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Revision as of 17:28, December 14, 2020 by Ender R. Musk (talk | contribs) (Some additions.)
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This user has made 2,355 edits.

Ender R. Musk
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Real name {{{realname}}}
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Hey... there...

Noticed you were...


—Onionsan, UNDERTALE
Banjo&KazooieIcon(SSBU).png This user is above spamming eggs.
KingKRoolIcon(SSBU).png This user abuses K. Rool's belly armor wayyyyy too much.
SteveIcon(SSBU).png This user proudly plays Minecraft well beyond their childhood.
MinMinIcon(SSBU).png This user can and will edgeguard you onstage from forty metres away.
TerryIcon(SSBU).png This user just wants to make sure you're OK.

Um... all you need to know about me is that I am a nerd (I prefer the term "geek") who probably has Asperger syndrome (waiting on an official diagnosis). In person I'm shy, quiet, and very slow to putting sentences together, making social interactions extraordinarily awkward. On the internet is where I can accurately reflect my polite, knowledgeable, extremely loyal (and absolutely never narcissistic) self. I apologize in advance for any uncalled-for acts of vigilantism that will probably come about as I try to keep chaos at bay around me (I can't STAND disorder in information reserves like this). Oh, and just in case you're not sure, I am male and would like to be referred to as such.

I got into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate because of my pre-existing connection to Banjo-Kazooie. I started playing in December 2019, and I haven't touched any other Smash game, but I would consider myself pretty well-versed in Smash knowledge. Unfortunately, most of the time other people beat me to adding technical info, so I often find myself elaborating, fixing formatting, reformatting, finding things for Admins to do that I can't, suggesting nitpicky changes, or "bettering wording" in general. Run for Administrator? When Shrek gets into Smash.

Here's a friendly reminder that Space Invaders, one of the most important and influential video games of all time, seriously needs representation in Smash; also, Galaxian could use a lot more.

And finally, a heads-up in case you want to accuse me of sockpuppeting: KirboBoi64 is my literal little brother. He edits in the same room as me, and may make the same kinds of edits I tend towards, but he's not me. Making that clear.

I guess that's everything I really want you to know. But if you're interested in more about me, you can scroll down for random trivia.

10 favorite video games

  1. Banjo-Tooie
  2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  3. Super Mario Odyssey
  4. Banjo-Kazooie
  5. Cuphead
  7. Super Mario Bros. 3
  8. Minecraft
  9. Yooka-Laylee
  10. Super Mario World

Most-wanted playable additions to Smash

  • Gruntilda
  • Yooka & Laylee
  • Cuphead (Mugman as alt. costume)
  • The Battletoads
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Waluigi


Redlink pages are obviously not finished.

Fighter comfort

How well I understand and handle every fighter in Ultimate. If you have a mouse, you can hover over a fighter's portrait for a quick explanation for their placement. The yellow tier is split because both rows are of about equal importance. The last two tiers are ordered by fighter number; all other tiers are ordered by my "comfort," left > right.

Note that, again, I only play/have played Ultimate. Banjo & Kazooie alone in the top tier are for reference as my uncontested best fighter.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
My ability to play one fighter stands
far above my ability to play the rest.
My go-to in any setting with some amount of seriousness. The duo that defines my entire gaming life, I've pledged my Smash career to the bear and bird.
I play these fighters on a semi-regular basis
with a respectable amount of skill.
The kroc is so goofy and fun to play when I'm not in a serious mood. He was my main before I bought B&K. Not much to say, I just really, really like noodle girl here. I'm probably the only person on the planet who never played Fatal Fury but has Terry's special inputs memorized.
I'm actively learning and trying to get into the orange tier;
I have a decent grasp so far.
As my connection to Minecraft is nearly on par with my connection to Banjo-Kazooie, there was no way I wasn't learning the HECK outta this guy day 1. I've got a long way to go, though... My favorite lightweight in the game by far, I simply cannot get enough of Puff. Well, Daisy is objectively more awesome than Peach, and who doesn't want to learn the princesses? Or... I may just be a simp. Debatable.
Purely casual picks that I'm fairly decent with.
Another fun and non-serious pick of mine, but with less dedication than others. My secondary before buying B&K, I have a lot of fun with Villager but I don't try to be really good with him or anything. You know why she's up here. Ever since Banjo & Kazooie got in, Mii Gunner costumes have been an absolute TREAT for me (see my favorite games list)!
I can play these fighters, but I never
pick them unless asked.
As much fun as I tend to have when I play Kirby here, I can't think as fast as he needs to be moving. Logic dictates that I really, really enjoy Dream Land's supreme ruler (look at my mains and what I clearly like/don't like in a fighter), but nope, not really. Another Daisy situation, where maybe it's because MkLeo plays her, or maybe I'm a simp, but Lucina is the only swordfighter in this game that I can really get behind. R.O.B. is a ton of fun, but his playstyle isn't a great match for me, so I won't be using him seriously any time soon. I don't care how heavy, powerful, or overall fun you may be, if you can't reliably get back to the stage, I won't play much of youse. Similar to Kirby, but even worse - his recovery isn't great. Refer to "Bowser." Refer to "Bowser."
I've picked 'em up once or twice, but the
interest just isn't there.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Yosh, but I just don't find a lot of pleasure in controlling him. He's a bit too campy for my taste. (Although if you'd seen my B&K in a match with more than three fighters, you'd say that's a bit ironic.) Look, Inkling is a really awesome fighter all-around, I can see why people say she's really good, and I would even consider myself a Splatoon fan as well... but, she's just not right for me. His mediocre recovery doesn't bode well for his zoner, "stay away" playstyle, IMO. Probably just my preference, but I cannot get behind Link. This is pure preference, he just doesn't feel right to me. Really light and floaty, but terribly powerful? Not right for me. (But he's a very charming presence and lots of fun to watch!) Just like King Dedede, you'd think I'd like Samus, right? But I've come to ignore her existence entirely, sadly. Nothing personal to Belmont players, but nothing about this fighter makes sense to me. My dislike for Pac-Man is like a strange combination of that of Link and Mr. Game & Watch. His movement and playstyle feel weird, and not very well balanced. I apologize if I've convinced you thus far that I like slow fighters. That is NOT necessarily the case. You may consider some fighters I play (B&K, noodle girl, King Kroc) to not have the greatest mobility in the world, and I have to agree, but Ganondorf transcends them all in sheer sluggishness. Not much to say here. He's just not fun, as well as really spammy.
Never touched these fighters, for one reason
or another.
No point in trying to play an echo if I've established that its base fighter is not for me. None of the Fox gang looks like a fighter I'd take pleasure in spamming neutral special with. A couple trends you may have caught by now are that I'm not a big fan of the "lightweight" or "rushdown" archetypes. I'm just too slow with buttons! Some such fighters do interesting things to be more accessible (Mario, Kirby, Villager, Steve), but doesn't seem like Pikachu does. If I don't have a huge amount of fun with Mario, I figure, I probably can't play his more gimmicky brother, either. Even if Cappy Falcon isn't quite a "rushdown" fighter, from what I know he still requires speed that I can't provide. Daisy is objectively more awesome. End. Of. Story. I know I'm learning Steve and all, but these guys really look too technical and gimmicky for me. Refer to "Pikachu." Literally nothing about Zelda captures my attention. I'm told he's just a mediocre Mario clone, so... that's a no-go. Refer to "Pikachu." MewtwoIcon(SSBU).png Refer to "Fox." I play Lucina, and I'm told Marth is just worse Lucina, so no dice.

I figger if I don't like Link, I wouldn't like Younger him. I'm told quite a few Fire Emblem fighters are much like Marth/Lucina (and I've seen that for myself, too), so I've never given a second thought to ignoring them. Refer to "Roy." An... interesting fighter to watch, but from what my brother has told me, probably not so great to play. No offense to all you Pit mains out there, but he just looks... really boring to me. Refer to "Pit." She, quite simply, doesn't look like a fighter I'd enjoy. This fighter looks like tons of fun from what I've seen. But he also seems kinda technical and his attributes discourage me from learning him like I've learned Terry or Steve. Refer to "Roy." I can't pinpoint exactly why, but similar to Jigglypuff, I just really don't want to play the Trainer. Refer to "Pikachu." If he's anything like Ness, I don't want to hear it. If you play Smash, you're well aware of what playing Sonic means, and I want no part in that.

Olimar looks almost as annoying to play as, as he is to play against. Lucario looks too... gimmicky for my taste. Refer to "Young Link." Refer to "Fox." I never have been able to make much sense of Mega Man's moveset. For his attributes, much like Mr. Game & Watch, it doesn't add up to me. Maybe that'd change if I actually played the fighter, but eh... Trainer just looks... boring to me. Literally nothing about Rosalina & Luma captures my attention. Do I have ANY reason to pick Mac? The answer is no. I don't. Refer to "Pikachu." Until Brawler gets, like, a Bottles costume or something, I'm happy to leave the Miis besides Gunner to neat CPU battles between "myself" and various other characters for fun. Refer to "Mii Brawler." Palutena has a very strange playstyle that, while apparently really good, I don't feel like trying to wrap my head around. Being unique among Fire Emblem reps isn't enough to make me want to play what appears to be a gimmicky mess of a fighter.

I'm not interested in Shulk for many of the same reasons I'm not interested in most Fire Emblem fighters. BJ and co. look really weird, that's all I can say. I have no logical explanation for this, but the duo looks strangely... technical? I can't figure out why, they just look really hard to play, and I have a grudge against them anyway for what happened in B&K's trailer. I think one technical, "traditional" fighting game character is enough for me. Sorry, Ryu and Ken, Terry interested me first. Refer to "Ryu." Cloud looks boring in much the same way most Fire Emblem fighters are. And also I don't give a crap about Final Fantasy. Unlike everyone else from Fire Emblem, Corrin looks kinda cool - if you're into sword fighters, I guess. Not me. BayonettaIcon(SSBU).png Again with almost all the traits I like in a heavy, maybe I'll try Ridley out one day, but I have no attachment or interest in Metroid so I probably won't play him much. Refer to "Dark Samus." Similar to Marth, I play Villager and it looks like Isabelle is just worse Villager, so no thanks.

Haven't purchased these fighters, also for one
reason or another.
Even if I didn't hate how violent he is, zippy, combo fighters are not for me. Swordfighters aren't my thing either. Byleth appears to have this strange mixed playstyle of going in like a swordfighter and simultaneously trying to stay far away... I can't really wrap my head around it.

My playstyle (how to beat me)

My biggest weakness is how slowly I tend to think things through. Even if I have something memorized, I'll second-guess the crap outta myself before going through with whatever it may be, if my opponent hasn't knocked me off the stage yet. Simply put, I don't allocate my brainpower well. That's why I'm so lucky to have a main that's well suited to me: Banjo & Kazooie, for a variety of reasons, aren't easily punished for slow thinking. They can escape light pressure easily, can camp and spam when I need time to think, and alongside being nice and heavy, they have one of the best recoveries in the game in case I make a careless mistake. However, don't dismiss me as another annoying "Banjo main." Nothing could be farther from the truth.


Sorry, the negative connotation that the term "Banjo main" has really makes me sick. You don't have to play the duo campy and spammy, although it takes some work to get a "hype" playstyle down with them. And additionally, this term completely ignores an entire character, and the one actually responsible for the entire bloody moveset,* at that; also, quite ironically, Kazooie is directly responsible for the fighter's "annoying" qualities.

And anyway, that was a joke. Actually, I have a more mindgame-oriented approach to playing with the duo than most of my peers. Obviously, if an opponent is leaving themself wide open, I'll go in for a powerful attack, but usually, baiting and punishing pretty much sums up my entire gameplan - that is, when I'm not facing someone insanely light on their feet and hungry for combos. Again, I can't think fast enough to counter that, so I end up in a more defensive and, well, annoying stance in those matches. Also, it's worth pointing out that I instinctually prioritize melee, up-close options when possible, and with the bird 'n bear, that's not always a good thing. But it's not like I don't know any combos or rushdown tactics with them! Ever heard of drag-down neutral aerial into rapid jab? Drag-down back aerial into side tilt? Down special into down special into down special into back aerial? Down throw into pretty much anything? Forward aerial that kills at 90%? Back aerial against the bottom of Final Destination? Neutral aerial offstage? Seriously, why is no-one talking about Kazooie's neutral and back aerials? They're INSANE!

My secondaries tend to be a similar story. I usually abuse King K. Rool's "tank" attributes and go all-out on my opponent with him. While Enderman is insanely fun to play, as stated before, I can't think fast enough to play it extremely well or anything - when I'm under pressure, my first instinct is never to start building blocks. Terry's the same way. I have a hard time recalling his insane combos when I'm in trouble and need them the most. I have a decent grasp of Min Min's zoning capabilities, but because all of her attacks are technically melee, my mind is often fooled into wanting me to go in close to fight, which leads to disaster.

*Exceptions include basic mobility, gentleman-jab, forward-aerial, grab, back- and down-throw, holding Kazooie in side-tilt, side-smash and Breegull Blaster, the motion of Banjo's leg in up-tilt, the slamming down of Banjo's fist in vain in down-smash, the quick motion forwards in Wonderwing, the tossing of the opponent up for up-throw, taking all damage, and getting out of Kazooie's way for literally every other attack in their kit.


KazooieIcon(SSBU).png This user doesn't tolerate Kazooie ignorance in alliance with SamtheBKBoss.

To-do list

  • Create /Kazooie (SSB?) (create "Attributes" section) and /SW:OFFICIAL? (expand upon "Conclusions" section)
  • Make /Infobox into a proper... infobox
  • Fancy up the "Other mains" sections of Template:Smasher (need to learn how to display text IF a binary question is NOT true)

Enough about me! Go edit something! That's what this wiki is for!