5 Praxis
6 Jamnt0ast
7 Jem
8 Zeionut
9 Bladewise
10 Uchiha
11 Nerd
12 Eggz
13 Sagemoon
14 Itakio
15 Carlos
1 Silent Wolf 2 Eggz 3 Bladewise 4 C!Z 5 Brdy 6 Vish 7 Chip 8 Rohins 9 Deva 10 Syler