Deletion discussion

I'm seeing a fair amount of inconsistency and disagreement on this page as to what mechanics are "passive". For example:

  • Jigglypuff being launched on shield break is not anything special other than a very high shield break leap attribute, so is it really passive?
  • Peach has to do an input to get her float, so how is that passive?
  • Olimar has to do a move to get his followers, so isn't that no longer passive compared to Popo or Rosalina?
  • Cloud's and Joker's meters are mostly passive but can also be actively charged, so should that count?
  • Ink comes from specific Inkling attacks, it boosts all sources of damage, and it goes away no matter what it lands on - so which part of it is passive to the Inkling?
  • Is K. Rool's belly armour really passive if it has to be specifically enabled during certain animations?

The list goes on. In short, I think it's too hard to establish the definition of a "passive ability" in a correct/useful way that the average player will understand, and this is why I suggest the page be deleted. Toomai Glittershine   The Cloronic 06:45, May 3, 2019 (EDT)

I feel like we shouldn't delete it just yet, however we instead try to define the word more clearly. If we hae a more clear definition then we will be able to deterimine the difference from a passive, and just something unique in a charecters moveset. Also i think joker and clouds are still passives in the sense that while you can effect the meter, you don't have to in order to use it. Xtra Talk Edits 07:22, May 3, 2019 (EDT)
Maybe it should be called Unique mechanic or Fighter ability and so on. Anyway, in my opinion what they have in common is that not general, not about passivity or not.--Capstalker (talk) 08:29, May 3, 2019 (EDT)
I wouldn’t split the page either, as then there would be disagreements on what fits in what category. I think a better proposition would be to rename this page to “special character mechanics”, as there are some mechanics that bear no resemblance to anything else another character has (such as Ryu and Ken’s inputs), but aren’t truly passive. Lou Cena (talk) 12:05, May 3, 2019 (EDT)

Should we count Dr. Mario’s stat modifiers as a fighter ability

After renaming this page, I think we can come to a pretty good conclusion on what qualifies on this list: something that would not really be able to be replicated on another character if you just changed some moves. These abilities have to be coded separately from the moves (such as type effectiveness, or tough guy) or are multiple non-special moves in place of a proper one. At this point, there seems to be only one that has been argued to not count: Dr. Mario’s stat modifiers. Do those count? They could technically be replicated on him without the external modifiers, but the fact that Doc has an extra thing coded on him makes me believe it should count. Lou Cena (talk) 20:29, May 30, 2019 (EDT)

  • As the user who made the original edit, no. It is very unusual that Dr Mario's stats are multiplied in real time (either directly or through hard-coded equipment) rather than being baked into his move data as with most other clones. However, unless this has a special effect on custom equipment or spirits, the fact that it could be replicated by just precalculating the numbers leads me to believe that it doesn't quite count. b2jammer (talk) 16:41, June 1, 2019 (EDT)