Smash Back Room
The Smash Back Room (formerly the Melee Back Room; also known as the SBR) is a protected forum on SmashBoards. Only members that have shown that they don't have a life and are basement-dwelling faggots (either by posting too much or by tournament placement or by sucking mod dick) are permitted to read and discuss in this forum. The Smash Back Room is most famous for producing a tier list and swimming pool full of used anal beads every year or so.
It is also a place for lots of circle jerking amongst fellow tourneyfaggots
Lastly, it is a widely accepted fact that the Smash "competitive" community is composed primarily of whining manchildren who are unwilling to accept that their precious "best fighter ever created" was designed to be a casual party game. Abandon this scene while you are still of sound mind.
Smash Back Roomers are notorious for erupting at leaks in the community. Leading to massive Witch Hunts and self-destruction to preserve any hope of order.
A thread on 4chan was found leaking several images of the Back Room's 'discussions' over what to ban next. A purge is imminent.
I mean seriously banning edge hanging? Banning Metaknight? What kind of pussy faggot would want to do that?