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Revision as of 17:55, December 24, 2019 by Plague von Karma (talk | contribs) (I should KNOW this by now...)
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I tried adding a table, and as you can see, it was an EPIC FAIL! I suck at tables, please somebody fix this one.SmOrEkInG Talk Contributions 12:48, 9 October 2008 (UTC)

Move this to Super armor?

Under the principle of giving techniques their used names instead of official names. I see super armor used far more than launch resistance in Smash discussions. It's also a common fighting game term in general, and it's even official as of Smash 4 in-game tips. Pseudo-dino (talk) 19:51, 13 May 2015 (EDT)

It shouldn't be though. Super Armor does not accurately describe the effect, launch resistance does. Oppose Serpent King (talk) 13:33, 14 May 2015 (EDT)
I support moving it. "Super armor" is a commonly-used term (even on this wiki), and so is more likely to be immediately understood than "launch resistance". I don't find the latter to be particularly descriptive anyway, because it doesn't really imply a resistance to flinching. Zyrac (talk) 13:51, 14 May 2015 (EDT)
If we're changing it shouldn't it just be moved to "Armor" though? Super armor is just one type, doesn't describe all of it. Bazkip (talk) 19:48, 15 May 2015 (EDT)
For the sake of avoiding confusion about what the term of "Super Armor" actually means, it would be best if the page stayed as is. If a change is necessary then "Armor" would suffice as long as the word "Super" is left out of it, because that word implies that the resistance is infinite, which isn't always the case when considering the many different forms of launch resistance. True Super Armor completely resists knockback of all magnitudes (AKA infinite launch resistance, a property but Melee's Giga Bowser has at all times) while damage is taken normally. I've frequently heard commentators describe Yoshi's double-jump as having "Super Armor", a term that not only applies to something different, but also fails to bring up the unique knockback-subtracting limitation of Yoshi's double-jump. "Launch resistance" provides the best general description of Super Armor and all variations of Heavy Armor in my opinion, but the one downside of it that I could see is that invincibility could technically be considered as a state wherein launches are resisted. This could be circumvented entirely by changing the name of the page to simply "Armor" so that armor can be widely recognized as a state of launch resistance that also involves taking damage. Shockbound (talk) 18:19, 24 May 2015 (EDT)
Support a move to Armor. Nyargleblargle (Talk) 19:05, 17 June 2015 (EDT)
Oppose The term "launch resistance" is more intuitive. We could note Super Armor as another term for this in the page. Berrenta (talk) 12:47, 9 July 2015 (EDT)
Sorry for being late, but me, I support a move to Armor. As far as I know, armor typically described in most cases as near-proofing to completely proofing (Ex. bulletproof and bulletproof armor) and resistance is typically described as the lessening, but not completely removing all of a particular effect. Launch resistance is more something that could describe Shulk's Shield Monado Art in my opinion. 15DollarsWentSouth (talk) 16:31, 8 September 2015 (EDT)

I support move to Super Armor, not Armor. It's now the official name, and it's widely used. Doesn't matter if it isn't as self-describing of a name as "launch resistance." Are the terms "Sex Kick" or "Wavedashing" any more descriptive of their respective functions? Nada. Smashedpotatoes (talk) 02:43, 11 September 2015 (EDT)

Oppose Launch resistance is much more straightforward than super armor. Besides, if official names were mandatory, instead of up tilt, for example, we'd have strong up attack. It doesn't even sound as well. Drill Blaster Mark 2 (talk) 05:11, 1 November 2015 (EST)

Bump. I plan to move the page to Armor later this week, but I'd like a bit more input. Nyargleblargle Let's go Mets! (Talk · Contribs) 12:26, 1 November 2015 (EST)

I planned to a week ago. Yeah I support this. Ganonmew, The Thankful Evil Clone 12:36, 1 November 2015 (EST)
For what it's worth, I'm still in oppose. Serpent SKSig.png King 13:22, 1 November 2015 (EST)

So, let's recap. We have... 4 oppositions, 3 "move to Super Armor" supports and 4 "move to Armor" supports. I, for one, am waiting for what Nyargleblargle has to say. Drill Blaster Mark 2 (talk) 07:54, 2 November 2015 (EST)

Yoshi’s Double Jump Armour in Ultimate

As a dedicated Yoshi main across all the games, I’ve noticed that Yoshi’s double jump armour appears to have reverted to its SSB iteration, where if the threshold is broken, then Yoshi only takes the difference in knockback, rather than the full knockback. Is anyone able to confirm this? My experience on this is merely subjective, and I cannot tell for certain if it is true or not. I’m sure it is, I just cannot confirm it. 21:24, 8 March 2019 (EST)

In case my IP changed, I’m the same person posting here. I put this to the test, determining how far one attack launched Yoshi, vs how far the same attack launches him when the attack is powerful enough to break his armour. The amount of knockback taken was SIGNIFICANTLY less than normal, proving that Yoshi’s DJA uses the pre-Brawl mechanics. What I cannot confirm is exactly what the threshold is. 00:45, March 12, 2019 (EDT)

Some armor data that I know of

I know a lot about the different forms of armor in Ultimate but am not sure how to make the page optimized for Ult's new types. So, I'm leaving data here in hopes someone can do it.

Yoshi's Double Jump: Subtractive Armor

Yoshi's Double Jump Armor is known as Subtractive Armor, taking up to 150 Units of knockback before it breaks. Once it breaks, Yoshi takes the difference in KB. 150 Units of KB is very, very high. It starts F1 and ends once the double jump animation is over.

King K. Rool's Belly Super Armor

I'm pretty sure that K. Rool's armor could easily be taken from the Belly Super Armor page, or given a "See Also" appearance.

Damage-based ("Heavy") Armor

Damage-based Armor is a form of armor that requires a specific damage threshold to break. It scales in 1v1 (so it'll multiply by 1.2x), effectively rendering it unaffected. It is however affected by freshness. I know a bunch of characters with this as I've been making bumper spreadsheets with them against every move. So, I'll list the data I have here;

  • King K. Rool's has 6% (7.2%) on Crownerang from F5-63
  • Incineroar has 11.99% (14.388%) on Cross Chop from F4-15, as well as his Alolan Whip Throws (F1-4 Failure, F1-58 Lariat, Duration of animation for Back Body Drop)
  • Bowser has 4% (5%) on his tilts, 8% (9.6%) on USmash and DSmash, and 10% (12%) on FSmash. Not sure about the specifics on frame data, but I have this sheet that can help you figure that out.
  • Captain Falcon has 10% (12%) on Raptor Boost's Attack specifically, from F1-4.
  • Terry has 5% (6%) on Power Geyser, F1-14, and 8% (9.6%) on Buster Wolf, F1-15
  • Charizard has 15% (18%) on Flare Blitz from F23-53.
  • Ryu and Ken's Focus Attack start at 16.8 (1v1, don't have normal data, going by ShotoCord), going up by 0.289% per frame, before capping at 33.6%. The param sheet says 7% to 14% but this certainly isn't reflected in-game, so I'm not sure exactly how this works.
  • Little Mac's Straight Lunge starts at 8% (9.6%), until it turns to 14% (16.8%) upon max charge release. Not sure about frame data.
  • Piranha Plant has 15% (18%) on Long-Stem Strike, not sure about the exact frames.
  • Snake's Cypher takes 7% (8.4%) for Snake to be knocked off and remove the damage-based armor, but on a side note also takes 13% (15.6%) for Cypher to completely break.

This is all I know of but I am 90% sure there's more that I may have forgotten.

Super Armor

  • Donkey Kong's Headbutt has Super Armor from F5-14, I believe this is unchanged from S4 but I can very easily be wrong.
  • Charizard's Fly has Super Armor (at least I believe it does, the scripts say damage no reaction w/a 0 which usually means it) from F4. Fun fact, it transitions with a Super Jump Punch flag on F11, likely for the trajectory it goes at.

Knockback-based Armor

  • Bowser's Tough Guy takes 20 KB Units
  • DK's Kong Karry takes 16 Units upon beginning a throw.

This is all I know of, hopefully it's enough to kick the page into high gear. --King K. Rool SSBU.pngPlague von KarmaKing K. Rool SSBU.png 09:49, December 24, 2019 (EST)