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—<a data-rte-meta="" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="text" href="//">Pokémon Wiki</a>, <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Pok%5Cu00e9mon%20The%20Series%20Episode%2026%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Pok%5Cu00e9mon%20The%20Series%20Episode%2026%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Atrue%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BPok%5Cu00e9mon%20The%20Series%20Episode%2026%5D%5D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_The_Series_Episode_26" title="Pokémon The Series Episode 26">Pokémon The Series Episode 26</a>

Lucario's info

This Fighting steel type fighter has a mega evolution like all power guys except Arceus. He is a Pokémon so that should give you an idea of his intellect already also in the infobox above it also has his IQ. His IQ is 372. He is much smarter than humans. Pokémon usually have over 260 and never below 100. 99% of the fully evolved Pokémon have IQ over 259. Lucario is part of the fully evolved part.

His attributes, relationships,behavior and more

Appearance and Biology

Lucario is a blue Pokémon and his pokédex color is blue. He has 2 long ears on his head and a black stripe across his eyes. He has a red eyes and yellow fur on his body. He has black palms and feet. And Has A spike on his chest. In the Pokédex his body style is 06, <img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3ABody06.png%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22Body06.png%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%22Body06%22%2C%22caption%22%3A%22%22%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" alt="" src="" width="32" height="32" class="image" data-image-name="Body06.png" data-image-key="Body06.png" type="image" />. He has a spike on the top oh his hands. He is a male and in his Genotype and DNA he also has XY like What male humans have. Like all Pokémon he has an advanced brain much better than humans. More powerful brain which works thousand times better. Pokémon brain's are heavier adding onto their mass. His Brain is 5 KG making his mass 38KG. His other mass is 33 KG but his brain is very heavy so it adds to 62KG. His Skeletal system is similar to humans. He has a cranium which is his skull. His structure of bones is similar to humans. You can see that he stands like a human. He does have additional parts and with a larger DNA. Like all power guys they have more DNA which codes for their power. But with Pokémon they have the largest DNA which codes for their Brain which is much more superior. To Pokémon He has normal intellect. But humans V Pokémon. You how we think dog intelligence is, That is what they think of us. Humans for Pokémon are like dogs and the dogs are even dumber so What would Pokémon think of them. Also like all power guys they have a mega evolution so if all of them have, it must be coded in their DNA. But when anyone mega evolves it does not change their Intellect. His height is 6 foot seven inch. So he is a very tall Pokémon. but lot of Pokémon are very tall but Lucario is very tall. He weighs 62KG. 5 of the kilograms came from his extraordinary brain.

Mega evolution. His DNA also contains codes for his mega evolution so when he mega evolves his phenotype changes. He is taller and heavier. But No Mega evolution changes their intellects except from some. Mega Lucario from 38KG get 24KG heavier. He gains a lot of weight. He get ridiculously tall too. He then becomes 7 foot tall. So His bones stretch according to His DNA which is a large amount of change in his height and weight. he also get his black things on the back longer. IT get longer and there is red parts at the end. His eye color stays the same but The black stripe across his eyes gets a bit larger. His tail also gets larger and becomes yellow. His paws and legs becomes red with 2 spikes and The black lining increases up to the red part.

Attributes,Personality and behavior


He Has good attributes. His attributes from games and real life (His anime and real life are the same) are different. Super Smash bros and Pokémon games are different. The nearest Game to his real attributes is Super Smash bros. Lucario is not a heavy fighter. But Lucario is very fast. In the anime he can jump very high like jumping down from houses and up to houses. Lucario is not heavy but strong. He is tremendously quick with excellent jumping ability. He has aura moves like Aura sphere. His move set from games and real life is different. Lucario is so fast that he can run fast as a car. He can run 5 miles per hour for hour or more. He has no problem running fast. He has a very high stamina. He does not get tiered easily, it is hard for him to get tiered. He is fast and run up to 5 hours per hour for hours. He has a very high jumping ability. He can run marathons for hours and jump for a long time. His speed is very good. His attacking speed is also good. His moving speed is fantastic and His jumping is fantastic. He can activate powerful moves very quickly. So his overall speed is excellent.

His defence and attack. His attack is good. He has a variety of moves and can do damage. He has medium defence, not bad not as that good. If you want to be specific, it is a little bit more on the good side. His attack is good and can knock opponent away. He can survive strong attacks. He has good HP. so which helps his survival. He has good special attack. If you compare his attack with his special attack, his special attack is better. With his special defence and his defence, they are the same.

Gen 7 and Past for real Stats VS Real Life

The contrast between the real Lucario stats and the past gamse stat is that the game stat makes his attack and special attack better than his speed when His speed is much higher. His special attack is higher than attack which is correct. The made his 2 defences the same which is correct. His HP is less than his defence which is wrong and His defence values are not as great as it should be. Like it should be few more values higher and that would be more accurate. The Pokémon games also made his attacking stat a bit too high and his speed is super high but it would be more accurate if it was higher than all of his stats.

His HP is good but in the paragraph above in the games it makes it okay but his lowest stat even though his HP is higher than his defences.

His Mega evolution. Obviously When you mega evolve your stats become higher. Again The game made his damaging stats higher than his speed when his speed should be the highest.

Present Game Stats VS Real Life

The Contrast Between Lucario's Real stat with the current Game's stats, Is not much. Both of them have a highest Total of his Speed. One big thing is his lowest stat even though his HP is higher than his defences.


Overall In Lucario's Real Stats, He is a speedy all rounder.

Personality and behavior

He is not that nice really. In the anime he has been shown as a villain. He is still on the Kyogre side but he is a villain. But now forget about the anime, he will be talked about in the anime soon, later on the page. He is not that nice. He does cause quite a lot of disruption in peace. He can cause a lot of problem, sometimes quite destructive. He is not kind. he is on the rude side. He is one of the rude guys. Lucario fights and does be rude. One guy he is very rude to is <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Greninja%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Greninja%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Atrue%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BGreninja%5D%5D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="new" title="Greninja (page does not exist)" rel="nofollow" data-uncrawlable-url="L3dpa2kvR3JlbmluamE/YWN0aW9uPWVkaXQmcmVkbGluaz0x">Greninja</a>. In the anime he was shown to be Greninja's arch enemy. He really wants to kill Greninja and the group. He is not a kind person. He is strong and rude. He is also extraordinary smart. The smartest human who ever lived is William james sidis and he has 250 IQ and Lucario has a 122 IQ more. And if your 120 IQ Einstein you cant compete with and that is 40 IQ more but we are talking about 37 IQ which is 122 IQ more than the smartest person who ever lived. This is making him a threat to Greninja but it the anime He was not much a threat, he was actually no threat to Greninja. HE was scared of Greninja.

He is a criminal in the anime. In episode 4 he caused so much destruction and killed over 50 people. When he mega evolves his behavior does not change.

His intelligence is super high. He has 372 IQ. But his arch-enemy has 690 IQ so it would be no match against Greninja is intellect and in the fight he gets banged in 1 punch. Outsmarting humans is an ability which all the Pokémon have so it is not that awesome. He is very smart and likes physics a lot. He finished his Pokémon university when he was 19. He got all A-stars. Pokémon goes to Pokémon university because they can finish normal university under 22. Lucario smashed a lot. Pokémon can take as many subject as they want and they also do other subjects at home. Physics in university and Biology at home. Lucario got 100% in physics. He mastered it.

Other stuff

First we will see how much relations he has.

List of Relation ships

Negative relationship

This section has the most relations because who ever he has a relation ship it ends up as bad. Even with his family. This will be a rank from worst to least worst.


This is the worst. In the anime it was shown that is main grudge was against Greninja in episode 4. Greninja always beat him so he did begin to fear Greninja and will attack at the night. But in soon, He attacked but Greninja realized and Lucario ran away. But He hates Greninja the most, then his group.

The others in the group

He absolutely hates the others especially Greninja. He had quite a few fights and lost all of them. The main in the group after Greninja is Incineroar.


He had some fights with this character. His first fight was in episode 2 where he made his debut. He did fight Incineroar but he got defeated. But soon in episode 3 Lucario got mad and tried to kill Incineroar but Incineroar mega evolved and finished him. But then in episode 4 it was shown that his main grudge is not Incineroar even though it seemed like it was. In episode 4 is was shown to be Greninja.


The polices did give up on him and fell for the lie but In episode 4 there was a huge amount of polices dying od Lucario.


his family was never shown in the anime but He was rude and killed them.

Normal positive

Obviously with his personality no one would like him.


If he can't get normal positive how will he get romantic. He is too rude. No female will love him.

Life before 30 years of age

Education when young

Lucario started school at 6 months of age. Pokémon start school at 6 months. Lucario went to nursery and after 6 months when he was 1 year old, Lucario started reception. He went to school a lot and had a attendance of 99% at reception. He studied 6 hours of school a day like everyone. He studied every day English and Maths. They started also started studying science at 3 months before the break up. he scored 100% in all of his exams but once he scored 93% in science. He went to year 1. He studies more in their. He done very good but All of them are Pokémon so He was a middle student. He went to the same class as Greninja but Greninja was able to skip to year 2 early because he knew everything that they taught in year 1. Lucario had a few fights in his break times. out of his 20 fights in the playground he won 14. He done PE and was almost always the top. When it came to running he was the best at it. And mocked Greninja because he was trash at PE. In his holidays after he finished year 1, He was studying hard to become the top of his class but In year 2 when he was 3 he was in the bottom half of his class even though he almost always got 99% or 100%. The other Pokémon were to good. In year 2 Lucario studied 7 hours in school and a revision club after everyday. Half way through the year, if they get over 90% in all of their exams they get to study in year 3. Lucario went up to year 3 with all of the other students. What they are learning at year 3. They started to learn more subjects. Lucario loved ICT and technology. Pokémon study 8 hours a day from year 3-12. He was always in the bottom half till year 6. He was 6 years old. He was with a different set of Pokémon because in year 6 he moved to an area with different Pokémon. Greninja and him lived in the same area but Lucario did not know that Greninja moved here at year 5. Greninja skipped quite a few years because he mastered everything till year 8 when he was 2. So he is in year 8 and 2 years old (This is where Lucario next encounters Greninja. Both of them are in year 8 but Greninja is 6 years younger and Lucario is 8). But Lucario is 6 years older but Greninja is 2 years old and in year 8 and Lucario is in year 8 but we will talk about this later. Pokémon usually go to University at the age 11-15 because 70% of them skip years because they already know what will be taught and they take exams in different types in all styles and get 99%-100% then they skip years. Lucario started university at 14 years of age when Greninja started University at 7 because he skipped year 9 because in year 8 he shown that he mastered everything till year 10. Lucario knew that and had some conflicts but that will be said in another paragraph which is not about earlier education. Lucario done very good but in the first exams he did not do as good as the other Pokémon in the whole school. He was the bottom in the school at most subjects at the start of year 8. He was in the same class as his nemesis but As Greninja Is 2 years old and he is in year 8, He was not a fully rude. Lucario did mock Greninja but Did not hit. Greninja was a 2 year old but had an intellect like a Pokémon who is 8 years old. Greninja was able to talk and get 100% in every single exam. Lucario was not the bottom in ICT, he was a middle student. In Biology chemistry and physics and all other subject he got between 95%-85%. He was with <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Lycanroc%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Lycanroc%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Atrue%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BLycanroc%5D%5D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="new" title="Lycanroc (page does not exist)" rel="nofollow" data-uncrawlable-url="L3dpa2kvTHljYW5yb2M/YWN0aW9uPWVkaXQmcmVkbGluaz0x">Lycanroc</a>[. But he done a bit worse. But as he got older and through the other exams he got better. He had a humungous end of year exam in Biology about discovering bacteria and labelling about how it is mutating and read everything in its DNA and able to translate it to the nearest words and understand a full code and Lucario Hated it and actually failed the exam. From then he hated Biology but in his future life he studied Biology a lot and liked it. Lucario was the worst in the entire school but it was not his fault really that he was an 8 year old doing a work of an expert in DNA. But he failed and had to do a lot of work in year 9. Luckily only that only 1 other student failed the year 8 which was Lycanroc. No other student failed even the 2 year old Greninja mastered it and skipped to year 10. You may be wondering that how he ended up with 372 IQ when he had this and if you check <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Lycanroc%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Lycanroc%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Atrue%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BLycanroc%5D%5D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="new" title="Lycanroc (page does not exist)" rel="nofollow" data-uncrawlable-url="L3dpa2kvTHljYW5yb2M/YWN0aW9uPWVkaXQmcmVkbGluaz0x">Lycanroc</a>, he has 213 IQ. After year 9 you will hear about Lucario studying so hard that he became in the top half. Lucario done excellent in the end of year 9 and done surprisingly good in Biology, 99% in Biology. Lucario liked Biology as he found out that he got 99% in Biology. In year 10 He took so much extra studying clubs that he could improve his intelligence amongst the Pokémon. When he came home he studied for an extra 4 hours. So in all his exams he got 98%-100%. Lucario got really happy seeing his results but when he saw a 4 year old Greninja who is in year 11 and he is 10 and in year 10. Lucario got very angry. But After Lucario finished his best year in his school life and he turned 11 and studied in year 11. Lucario also was wanting to find out what year a 5 year old Greninja is in. In the school Lucario is in, Greninja is the smartest. Lycanroc told Lucario that apparently Greninja has also was able to skip year 12. Lucario thought skipping year 12 was impossible because if year 8 is that hard so what would year 12 be. And Greninja was never been able to be caught under 99% in any year 12 thing ever. Lucario got into a fight with Greninja and this was his last school fight. You will see the next paragraph because this is going to be about his education till He Finishes university and you will see his behavior in this school and university in the next paragraph. He done great in his year 11. So when he got into year 12, He was relieved That he won't be needing to see Greninja so more because he went to university. Lucario done 100% in all of his exams up to the end in year 13. In year 13 he took a huge Chemistry exam and failed but That was a very hard one so it was expected that 50%-60% would almost fail or fail. He got to University when he was 14 like all of his other friends. he absolutely aced University. It was like he knew all the physics. He also mastered ICT. He left University at 19 because he mastered it and perfected it at 18 but stayed an extra year.

He was a sensible guy up to year 10. In year 10 he started to fight more. But in year 9 he had quite a lot of fights. But in university, That is when he started becoming rude. He was threatening people and also boasting his skill especially at Lycanroc as he did not do that great in the Pokémon university but After his University he became violent.

Life under 30 and out of school and university

His school life up to University was not much actually, it was mainly about studying. He was not much wanted for jobs because he was so violent in his ages 17-18. Yes he mastered Everything but He was robbing people and got away with it. He even once killed 3 people when he was 18. He killed his family when he was 18 and a police because he stole a car and crashed it some where. So he done some work but not much after his university but that will be talked about soon. He did not do much sports but liked to run. He fought Greninja 2 times when he was 19 years old and Greninja was 13 but Greninja won the 2. He mocked Greninja because Greninja cannot Even run 1 mile per hour, even today he can't run 1 mile per hour.


He was in 10 international Competions when he was 17-19 about marathons. He got 1st place in 9 of them and got 2nd place in 1. The reason he got second place because <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Gallade%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Gallade%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Atrue%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BGallade%5D%5D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="new" title="Gallade (page does not exist)" rel="nofollow" data-uncrawlable-url="L3dpa2kvR2FsbGFkZT9hY3Rpb249ZWRpdCZyZWRsaW5rPTE=">Gallade</a> Won the race, Gallade had similar speed as Lucario.

From 19-29

So after he graduated, after 2 months he committed another crime. He stole a microscope from a science lab of the gangsters (Which is lead by Mewtwo) and ran away. He was about to get arrested but they did not know where he stole it from but he committed a crime by killing 3 polices but Mewtwo chased him and almost Killed him, then he gave Lucario a chance to survive. It was hard for him to get a job even though he: is a Pokémon, has 372 IQ which is way more than 260 IQ, in his education he was one of the only one who went from not as great amongst Pokémon to normal and a but great which was a huge improvement thus making him better than 50% of the Pokémon, also a Pokémon know all the subject like an expert. yet he couldn't get a job because of he killed his family and done many crimes. He started going rude against Greninja when Greninja was 22 and Lucario was 28. He had quite a few conflicts with Greninja. But he got brutal when Greninja was 24 but that was shown in the anime. He did not get a job really but He is very rich. He got his money by working for people and done great but he forced them to allow him to work for them and he also earned by fighting. He has suffered no diseases. When he was 25 Years old, where he met Arceus for the first time, He was told that Greninja was never in his school, he is much younger, Greninja is 13 years younger than him. That was a ghost of Greninja of how he will perform and Lucario will hate him.


<font style="background:#​705848​; color:#FFFFFF"> He earned a lot of money by fighting but also lost some money by it. He is a good fighter who runs very fast and can jump high with defence so he does not get damaged much when he runs in addition he can hit opponents strongly. So he can run up very fast and beat opponents up with his strong attack power and quickly dealing damage by strong attack and doubling it because he can use it quickly of his great attack speed. He does very good but in the anime he has not won a fight which is quite appalling but he is still good.</font>

Other stuff about him

Before the anime He was on $10 million but in the anime he is less than that of his loss in money. He also does not suffer from diseases but He did get knocked out unconscious.


He is in quite a lot of games like Pokémon and more.

Super Smash Bros ultimate

<img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3ASSBU.jpeg%7C600px%7C%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22SSBU.jpeg%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%22SSBU%22%2C%22caption%22%3A%22%22%2C%22width%22%3A600%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" alt="" src="" width="450" height="679" class="image" data-image-name="SSBU.jpeg" data-image-key="SSBU.jpeg" type="image" /> <img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3ALucarioSSBU.png%7C650px%7C%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22LucarioSSBU.png%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%22LucarioSSBU%22%2C%22caption%22%3A%22%22%2C%22width%22%3A650%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" alt="" src="" width="650" height="650" class="image" data-image-name="LucarioSSBU.png" data-image-key="LucarioSSBU.png" type="image" />

<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Lucario%20is%20in%20Super%20smash%20bros%20ultimate.%20The%20smash%20game%20got%20his%20attributes%20more%20accurate%20than%20the%20pok%5Cu00e8mon%20games.%20In%20the%20ssbu%20they%20made%20him%20a%20light%20weight%20so%20he%20is%20a%20light%20weight%20fighter%20with%20a%20weight%20value%20under%2090.%20They%20made%20him%20very%20light.%20They%20also%20gave%20him%20an%20ability%20which%20no%20other%20fighter%20in%20super%20smash%20bros%20ultimate%20have%2C%20even%20no%20ultra%20beasts%20have%20and%20non%20of%20the%2011%20have%20it%20too.%20He%20is%20the%20only%20one.%20It%20is%20about%20his%20aura.%20So%20when%20he%20takes%20damage%2C%20the%20more%20damage%20he%20takes%20the%20stronger%20the%20aura%20of%20his%20is.%20That%20means%20his%20amount%20of%20damage%20done%20and%20launching%20ability%20increases%20when%20he%20takes%20more%20damage.%20So%20more%20damage%2C%20the%20stronger%20he%20gets.%20His%20weight%20effects%20him%20positively%20and%20negatively.%20The%20positive%20part%20is%20that%20he%20is%20less%20susceptible%20to%20combos%20and%20the%20negative%20part%20is%20that%20when%20an%20attack%20is%20based%20on%20weight%20then%20no%20matter%20how%20good%20his%20defence%20is%20or%20how%20much%20his%20resistance%20to%20being%20launched%20is%20even%20if%20it%20takes%201000%25%20to%20launch%2C%20that%20does%20not%20count%20for%20weight%20based%20attacks.%20A%20weight%20based%20attack%20will%20launch%20him%20pretty%20far%20so%20he%20needs%20to%20be%20careful%20when%20he%20is%20against%20opponents.%20If%20he%20get%20near%2C%20an%20opponent%20can%20just%20grab%20him%20and%20use%20a%20throw%20which%20his%20based%20on%20weight%2C%20some%20weight%20based%20throws%20are%20even%20more%20threatening.%20Blacephalon%27s%20up%20and%20back%20throw%20is%20weight%20based%20but%20the%20launch%20it%20does%20is%20its%20weight%20but%20does%201.1%5Cu00d7%20more%20than%20it%20should%20to%20according%20to%20the%20opponent%27s%20weight.%20His%20defence%20is%20normal.%20The%20value%20is%201%20so%20he%20will%20take%20the%20normal%20damage%20an%20attack%20should%20do.%20Like%20if%20something%20does%207%25%2C%20on%20him%20it%20will%20do%207%25.%20His%20resistance%20to%20launching%20defence%20is%20normal.%20So%20he%20will%20be%20launched%20a%20normal%20amount%2C%20not%20any%20more%20or%20not%20any%20less.%20It%20is%20just%20normal.%20His%20attacking%20for%20doing%20damage%20is%20pretty%20good%2C%20he%20can%20do%20damage%20so%20yeah%2C%20he%20is%20good.%20His%20launching%20ability%20is%20also%20pretty%20good%20so%20better%20damage%20combined%20with%20better%20launching%20so%20overall%20he%20has%20good%20attack%20and%20normal%20defence%20but%20his%20weight%20can%20effect%20some%20thing%20quite%20badly.%20His%20speed%20is%20very%20fast%2C%20he%20is%20a%20very%20fast%20character%20and%20that%20is%20very%20accurate%20of%20the%20smash%20game.%20He%20is%20fast%2C%20very%20fast%20running%2C%20fastwalking%2C%20fast%20airspeed%20and%20fast%20attacking%20speed%20so%20his%20overall%20speed%20is%20excellent.%20His%20jumping%20is%20excellent%20too%2C%20he%20can%20jump%20very%20high%20and%20fast.%20So%20overall%20he%20has%20no%20bads%20except%20his%20weight%20can%20effect%20but%20at%20least%20it%20makes%20him%20less%20susceptible%20to%20combos.%20He%20is%20very%20fast%20overall%2C%20good%20attack%20and%20normal%20defence.%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Lucario%20%28SSBU%29%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BLucario%20%28SSBU%29%7CLucario%20is%20in%20Super%20smash%20bros%20ultimate.%20The%20smash%20game%20got%20his%20attributes%20more%20accurate%20than%20the%20pok%5Cu00e8mon%20games.%20In%20the%20ssbu%20they%20made%20him%20a%20light%20weight%20so%20he%20is%20a%20light%20weight%20fighter%20with%20a%20weight%20value%20under%2090.%20They%20made%20him%20very%20light.%20They%20also%20gave%20him%20an%20ability%20which%20no%20other%20fighter%20in%20super%20smash%20bros%20ultimate%20have%2C%20even%20no%20ultra%20beasts%20have%20and%20non%20of%20the%2011%20have%20it%20too.%20He%20is%20the%20only%20one.%20It%20is%20about%20his%20aura.%20So%20when%20he%20takes%20damage%2C%20the%20more%20damage%20he%20takes%20the%20stronger%20the%20aura%20of%20his%20is.%20That%20means%20his%20amount%20of%20damage%20done%20and%20launching%20ability%20increases%20when%20he%20takes%20more%20damage.%20So%20more%20damage%2C%20the%20stronger%20he%20gets.%20His%20weight%20effects%20him%20positively%20and%20negatively.%20The%20positive%20part%20is%20that%20he%20is%20less%20susceptible%20to%20combos%20and%20the%20negative%20part%20is%20that%20when%20an%20attack%20is%20based%20on%20weight%20then%20no%20matter%20how%20good%20his%20defence%20is%20or%20how%20much%20his%20resistance%20to%20being%20launched%20is%20even%20if%20it%20takes%201000%25%20to%20launch%2C%20that%20does%20not%20count%20for%20weight%20based%20attacks.%20A%20weight%20based%20attack%20will%20launch%20him%20pretty%20far%20so%20he%20needs%20to%20be%20careful%20when%20he%20is%20against%20opponents.%20If%20he%20get%20near%2C%20an%20opponent%20can%20just%20grab%20him%20and%20use%20a%20throw%20which%20his%20based%20on%20weight%2C%20some%20weight%20based%20throws%20are%20even%20more%20threatening.%20Blacephalon%27s%20up%20and%20back%20throw%20is%20weight%20based%20but%20the%20launch%20it%20does%20is%20its%20weight%20but%20does%201.1%5Cu00d7%20more%20than%20it%20should%20to%20according%20to%20the%20opponent%27s%20weight.%20His%20defence%20is%20normal.%20The%20value%20is%201%20so%20he%20will%20take%20the%20normal%20damage%20an%20attack%20should%20do.%20Like%20if%20something%20does%207%25%2C%20on%20him%20it%20will%20do%207%25.%20His%20resistance%20to%20launching%20defence%20is%20normal.%20So%20he%20will%20be%20launched%20a%20normal%20amount%2C%20not%20any%20more%20or%20not%20any%20less.%20It%20is%20just%20normal.%20His%20attacking%20for%20doing%20damage%20is%20pretty%20good%2C%20he%20can%20do%20damage%20so%20yeah%2C%20he%20is%20good.%20His%20launching%20ability%20is%20also%20pretty%20good%20so%20better%20damage%20combined%20with%20better%20launching%20so%20overall%20he%20has%20good%20attack%20and%20normal%20defence%20but%20his%20weight%20can%20effect%20some%20thing%20quite%20badly.%20His%20speed%20is%20very%20fast%2C%20he%20is%20a%20very%20fast%20character%20and%20that%20is%20very%20accurate%20of%20the%20smash%20game.%20He%20is%20fast%2C%20very%20fast%20running%2C%20fastwalking%2C%20fast%20airspeed%20and%20fast%20attacking%20speed%20so%20his%20overall%20speed%20is%20excellent.%20His%20jumping%20is%20excellent%20too%2C%20he%20can%20jump%20very%20high%20and%20fast.%20So%20overall%20he%20has%20no%20bads%20except%20his%20weight%20can%20effect%20but%20at%20least%20it%20makes%20him%20less%20susceptible%20to%20combos.%20He%20is%20very%20fast%20overall%2C%20good%20attack%20and%20normal%20defence.%5D%5D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Lucario_(SSBU)" title="Lucario (SSBU)">Lucario is in Super smash bros ultimate. The smash game got his attributes more accurate than the pokèmon games. In the ssbu they made him a light weight so he is a light weight fighter with a weight value under 90. They made him very light. They also gave him an ability which no other fighter in super smash bros ultimate have, even no ultra beasts have and non of the 11 have it too. He is the only one. It is about his aura. So when he takes damage, the more damage he takes the stronger the aura of his is. That means his amount of damage done and launching ability increases when he takes more damage. So more damage, the stronger he gets. His weight effects him positively and negatively. The positive part is that he is less susceptible to combos and the negative part is that when an attack is based on weight then no matter how good his defence is or how much his resistance to being launched is even if it takes 1000% to launch, that does not count for weight based attacks. A weight based attack will launch him pretty far so he needs to be careful when he is against opponents. If he get near, an opponent can just grab him and use a throw which his based on weight, some weight based throws are even more threatening. Blacephalon's up and back throw is weight based but the launch it does is its weight but does 1.1× more than it should to according to the opponent's weight. His defence is normal. The value is 1 so he will take the normal damage an attack should do. Like if something does 7%, on him it will do 7%. His resistance to launching defence is normal. So he will be launched a normal amount, not any more or not any less. It is just normal. His attacking for doing damage is pretty good, he can do damage so yeah, he is good. His launching ability is also pretty good so better damage combined with better launching so overall he has good attack and normal defence but his weight can effect some thing quite badly. His speed is very fast, he is a very fast character and that is very accurate of the smash game. He is fast, very fast running, fastwalking, fast airspeed and fast attacking speed so his overall speed is excellent. His jumping is excellent too, he can jump very high and fast. So overall he has no bads except his weight can effect but at least it makes him less susceptible to combos. He is very fast overall, good attack and normal defence.</a>

Pokèmon games

He always had the ability Stead fast in Pokémon Games. He is also always a Steel/Fighting Type. They Made his Stats more accurate after the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield.


Generation 7 and past

Firstly in the Pokèmon games they gave him an ability called steadfast. That is when he flinches his speed stat will go higher. The stats gave him was not accurate at all and His mega evolution is also not accurate. He is still a fighting/steel type Pokémon.

Now here is his stats

<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EStat%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic" title="Statistic">Stat</a> Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EHP%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Hit%20Points%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Hit_Points" title="Statistic">HP</a>: 73
133 - 180 256 - 350
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EAttack%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Attack" title="Statistic">Attack</a>: 110
103 - 178 202 - 350
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EDefense%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Defense" title="Statistic">Defense</a>: 75
72 - 139 139 - 273
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Atk%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Attack" title="Statistic">Sp.Atk</a>: 115
108 - 183 211 - 361
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Def%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Defense" title="Statistic">Sp.Def</a>: 75
72 - 139 139 - 273
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESpeed%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Speed%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Speed" title="Statistic">Speed</a>: 102
96 - 169 188 - 333
Total: 550   <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EOthers%20with%20this%20total%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Category%3Awith%20a%20base%20stat%20total%20of%20550%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Afalse%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="new" title="Category:With a base stat total of 550 (page does not exist)" rel="nofollow" data-uncrawlable-url="L3dpa2kvQ2F0ZWdvcnk6V2l0aF9hX2Jhc2Vfc3RhdF90b3RhbF9vZl81NTA/YWN0aW9uPWVkaXQmcmVkbGluaz0x">Others with this total</a>  
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EEVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22effort%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Effort_values" title="Effort values">EVs</a>, <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EIVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22individual%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Individual_values" title="Individual values">IVs</a> of 0, and a hindering <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3Enature%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22nature%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Nature" title="Nature">nature</a>, if applicable.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature, if applicable.


<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EStat%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic" title="Statistic">Stat</a> Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EHP%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Hit%20Points%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Hit_Points" title="Statistic">HP</a>: 73
133 - 180 256 - 350
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EAttack%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Attack" title="Statistic">Attack</a>: 135
126 - 205 247 - 405
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EDefense%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Defense" title="Statistic">Defense</a>: 95
90 - 161 175 - 317
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Atk%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Attack" title="Statistic">Sp.Atk</a>: 145
135 - 216 265 - 427
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Def%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Defense" title="Statistic">Sp.Def</a>: 95
90 - 161 175 - 317
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESpeed%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Speed%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Speed" title="Statistic">Speed</a>: 122
114 - 191 224 - 377
Total: 665   <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EOthers%20with%20this%20total%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Category%3Awith%20a%20base%20stat%20total%20of%20665%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Afalse%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="new" title="Category:With a base stat total of 665 (page does not exist)" rel="nofollow" data-uncrawlable-url="L3dpa2kvQ2F0ZWdvcnk6V2l0aF9hX2Jhc2Vfc3RhdF90b3RhbF9vZl82NjU/YWN0aW9uPWVkaXQmcmVkbGluaz0x">Others with this total</a>  
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EEVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22effort%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Effort_values" title="Effort values">EVs</a>, <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EIVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22individual%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Individual_values" title="Individual values">IVs</a> of 0, and a hindering <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3Enature%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22nature%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Nature" title="Nature">nature</a>, if applicable.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature, if applicable.


Present Stats

Firstly in the Pokèmon games they gave him an ability called steadfast. That is when he flinches his speed stat will go higher. Now His Stats are much more accurate than Before, A highest Stat of Speed. He is still a fighting/steel type Pokémon.

<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EStat%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic" title="Statistic">Stat</a> Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EHP%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Hit%20Points%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Hit_Points" title="Statistic">HP</a>: 73
133 - 180 256 - 350
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EAttack%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Attack" title="Statistic">Attack</a>: 95
90 - 161 175 - 317
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EDefense%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Defense" title="Statistic">Defense</a>: 75
72 - 139 139 - 273
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Atk%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Attack" title="Statistic">Sp.Atk</a>: 100
94 - 167 184 - 328
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Def%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Defense" title="Statistic">Sp.Def</a>: 75
72 - 139 139 - 273
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESpeed%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Speed%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Speed" title="Statistic">Speed</a>: 137
127 - 207 251 - 410
Total: 555   <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EOthers%20with%20this%20total%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Category%3Awith%20a%20base%20stat%20total%20of%20555%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Afalse%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Category:With_a_base_stat_total_of_555" title="Category:With a base stat total of 555" class="newcategory">Others with this total</a>  
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EEVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22effort%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Effort_values" title="Effort values">EVs</a>, <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EIVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22individual%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Individual_values" title="Individual values">IVs</a> of 0, and a hindering <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3Enature%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22nature%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Nature" title="Nature">nature</a>, if applicable.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature, if applicable.
<img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22category%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22placeholder%22%3A1%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="placeholder placeholder-category" src="%3D%3D" type="category" /><img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22category%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22placeholder%22%3A1%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="placeholder placeholder-category" src="%3D%3D" type="category" />


<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EStat%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic" title="Statistic">Stat</a> Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EHP%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Hit%20Points%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Hit_Points" title="Statistic">HP</a>: 73
133 - 180 256 - 350
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EAttack%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Attack" title="Statistic">Attack</a>: 120
112 - 189 220 - 372
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EDefense%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Defense" title="Statistic">Defense</a>: 95
90 - 161 175 - 317
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Atk%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Attack%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Attack" title="Statistic">Sp.Atk</a>: 130
121 - 200 238 - 394
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESp.Def%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Special%20Defense%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Special_Defense" title="Statistic">Sp.Def</a>: 95
90 - 161 175 - 317
<a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3ESpeed%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Statistic%23Speed%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Statistic#Speed" title="Statistic">Speed</a>: 157
145 - 229 287 - 454
Total: 670   <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EOthers%20with%20this%20total%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Category%3Awith%20a%20base%20stat%20total%20of%20670%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Afalse%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" class="new" title="Category:With a base stat total of 670 (page does not exist)" rel="nofollow" data-uncrawlable-url="L3dpa2kvQ2F0ZWdvcnk6V2l0aF9hX2Jhc2Vfc3RhdF90b3RhbF9vZl82NzA/YWN0aW9uPWVkaXQmcmVkbGluaz0x">Others with this total</a>  
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EEVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22effort%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Effort_values" title="Effort values">EVs</a>, <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3EIVs%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22individual%20values%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Individual_values" title="Individual values">IVs</a> of 0, and a hindering <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22wikitextIdx%22%3Anull%2C%22text%22%3A%22%3Cspan%20data-rte-washtml%3D%5C%221%5C%22%20data-rte-style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22color%3A%23000%3B%5C%22%20data-rte-attribs%3D%5C%22%20style%3D%7Fcolor%3A%23000%3B%7F%5C%22%3Enature%3C%5C%2Fspan%3E%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22nature%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Nature" title="Nature">nature</a>, if applicable.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature, if applicable.


His Moveset.

<font style="background:#​A8B820​; color:#FFFFFF"> Bug moves</font>=

0 Bug moves

<font style="background:#​C03028​; color:#FFFFFF"> Fighting Moves</font>=
  • Aura Sphere | Power 80 | Accuracy - | Special
  • Brick Break | Power 75 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Close Combat | Power 120 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Brick Break | Power 75 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Detect | Power - | Accuracy - | Status
  • Double kick | Power 30 (1 hit but in total it is 2 so 60) | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Brick Break | Power 75 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Force Palm | Power 60 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Focus Blast | Power 120 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Focus punch | Power 150 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Karate chop | Power 50 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Low kick | Power (Based on weight of opponent) | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Low sweep | Power 65 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Rock Smash | Power 40 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Vital Throw | Power 70 | Accuracy - | Physical

15 Fighting moves

<font style="background:#​EE99AC​; color:#FFFFFF"> Fairy moves</font>=

0 Fairy moves

<font style="background:#​F8D030​; color:#FFFFFF"> Electric moves</font>=
  • Hidden power electric | Power 60 | Accuracy 100 | Special

1 Electric moves

<font style="background:#​7038F8​; color:#FFFFFF"> Dragon moves</font>=
  • Dragon Pulse | Power 85 | Accuracy 100 | Special

1 Dragon moves

<font style="background:#​705848​; color:#FFFFFF"> Dark moves</font>=
  • Beast up | Power - (All members attack) | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Dark Pulse | Power 80 | Accuracy 100 | Special
  • Dark Pulse | Power 80 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Feint attack | Power 60 | Accuracy - | Physical
  • Knock off | Power 65 (1.5× power if opponent has item) | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Nasty plot | Power - | Accuracy 100 | Status
  • Payback | Power 50 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Taunt | Power - | Accuracy 100 | Status

8 Dark moves

<font style="background:#​F08030​; color:#FFFFFF"> Fire moves</font>=

0 Fire moves

<font style="background:#​A890F0​; color:#FFFFFF"> Flying moves</font>=
  • Aerial Ace | Power 60 | Accuracy - | Physical

1 Flying moves

<font style="background:#​705898​; color:#FFFFFF"> Ghost moves</font>=

0 Ghost moves

<font style="background:#​78C850​; color:#FFFFFF"> Grass moves</font>=

0 Grass moves

<font style="background:#​E0C068​; color:#FFFFFF"> Ground moves</font>=
  • Bulldoze | Power 60 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Mud Slap | Power 20 | Accuracy 100 | Special
  • Sand Attack | Power - | Accuracy 100 | Status

3 Ground moves

<font style="background:#​98D8D8​; color:#FFFFFF"> Ice moves</font>=

0 Ice moves

<font style="background:#​A8A878​; color:#FFFFFF"> normal moves</font>=
  • Attract | Power - | Accuracy 100 | Status
  • Confide | Power - | Accuracy - | Status
  • Cut | Power 55 | Accuracy 95 | Physical
  • Double slap | Power 35 (That is 1 hit but this is 2 so 70 in total) | Accuracy 90 | Physical
  • Double team | Power - | Accuracy - | Status
  • Endeavour | Power Lowers foes hp to users hp. | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Extreme speed | Power 80 | Accuracy 10 | Physical
  • Facade | Power 70 (Doubles if has burned paralyzed or poisoned) | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • False swipe | Power 40 (But if about to KO foe, it does not. Leaves it on 1 hp) | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Focus energy | Power - | Accuracy - | Status
  • Giga Impact | Power 150 | Accuracy 90 | Physical
  • Hyper Beam | Power 150 | Accuracy 90 | Special
  • Mega Kick | Power 120 | Accuracy 75 | Physical
  • Mega Punch | Power 80 | Accuracy 85 | Physical
  • Quick attack | Power 40 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Protect | Power - | Accuracy - | Status
  • Return | Power - (MAX is 102) | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Retaliate | Power 70 | Accuracy 100 | Physical
  • Strength | Power 80 | Accuracy 100 | Physical

19 Normal moves

<font style="background:#​A040A0​; color:#FFFFFF"> Poison moves</font>=
  • Toxic | Power - | Accuracy 90 | Status

1 Poison moves

<font style="background:#​F85888​; color:#FFFFFF"> Psychic moves</font>=
  • Agility | Power - | Accuracy - | Status
  • Zen headbutt | Power 80 | Accuracy 90 | Physical
  • Meditate | Power - | Accuracy - | Status
  • Rest | Power - | Accuracy - | Status

4 Psychic moves

<font style="background:#​B8A038​; color:#FFFFFF"> moves</font>=
  • Smack Down | Power 50 | Accuracy 100 | Physical

1 Rock moves

<font style="background:#​6890F0​; color:#FFFFFF"> moves</font>=

0 Water moves

<font style="background:#​B8B8D0​; color:#FFFFFF"> moves</font>=
  • Flash Cannon | Power 80 | Accuracy 100 | Special
  • Iron Head | Power 80 | Accuracy 100 | Physical

2 Steel moves



Additional Moves when Mega evolved


Other things in Pokémon games

Pokémon ultra sun and moon

Lucario is a good character and fast. He is in the poni island in the games.

Pokémon shuffle

His power is 65.

Pokémon Yveltal's destruction

this is a game which 2 modes. A pokémon game mode like ultra sun moon and a Super smash game mode. Too play him in VS mode you have to unlock him and able to play as him in story mode. It may take a long time to get him but the story mode is so long but Lucario is unlocked at the middle. You will fight him multiple times but then you will unlock him.

Game data Review

Lucario's moveset is pretty much accurate to his Real life. His Game Stats is also pretty accurate but missed the HP part.

This Will give a review On Lucario's game data on Attributes for Pokémon Games only for Pokémon Sword and Shield and onwards. His other Game Data Review will be somewhere else or on Other <a data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22internal%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Pages%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22Lucario%20%28SSBU%29%23Summary%22%2C%22wasblank%22%3Afalse%2C%22noforce%22%3Atrue%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BLucario%20%28SSBU%29%23Summary%7CPages%5D%5D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" href="/wiki/Lucario_(SSBU)#Summary" title="Lucario (SSBU)">Pages</a>.

Firstly Lucario has a super high speed stat which is 137 and his max speed stat is 410. That will out speed most of the Characters. Lucario's base speed is so high that you cannot ever get his speed stat under the stat 200 or even 250, His lowest Speed is 251. So Lucario is so speedy so he will never be a slow character and Most Characters usually contain a Speed stat under 100 so his Lowest Speed stat Which is 251 will out speed lot of Characters majority of the time unless they max their Speed stat. But if Lucario maxes his Speed stat like 252 EVs Speed, 31 IVs Speed, and has a +Speed nature (Such as Hasty (+Spe -Def), Timid (+Spe, -Atk), Naïve (+Spe, -Sp Def) and Jolly (+Spe, - SpAtk)). Then Lucario will max his speed stat and have a 410 and will out speed most Characters and Can Even Out speed other Speedy Characters such as Palkia (Game Max Speed of 331) or Rayquaza. Or Even More. His Base Speed is amongst the highest out of many Fighters. Lucario's speed without it trained (0 EV) Speed is 310 which is Faster than Many Max Speed stats, Any one who has 91 Speed stat or under (Most Fighters in the Universe in The Poké Games have 91 or under) and if The Even Max Their Speed stat and Lucario has his speed when not trained then he will Out speed them. Lucario has a magnificent speed stat so He will out speed so many fighers and attack first giving him an extra Chance to win.

Lucario also has a good Game Attack stat. He has a base of 95 which is good. This is also very high compared to most fighters in the game. He can reach a maximum Attack of 95 which is excellent. Lucario has a high potential of KOing with Physical Moves. Lucario hasa great Moveset with a huge amount of Moves, He is also able moves such as Close Combat which is Physical. Close Combat will have a STAB boost of It being a fighting type And Lucario is a fighting type so if he reaches an Attack stat which is high such as 260 then He will be able to 3HKO or 2HKO Opponents. But with his max 317 He will be more likely to do a 2HKO or even with low defence such as 150, an OHKO. Lucario's speed and his great attack helps his offensive play allot. His offense is great. HE even has more moves such as Iron head which has a very High Potential to KO. So with Lucario's speed and his power, He will do a great play in offense.

Lucario has an even better Special Attack stat. Instead of 95, He has 100. He has 100 Base Special Attack.

Other games

No other games but Pokémon and smash.

Anime and movie


He made his debut in episode 2. He appeared When Greninja sat on a random bike. It did not belong to Lucario but Lucario got angry and wanted to fight but he fought Incineroar and bot banged. He made quite a few appearances and got knocked unconscious by Greninja. In episode 4 he killed a lot of people but got absolutely beaten up by Greninja. After a few episodes he made another appearance and done nothing but run away. He appeared in episode 14 and tried to Kill Greninja by using a sword and stab him and he thought He did not get tricked by Greninja when Greninja tricked him and Greninja knocked him out but soon he jumped away. And in episode 22 he appeared again. This time he was with Gallade and he even raced Gallade, He was shown to be able to run over 1 Kilometre under one minute so that shows his super speed. He also fought Gallade and Gallade was doing better than him but they stopped of Kiawe saying about to watch a fight of Incineroar. Lucario also Killed a police and nearly Killed Kiawe but Gallade Saved Kiawe. Greninja put him on the floor before he could blind Greninja and then the group started to Mock Lucario and went away. Lucario also appeared in Episode 25 and he was really violent and sometimes was trash talking against Greninja. Greninja fought him and Lucario was super fast doing so much shots and using aura sphere a lot. Lucario did get so loud and tortured by Greninja of DNA stuff and soon Greninja let him go and Lucario threatened Greninja and went away.


Did not come out yet.


He is a rude guy, he is speedy and has no bad sides on stat and hates Greninja. A huge massive move set. He is speedy in all Things. Anime, Pokégames, Smash. Not a single thing where he is slow. Greninja is shown to be better than this guy.


<img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3ALucarioSSBU.png%7C300px%7C%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22LucarioSSBU.png%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%22LucarioSSBU%22%2C%22caption%22%3A%22%22%2C%22width%22%3A300%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" alt="" src="" width="300" height="300" class="image" data-image-name="LucarioSSBU.png" data-image-key="LucarioSSBU.png" type="image" /> <img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3A000Lucario.png%7C300px%7C%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22000Lucario.png%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%22000Lucario%22%2C%22caption%22%3A%22%22%2C%22width%22%3A300%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" alt="" src="" width="300" height="300" class="image" data-image-name="000Lucario.png" data-image-key="000Lucario.png" type="image" /> <img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3A000Mega%20Lucario.png%7C300px%7C%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22000Mega_Lucario.png%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%22000Mega%20Lucario%22%2C%22caption%22%3A%22%22%2C%22width%22%3A300%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" alt="" src="" width="300" height="300" class="image" data-image-name="000Mega Lucario.png" data-image-key="000Mega_Lucario.png" type="image" /> <img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3ALucariossbu2.png%7C300px%7C%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22Lucariossbu2.png%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%22Lucariossbu2%22%2C%22caption%22%3A%22%22%2C%22width%22%3A300%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1885186-10581813475c7e70db7cc1e" alt="" src="" width="300" height="169" class="image" data-image-name="Lucariossbu2.png" data-image-key="Lucariossbu2.png" type="image" /> <img 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